Friday, August 27, 2021

Mama's Today

Mama doesn't take my photo any more and what a relief, she even turns her phone off and leaves it on the kitchen counter. I get lots of love and kisses instead. She asked me to tell you about one day in her life and this is just today with many others like these. 

Stress and the  Chaos in Mama's Mind

 Mama' s today started at 3:30 am, that is ok, she falls into bed at 7;30 and for the past 3 nights slept 8 hours with one potty break.

today was typical.
3:30 take thyroid pill, wait 30 minutes for coffee
remind daddy to take his pills when he gets his coffee, he makes his cup, she carries it to bed because she doesn't want to clean up the slop over.
takes Me out side
Feeds me dry food
takes her coffee to bed, drinks while bickering with daddy
out of bed at 4:30 checks emails for bills
makes list of to do for today only
makes my egg, daddy's breakfast and hers at 5:30 (this is therapy day)
does dishes and takes me out again
tells Daddy time for Tylenol 
at 6 tells daddy time for Tylenol
sits in rocker making irritated sounds with another cup of coffee even though it means she will need a potty at the therapy place.
at 6:59 leaves me home alone
Drive to therapy, with daddy telling her how to turn the steering wheel, pull in the space, back out of the space.
7 am enters building goes to desk to straighten out why she got a bill for 185 from them.
turns out the girl made a mistake it is only 40
7:15 stands and watches daddy exercise because he can't hear them talk to him, he can hear her
and at 8 walks slowing with daddy on cane,
drives past Walmart in RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC because she had just yesterday realized she had not looked at the gas tank in weeks.
Trying to teach daddy how to use the new way on the gas pump, goes to fast and card declined, HBO words and one more try and pumps 47 dollars of gas.
Home and I am jumping around like a young puppy, woooo wooooing loudly that no one has give me my walk and it is now 8:30 and my allotted time has always been 6:30.
She runs to potty, hooks up the harness, walks in 1000 degree heat in sun frying us like and egg, humidity is 96 degrees, we can't breathe, she forgot to bring my water
Home she staggers in the door jerks my harness, gives my my popsicle,
and having noticed the moss rose were looking like they had no water for a few days because they did not, goes out side taking peanuts for the squirrel, the watering jug is empty, HBO again and fills jug.
Instead of going through the house to the back yard to fall into the pool to wash off the sweat, goes through gate, she picks up new bottle of chemicals, it is new and she can't get the white lid thingy loose, goes to door into kitchen for a knife , it is locked, Daddy can't hear her knocking and even if he did she could walk around the side door faster that he could get up and open the door.
Goes back in yard, FORGETS to get in the pool until AFTER she has dumped the liquid into the pool, which means she can't get in it for HOURS.
Storms through house and stand in shower under cold water.
Comes to computer and all this by 9 am.
She wants to type this before she forgets because this is a prime example of 

LIFE (or the lack thereof) AFTER DADDY GETS A NEW KNEE.

now she is deciding what to buy tomorrow for food for a week and what to have today before she buys food,  and when is the next time she gets meds, when is the next time He gets meds

Guess what? she lost 4 more pounds and is now at her goal weight if she were still going to
TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) and would be a KOPS keep off pounds sensibly if she were still going to TOPS
This is why she has not been blogging. She will now go collapse on the bed and read and doze to get up strength to get the laundry from washer to dryer 
tomorrow and tomorrow it starts all over, but with different things
Mama told me she blogs for fun and to fill her leisure time?
WHAT IS LEISURE TIME I SAY and she says the same.
She even posted this on my blog and not hers, she is really forgetful these days and I hope she doesn't forget me.


Mevely317 said...

Good grief ... I was getting stressed out just reading your accounting, and it's not even Noon! I'm right there with you on the HBO words. It's going on 10 and Tom is still asleep. I'm begging him to call the doctor so he might sleep at NIGHT, but no.

Congratulations, both on your weight loss and Bob's 120!!!

Tigger's Mum said...

🙀😱 don't know about those emojis - they were as close as we could get to Edvard Munch's 'SCREAM'. Dang those are early starts.

Rose said...

Maybe when the therapy ends, things can be a tiny bit less stressful!

Hootin Anni said...

You are strong willed!! I admire your stamina.

Chatty Crone said...

You can do it, but I am glad I am not doing it.
Isn't it funny - they can't do anything for themselves - but they never forget how to boss yah!

photowannabe said...

Whew !!!!
I am exhausted just reading this.
3:30AM rise and shine.. that's 12:30 AM our time... I was just crawling into bed.
I sure hope that when there is no more therapy things will calm down for you and your mind will be at ease.
Beau seems to be taking things pretty well and I hope Bob will get hearing aids soon..That will definitely help your stress leval.
You are strong and WILL get through this ...Congrats on the weight loss. Wish I was will happen here though it takes me forever.
Hang in there...(((hugs)))

Forsythia said...

..."telling her how to turn the steering wheel"....oh, I LOVED that. I can see it's been a hard day for you, so I will cut this short. Things will get better. They have to.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Thank Dog you are there to work the blog for your VERY busy mama, Beau boy!!! It sure is tiring work she has onboard just now and your telling of it conveys that pawfeckly!!! You make sure she gets a sit down in-between times, now won't you? If you can. She may be like that bunny with the batteries and won't stop till the battery does. The replacement of human batteries is not something to be added to the list of things to do...!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

I hope your Mama can slow down some and relax. Congrats to your Daddy on his knee, he is doing great with the exercises and therapy. Your Mama has done great losing weight too. I just hope she is remembering to eat. It seems like there is a list of things to do all the time, knocking off the more important things on the list comes first. HUGS, wishing you all a happy day.

CheerfulMonk said...

Love, hugs, and best wishes. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Beau to these updates on Sandra & Bob and you sure are one smart dog to capture everything that's been happening. My goodness it has been a LOT. Glad that Papa's knee is doing so well and sure Mama is able to get some R&R soon cause she really needs it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Even though you have no time for this, I think it is good for you to release stress like this; doing something you love. Plus you get OUR love and support! I would be in the hospital after just two hours of your morning, you are strong! I am so glad you have been getting better sleep, and I both loved and hated reading about your day!

easyweimaraner said...

hugs to your mama... we hope she can manage all things and has always also enough time for herself...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sending tons and tons of hugs!!!

Ann said...

That all sounds totally exhausting. No wonder you are stressed.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Just hugs

Linda said...

I am in awe of what all you do so early in the morning! How often I think of you when I get up in the night and realize you are getting up to start your day!! Our internal clocks are sure set differently! Congratulations for your weight goals!!
This trying time won't last too much longer. Bob is doing amazingly well.....and so are YOU! You are both still alive and still together! Win! WIN!!

diane b said...

Thanks Beau for the update. Your poor Mamma is having a rough time. Lick her and love her and keep her calm. Tell her to hang in there and hopefully there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon.

Olde Dame Holly said...

WOW! That's a lot of stress and work. And the humidity and heat aren't helping! Hoping it gets smoother and smoother for you.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!!! What a day! You must be exhausted. Impressive how you can do all this. Hope the days will soon be calmer.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm exhausted just reading this! Sounds very hectic.
I can tell you that I wasn't on my phone much over the weekend and it felt really good. Take care. ((Hugs))