Thursday, September 2, 2021

How the stress began 1


All photos taken day after surgery while i waited to pick him up next day. I took about 40 photos while waiting 15 minutes, I am always early.
My shutdown of blogging had a reason.

Stress began with  3 months of Bob completely out of commission and me the ONLY man  Able Person in the house.
3 months AGTER he turned down a knew knee, he chose to get one
We had 3 weeks to fit in finding a Cardiologist of which he has never had one, and all the other doctors and tests completed.

7 appointments in 3 weeks
OV VEY stress
The last test was Pre-register and Final Test 3 days before surgery.
RN set him up on a monitor and his BP was Fine, his Pulse was 32, it has been 57 to 60 for 37 years. NEVER down or up. 
Another Monitor showed 32 pulse. She did an EKG even though he had one 3 days before.
EKG bounced 32 to 60 - 32 to 60
RN said if he gets up with it low tomorrow, call your Cardiologist.
He woke up to 43, I called, Dr. he said cut BP pill in half, that should take care of it.
Stressed ME not him.
I am FINE! oy vey!

The day of surgery came.

Covid-19 has all of our hospitals closed except for patients.
I was allowed to go with him to preop set up only.
After that I must leave the hospital and not come back until they called me
 to pick him up at the front door.

Date of surgery, Aug 16, we arrived at 9:45,
We walked in to preop, he laid down, I sat
and the RN asked questions that we had answered 10 times before, hung IV, and Doc came in at 10 initialed the knee so he did not do the wrong one
As, the surgeon left the TINY room, he Said
"It will not be long, I have to do a Quick Hip replacement and you will be next."

 I said to RN when is he scheduled, how long does a hip take?

She said Bob is at 11:15. Another 90 minute to wait. stress!!!

RN says we will get his port set up now. in now and she looks out the door at a young NURSE TO be and says, you want to try this one? The girl looked terrified.

 she swabs his arm, and starts to thump, and thump and thump. She can't find the vein. 
I am watching with heart in my throat. The nurse tells her something and she continues to press on bobs arm, a good 5 hours minutes, and I can tell she is nervous.
RN leaves Room, I follow and say
 I am concerned and do not want her to put that port in!
RN comes back in the room, the girl has backed off,
she over heard what I said.

I say to the girl and RN, I am sorry but my friends best friend came here and the port was put in the artery not the vein and they did not know it, and shot the meds in and she had a massive stroke 2 years ago and has never been the same, she was in a nursing home for a year after the nursing home found it in the wrong place. Her husband died while she was in the home.
All because the port was in the artery, not the vein.

RN says lets look at the other arm, she goes to the other side and thumps and said to the girl, see this one? She nods, and I said I don't want her doing it,
RN said I am right here, I will make sure it is right.
Girl pokes him and  the port is in the nurse says to me, It's IN and not in the artery.

We wait and at 11 am they roll him out and I go home 
and Wait for call. 1 pm, Surgeon calls says he is in recovery for about 2 hours, with a new knee.
When he is in his room THEY will Call you.

the hospital is much to large to get a photo of the entire building, this is just two sections of it

To This Day I never got a call.
3:30 hospital calls but it is them wanting to set up therapy, which we had done as out patient. they could remember to call to get more money, but not if he is in room. 

I tell her this and she transfers me to his room with out telling me which one.
9 rings and he groggily answers and I say are you in the room?
He says I am FINE, oy vey 
and I said have you been up? no they haven't done that yet.
I wait thinking that is when they will call.

5:30 pm no call has arrived, I call and have a go round with operator.
get room number and Bob answers.

I say did they get you up yet? He said they could not, my leg is still numb. He had a spinal and a leg numbing instead of anesthetic due to be 85 years old.
He assure me he is good and the next morning, next morning I call him and he says
I am FINE, no they did not get me up, but I got up twice during the night and used the walker to go to the bathroom.
 I call the nurses station and tell her all of this. She said the nurses are giving out meds, this was at 7:30 am, and I will give them the message when they are done.
I say, 
THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE I want to talk to someone NOW to make sure they know he will get up and walk out, he has done it before.

She came back after 6 hours hold time, and said he is in therapy now, I am transferring you to his therapist that is working with him. She is waiting for the call.
I told the therapist the tale, she said I am so sorry we did not call. blah blah blah
She said I am sorry blah blah blah and I can have him at the front door at 10:30 for pickup. 
He is determined to go home and I think he will do better at home.

I killed 15 minutes taking photos, drove under the pickup shelter and
I waited and waited for 10 minutes to pass as I sat in my car.

19 hours after surgery the therapist pushed him out in a wheel chair, He stood up while she screamed Wait. Slow Down, Easy.
 I got out and opened the back of the SUV and she literally  threw 3 bags and a folder in the basket back there and said to me with wild eyes
You need to get him to slow down, he is doing to much..
She did not even give me the promised caregiving list, just said it's in the folder and raced back in the building... leaving me to drive home in all the traffic. The hospital is on the river front, prime property and in the busiest intersection in the county.
to be continued

Don't panic, I tooke these going INTO the hospital while sitting through the light.
This is really long, but I want this so I can remember this tale


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is like reading a suspense novel. I think some of the problems there were because they are slammed and short staffed because they are overwhelmed with Covid patients. The port in the artery story is so frightening!! I am very glad that you spoke up the times you did!! Waiting to read the next chapter...

easyweimaraner said...

that was such a horrorfor you... we sadly can not stop the mind movie in our head and it never takes a commercial break, so we are like glued to the things what happen while we wait.....

Ann said...

Wow, what an ordeal you had. No wonder you were stressed. That sitting around waiting for a call is always the worst. It can make an hour feel like a day.

Hootin Anni said...

What an ordeal this was.

eileeninmd said...


I agree with Ginny above, they are probably very busy and short of staff. The story about the port in the artery is scary. Bob is very determined patient, I am glad all worked out well in the end. I hope you are feeling much better. Take care, enjoy your day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Oy Vey is right, Sandra, you were stressed to the max and nit even the one having surgery. Hope things are getting better.

My Mind's Eye said...

Reading it may me stressed I cannot imagine living it
Hugs and purrs you are way up at the top of the recovery hill

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Good for you taking the time to record this now, Sandra - it is actually important and also part of the DEstressing to let it out. Gosh, though, that situation with artery v. vein is worrying - but despite all this, the outcome, it seems, has landed on the positive side. I am inclined to agree that C19 did indeed contribute to some less than professional attention, but still... YAM xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a terrible ordeal and one that put so much stress on both of you. I hope and pray you'll feel better soon. Take care my friend. I'm praying for you both!

Mevely317 said...

Oh VEY is right!!! My own blood pressure began to skyrocket about the time you had to answer the same questions you'd answered 100 times before. OK, you said '10' - but doesn't it feel like 100? (Yep, been there.) Do these people not TALK to each other or read what's been entered? If it weren't such a serious situation, it's crossed my mind to give different answers, to see if anyone's really paying attention.

The port install ...OMG! Excuse me, but whatever happened to Patient's Rights? I'd have been furious. Oh Vey.

So glad Bob's good and you documented every single bit of this. (Did you ever get that survey?)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Bob is one determined man and it sounds like a new knee will not slow him down.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

When my Dad had his hip replaced 2 years ago(at 83) they had an alarm on his bed. When he tried to get up it rang at the nurse's station and boy did he get a talking to! I wish they would have done that for Bob....Sheesh, Men!

Hope your stress has eased a bit...HUGS!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) That is way too much to go through. I would have gone crazy. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. Hospitals are full of stress. It is never fun to be there. I pray you are able to be stress free soon. This is too much for you!! You need to take care of yourself now.

crafty cat corner said...

Tom has been in Hospital so many times over the 60 years we have been together that I forget just how many. It's always the one left behind that suffers more no matter what. They just lay and accept it all but we are running around like headless chickens and worrying because we are not there.
I hope Bob makes a full recovery for your sake Sandra. lol

Chatty Crone said...

I am terribly nervous for you! (And Bob) But it does get better.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, what a dreadful time you've had. The port in the artery story scared me too. The RN should have listened to you. I know training is important but still. Sure hope things start calming down for you now.

My Tata's Cottage said...

That was very unprofessional how you were treated. But this is the medical care we are in for. All the good doctors and nurses are fleeing , at least here in Colorado. My SIL had the virus and three hospital turned her down to go home and try to get well. She has a lot of medical issues and most of them from that drunk driver who hit and nearly killed her in 2018. Hospitals don't want to deal with Medicare patients and my doctor says if you do not continue the have primary coverage, which avery has thorugh his work, they can not see us. So much for the Hippocrtic Oath. Toss that in the trash. My oldest brother is 81. He had a full knee replacement several years ago. He and his wife look like youngsters. She cracks a mean whip on my brother bu he is at fit as a fiddle. I am angry over the health care system. They are so brainwashed for one thing they don't care about caring for patients. Everyone who had a knee replacement has had good results with PT. I think so many people want to get out of hospitals and go home in peace and quiet. I think we all know our own strengths or weaknesses. I pray you can keep Bob settled now that he is home. I pray you can get some peace and quiet too. Your photos are wonderful.

Bonnie Schulte said...

Oh dear God, I would have been sitting in a corner going insane. You poor woman..I sometimes think (know) our stress, going through something like you did, is worse than the person going through the surgery. My husband was in the hospital over the weekend, millions of tests (well quite a few) dozens and dozens of questions, asked over and over, by different personal.Home now, and doing fine. I am so thankful for you and Bob, too, at home at last. Hang in there, as I was told, this too shall pass. Oh Vey!
Hugs from Wisconsin

CheerfulMonk said...

:😟 What a mess. I’m so sorry.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

late to the post, belated gentle hugs...