Thursday, September 9, 2021

Observations from the Lobby


POST created on Aug 9th, this one is OLD news found in drafts this is PRE- knee surgery

Part 2 of entertaining myself while waiting on My Man to get his stress test.
I decided to put cell on selfie and see what I saw, first it was these lights and then I peered over to see what was behind me.
After taking all these photos, I stood up to pace and sitting on the front desk was a big sign.

No Videos or Recordings Allowed
OOPS! then  I thought, I did not do video or recording, only photos which were not mentioned.

I watched and of course listened to all who chose to visit their doctor while I was suffering in the hard chairs.
A lady OLDER than ME, went to the desk and said, I want to pick up my letter that says I am allowed to go back to work!
What? she looks to old to be working. Of course they did not have it, and she said, so and so said she would leave it and the desk person who was about as friendly as a rattler, said it is not here. I sat and thought wow that is SHOCKING, no letter to be found.
She had to sit and Wait which gave me a few more minutes of entertainment.
She left and two women came from the back rooms. 
One was every day of 90 or more years and was just adorable.
She had on black flowered leggins, dressy sandals and a Black Lace Top!
If you follow me, you know I have wondered if I am to old to wear leggins.
She answered my ponderings. No I am not. She was precious! 
And comfy

Fascinating Sunny Glass Tiles. the colors are from plants and flowers outside.
I am easily entertained. I planned where I could put a glass wall in my living room.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this block glass, and have posted it also. It does well with different edits too. Such interesting things going on in the waiting room; who would have thought? I'm glad you have good hearing.

easyweimaraner said...

we are never too old for leggings... as long as we can jump in the tight thingies without help and as long we need no scissors to take them off they are fine...

Tigger's Mum said...

That glass wall image is fabulous. One is never too old to be comfortable in ones own clothes. In fact the older you are the more right you have to favour comfort over fashion or style. How's the dizzies today?
Tigger is very comfortable in his fur overalls - fat bits and all.

diane b said...

I'm amazed how you can make a post about anything fun and interesting. Hope things are improving.

Ann said...

You did good at entertaining yourself while you waited. I wonder why no video or recording. Do they have top secret classified information there? Maybe the doctor is a spy?

eileeninmd said...


I think everyone should dress as they like, especially to be comfortable.
You look cute in your mask. I would think there are no video or recordings allowed so patient can have their privacy. Have a great day!

Hootin Anni said...

Leggings are ageless. In my opinion. Now, granted, some shouldn't wear them in public. Both my adult kids say I'm too old for them...but, y'know what? I don't care WHAT they think.

Love these photos & commentary

Rose said...

You are easily entertained, and you entertain us!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
It is in observing the ordinary every day that makes the tapestry of life - or perhaps, in light of the first image, I ought to say mosaic of life!!! YAM xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I think we're old enough to wear whatever we want don't you? heehee! Hugs!

Mevely317 said...

Everytime I see one of these posts I swear I'm going to start being more observant and think 'outside the box.' Most of the time I fail, but it's still fun.

What's with the attitude of front-desk people these days? Grrrr.

My Mind's Eye said...

Observations from the lobby would make a good book title.
You are a very good observer
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

Love your lobby adventures. With your imagination, you will never be bored. If no old ladies show up, there are plants reflected in glass to entertain you and us. Please remember that you are a genius at this. You have a gift that few people have.

DeniseinVA said...

That sounded very entertaining considering where you were. I'm glad you took the photos and talked about what you saw and heard. I agree with Inger, you have a gift.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I have to admit I am hooked on leggings!

photowannabe said...

haven't ever worn leggings. I would look like a sausage poured into them...not a pretty sight for sure.
I love how you passed the time while waiting for Bob.
Glass blocks make great abstract pictures.
Well done on the post today.

Linda said...

I'm glad to hear about the 90 year old lady in leggings!! I am wearing them a lot now! Thanks to you. Always with a long top to cover my backside. SO comfy!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The glass tiles make some fascinating patterns.