Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Say yes to Tea


Thank you to all of you who suggested Teas to sooth my stomach. I started with Peppermint since it was the only one Walmart had on their shelves that matched your suggestions.
I wish I could say I LOVE it! I don't. But I will drink it. I used Stevia Brown Sugar in it.
It tased pretty good with Stevia Flavored Drops Vanilla, Mama order it in CHOCOLATE!

I said yes to Tea Time and as you can see it was worth the drinking for the additional playtime in PicMonkey

You will all, always be My Best-Tea!
You are all beau-tea-ful to me!


Linda said...

I had no idea you didn't drink tea! Ice Tea? I drink a whole pitcher every single day! Hot tea at times but not as regular as ice tea. I always wonder - what do people drink if they don;t drink tea? Like - water? Cold drinks?
I do hope this helps settle your stomach. I like a good glass of Alka Seltzer sometimes!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You made tea drinking beautiful! We have a favorite tea we have bene drinking for years, it is tummy tea and is a mixture of peppermint and spearmint. It tastes a lot better than the peppermint. Let me know if you want the brand and name.

easyweimaraner said...

since our meeting with jean&bill from catnada I'm a ittle teapot too ... but I can not stand peppermint tea, so I go with herbal teas... there are some what are really tasty ... surprisingly the cheapest one is the best, wel call it railway embankment mix LOL

Hootin Anni said...

Mint tea (Walmart has it here)...celestial seasonings) green &black box I believe

Ann said...

I used to only drink tea and then out of the blue I became addicted to coffee. I do still drink it occasionally though and I love iced tea

eileeninmd said...


I drink the peppermint tea and the green tea with mint sometimes, the ginger tea helps too. I will always prefer the coffee.
Have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I rarely drink peppermint - it can be quite harsh on the gut too. If it is mixed with other things it is tolerable. I enjoy one which is pep, fennel and nettle. The latter two ingredients are anti-inflammatory. Peppermint is actually a stimulant and is best drunk before eating as it can bring on pangs. Lemon Ginger is a good mix for digestion also. YAM xx

Rose said...

I have never tried different teas...when my stomach used to get that kind ofvuneasu, queasy feeling, if I ate a few dried cheerios that gave me relief.

Mevely317 said...

I enjoy peppermint candies and ice cream ... but not sure I'd enjoy it in tea. We does what we has to do, right?!

That cheerful brown sugar(?) container with the red lid is so cute. Are the cutting board and glass jar/holder yours, or a figment of PicMonkey? LOVE that farmhouse 'look.'

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know they had those flavors of stevia! Interesting.

My Mind's Eye said...

Tea looks especially inviting in the glass cup.
Yup we like what we like and when we are as old as dirt it is hard to change. Well done on your effort
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

I do like a cup of hot tea now and then...especially when I don't feel too well.herbal and lemon are good for me. so-so on the peppermint. I know ginger is good for the gut but I really don't care for it. Ice tea is a go to for me. Don't drink soda.
Coffee for breakfast and perhaps a flavored coffee for later in the day.
I sure hope the tea will do the trick for you.
Speaking of coffee...I am meeting a friend for "coffee" in a short while. We haven't been face to face for way over a year. I'm really looking forward to just gabbing and catching up on life.
Take care

Olde Dame Holly said...

I like Jasmine tea. Available online and if you have an Asian grocery. It is really good tasting and always helped me. Love the PicMonkey playing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Tea is supposed to be good for us, but I have to remind myself to drink it. I will when I'm with a friend whoo loves it.

CheerfulMonk said...

I don’t drink tea, but I love this post. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love tea, peach tea is my favorite iced version(I think you can find that in an herbal version)...but mostly I LOVE chai tea, which unfortunately has caffeine.

Such a beautiful pic-monkyed tea!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tea? That's Mom's favorite. She really loves a good HOT cup of tea with a spoonful of sugar and a tiny bit of milk along with something sweet like a chocolate chip cookie or a pumpkin muffing:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Tigger's Mum said...

We've just had the disappearing comment effect! YAM-aunty mentioned lemon & ginger. Anni mentioned celestial seasonings. Celestial do a great lemon & ginger (other flavours too). Tea is the national drink in NZ and England - you can't get residency permit in either until you can demonstrate adequate tea-making skills ðŸĪŠðŸ™€ðŸ˜„

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra,:=) I know I'm late commenting but have hardly done any blogging this week, due to doctor's appointments and scans tests etc. and just plain tiredness. as for as your tummy troubles, I don't really know what you are suffering with. I had a bout of acid reflux some time ago, and couldn't drink any lemon teas or even the berry teas which I love, but ginger, and also Rooibos tea helped. Ginger also helps with indigestion. I hope you feel better soon.:=)

DeniseinVA said...

Grated ginger is good for upset tummies too. Hope yours is feeling better by now :)

Betty Manousos said...

although i'm addicted to coffee i drink three cups of green tea with a bit of milk almost every day.
cute sugar container!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I hope it is helping you. I'm not much of a tea drinker. Actually never drank much coffee or tea until just a few years ago.