Thursday, August 12, 2021

Hubby Update

 Appointment Wed for post op tests at hospital was LONG. 
 11:20 AM to 2:50PM  LONG! 
We eat at noon sharp and were told we would eat lunch during class.
Covid Variant Happened
Can you say starving? 
The nurses all looked like bottom right.
I went in the door like a cowboy, NOPE! said the little old volunteer lady, you MUST Wear This!
Hospital is shut down, No Visitors Allowed but Caregivers were allowed in the class because of NEED to Know
When Kelly said wait here and asked Bob to come with her, I said if you don't let me go, he can't answer your questions.
You know history of surgeies and doctors names and drugs, etc
She sighed and said I am no supossed to, but five minutes in she said I am glad you came and you are so organized. I had it all written down because I can't remember it either.
During EKG, X-ray, Blood drawn, our fantastic nurse, by name of Kelly said Bob's Pulse Rate was 38, She checked it 3 times in an hour, did another EKG which averaged 60 but kept hopping from 38 to 60 up and down

to 60 up and down
The nurse said check it a few times tomorrow and if it stays low, call the cardiologist, it was 34 and 39, called and spoke to front desk, she wrote down all details and said she would give it to the doctor.
Five minutes later he called, and said cut his BP meds in half, that should fix it. 
Bob had a hissy fit but will say only that.
He is afraid and so am I that 3 weeks of tests will all be a moot point if Fred the Hurricane comes our way, his Pulse is to low and dreaded Variant is HERE.
Nurse said they are the only hospital that is still open to non emergency surgery, the other 3 are closed down.
She said all ER in our county and our 3 sister counties, which is TampaBay area are full and spilling into the hallways.
I got very little sleep last night. Bob slept all night.
I catastrophized myself into a headache.
the three already mentioned started me spinning 
and here we are
Small suit case, find and sanitize
Sanitize house on Sunday, per instructions
Wash clothes and sheets on Sunday per navigator guy.
That Welcome Aboard up top is a booklet with 25 pages of
Rules We Must Follow to keep away infection and how to not do stupid stuff causing the thing to pop out of whatever.
he did the scared straight thing and everyone in the room was terrified except of course Bob because he only heard a tiny bit of what was said. Thus
Thus the reason they allowed me the caregiver in the hospital
I touched on every rule and how to make him follow it
and the started to fret over the last thing he told us.

When we go in for surgery, I will be allowed to go with him to pre operative room while they get him set up.
I must leave and never return until I get a text telling me to be at the top of the Ramp at the Front Lobby, NOT the one we went in, and the group of nurses and therapist will bring him to the car and teach him how to get in and out and explain to me the caregiver how to give care! He said twice IF THE TEXT says 11 it means 11.

I added that to the list of frets. Like how about if the train catches me, What if I can find the ramp, if I go to early where will I wait until the CORRECT TIME! If I am late, will they keep him?

 Because of the low pulse, I did the stroke, brain dead, no oxygen because it is no pumping hard enough, there is more....
I have been awake since 1 AM


Mevely317 said...

Oh, dear lady, now I'm fretting on your behalf. So glad the doctor called you right back with a plausible solution (v. having you take him to ER).

I'm curious what santize the suitcase and the house means, exactly? Your pictures always look sparkly clean, so how much more do they expect?

PS - When I absolutely positively have to be somewhere at a certain time, yes. I go early and cool my heels in the parking lot.

Tigger's Mum said...

You look like something out of Arabian Nights in that bandana. As for the fretting and cat-astrophizing - all clear and understood. It's a knee. My Mum had one done and loved the result. Just keep telling yourself it is not open-heart surgery. All fingers and toes are crossed for good stuff to happen and the hospital to keep doing it's thing at least until after Bob's knew has been rebuilt.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...what Tigger's F said... and remember to breathe... YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

Oh goodness. I would be a mess to say the least...and probably be on a gurney right now!!

Just in case you are not at his side when hearing is needed, are the hospital surgeons & nurses informed that he is hard of hearing? Can Bob read lips? This is all too much. I hope soon, it will all be behind you both...what's his heart rate now?!?!!

photowannabe said...

Oh Sandra this is like something out of a horror
I'm praying for a Peace that passes all understanding for you and Sleep.
It's hard I really do know.... from Dave's fractured leg and my not being with him through out the entire ordeal and Care Facility.
It seems you have the best doctors and kind nurses involved and thank goodness that one hospital is still open.

My Mind's Eye said...

Bless your heart Sandra so much to keep up with.
No wonder you have a headache!! That is a lot of responsibility.
I will hope and pray Fred falls apart. I wonder how long the tests he had will be good for if there is a delay?
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

Blood pressure meds will really lower your pulse, so I am glad this turned out to be a simple answer. Hospitals do not kick post operative patients out, so if you are late it should be alright. How long will he stay? Most people here stay at least three days. Now that you mention your mask, I have heard a whole lot from doctors about different kinds of masks. The bandana kind are not very effective, because germs can get around them. They are barely better than nothing. They won't let people in some places if they are wearing them. I hate to tell you this, but I want you as safe as you can be now.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sandra,
I know it is hard to calm down, relax, not to worry so much. The doctors and hospital staff are good at their jobs, like fixing Bob's medicine and take care of his knee. I hope the storm falls apart too. Take care, you need to be healthy too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

His pulse is so low. Do you regularly check blood pressure at home? I'm praying all goes well and they don't cancel!! Does he have a special wash to use in the shower or just the wash clothes. He is so lucky to have you. I didn't even hear about Fred the Hurricane.

Chatty Crone said...

What a big ordeal - he is blessed with you. And we have to pray you both through this.

Ann Thompson said...

When I had to go to the hospital for x-rays I had a cloth mask and they told me they did not allow them. I had to wear one that they provided.
I'm sorry that you have so many things to worry about. I'm sure it's very stressful for you

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can understand you worry, but you really need to also take care of yourself so you are able to take care of Bob.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

These "rules" do not seem to be for the benefit of the patient or anyone who cares for him. I am sorry but sometimes all these precautions are just too mind boggling to comprehend. Hope all goes well for Bob -- and you too, Sandra.

Inger said...

At first I just hoped he could get in before the hospital shut down due to covid, now you have Fred to deal with as well. No wonder you are fretting.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Breathe, girl, just breathe!!! You are so well prepared and it sounds like the medical facility has things well-organized. You can't control Fred, so just relax and we will cross our paws and let Mom say her prayers for it all to be just fine.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Linda said...

Sandra, you are as prepared as you can be and have done everything you possibly can. God has got this! He has Bob under his wing and you, too! We are praying for you both and that God will give you peace in your heart!
Both of my knee surgeries went just fine. I had to stay in the hospital a day or two....
I'm so grateful that your hospital is open and you are allowed to be with him until surgery time. My last knee replacement was in January pf 2020 and I praise God that was before Covid hit. I got it all done and PT came here and all was well. It does take a year to fully recover and get your strength back but he is going to be so happy with his new knee. I am assuming it is one knee. My brother had both of his done at the same time. We love you guys! It is going to be okay......and it will be a done deal very soon!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry you have to go through this. That's a lot of responsibility even without the threat of Covid and Fred. Please take care of yourself. ❤️

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Well I'm going to jump here and say - ALL WILL WELL - you will ACE whatever is needed - and keep your SOUL intact... by all means follow the booklet but then remember EVERYONE else is doing it too...high fives to you from me...

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, what an incredibly stress time you are going through, stressful in normal times but this to deal with. So sorry hon, sending all the positive vibes I can your way. This too will pass but good gravy, I feel for you.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

All those worries feel so familiar as I have a hubby who faints and yet BP is perfect. And he is allowed to drive but I worry.
How did retirement years become so full of new worries? I guess our age and the changing climate and pandemic all came too fast. I totally feel overwhelmed and thank goodness for Buddy because I must think of his happiness and just push through though I find myself getting lazier.