Hello, my name is Sandra
It seems I live inside my computer, I even have to employ the use of a timer to make me come out of the fog.
speaking of Fog, . A garbage truck in fog? I walked in fog and ended up with 35 photos of FOG on my cell phone. Will all those photos show up here?
what is wrong with me?
A leaf and a fern?
Is this addiction?
Do I need to find a Snapper Support Group?
Techie Tell All Anonymous?
Do I need to read and obey this sign?
😹 we love your garbage truck in fog pic. More fog photos please. F says fog is a great weather event - unless she is at sea in which case fog is her least favorite weather. Contrary isn't she?
Anyway at least you are going for walks.....
Oh my gosh, if this is what you see and create inside your computer, I never want you to come out! The trash truck...leave it to you to even make garbage beautiful. The combination of the fog, the shock of the intense blue trash cans, and the lights of the truck all combine to make gorgeousness!!! Trash art of the higest form! And also, though there is fog, the images are somehow so SHARP!! I am in love with it. One of the best photos EVER!! I love the other two pictures as well, but the trash truck one is in a class by itself.
i love to take fog photos... well let's say all my fotos look foggy somehow LOL
I like your foggy photos. Wouldn’t mind seeing more of them at all. I am thinking of setting the timer too 😊
Your garbage truck in fog photo is unforgettable, not to ignore! LOL
There is always something very mysterious about the fog!
Hugs! Great photos, Sandra!
I love the foggy images and the fern! It is a good idea to have an alarm on the computer reminds you to take a break. Take care, enjoy your day!
The only support group you need are the friends who will encourage you to keep on snapping. It makes you happy so there's no need to slow down. Have fun and enjoy
Hari OM
... I second all comments above!!! YAM xx
I like the idea of a timer, i could do with one of those, I spend far too much time on my pc.
I really like fog and the opportunities if offers for madsnapper!!
Hugs Cecilia
We always love your photos! I like fog shots too. Snap away Sandra :)
Fog makes anything beautiful...no, you dont need a support group...what you do keeps your mind going. It would be better to teach a How to Become a Mad Snapper course
As long as I don't have to drive in it ... I LOVE fog. It's like being in a dream, only awake. Know what I mean?
Methinks, if yours is an addiction to snapping? 'Hope you never recover. 😍
Hurray for your pictures. Keep snapping and sharing! 👍
I am very happy for your Snapper addiction!!
HaHa, Ginny made me laugh...Trash Art of the highest form..
I love photos of fog. It makes everything mysterious..even garbage...
Keep walking and Snapping...you are the Master at it!!
No Support Group needed except Us..
I love anything foggy! Great photos & fun post.
Those foggy scenes are lovely.
James is into garbage trucks. He actually watches video of garbage trucks going by and picking up track.
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