Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Alert! for you

CreativeSnapper Photo

Our new chairs have metal arms, they will put a brand on your arm if touched at certain times of the day.
 I used an old pool noodle and cut it to pieces to slip on and become arm rests...   

Now About The ALERT! 

I receive alerts about spam, scam and and all the way's people can steal our money or identities. 
This one came from the FBI and is about Cyber Crime and has a lot you need to know about how to protect yourself.  If the link will not work, google FBI cyber crime. Not sure if it will allow use of the link.
Short list of scary stuff.

Cyber Attacks are NOT just business and banks but all private citizens. 
It pertains to all of us.

Social Media of any kind puts a target on us.
Russia has a bot farm, with AI (artificial intelligence) bombarding USA with 
email, text and all Social Media.

The first thing to be aware of is DO NOT click on a link, in email or text.

If you get an email or text that has a threat attached, or causes you to be frightened, it is a scam of some kind.
If you click a link in a text they can clone to your SIM card and steal info meant to do you harm.
I want to share the scary part for me.
 they can hack us and use our email to steal identity or our money and have access to all our accounts.

this is how they do it.

We get emails from our bank, and  from all of our accounts.

they can read the emails

they can click on the link and go to our account

since they are IN our email, they can pretend to be us, say I forgot my password and when the link is sent, they simply click on that link and create a new password and they are IN, and we are locked out.

Two ways to fight this 

1. use a 2-factor log in
2. Lock your phone, tablet, all devices with a password.

Do not leave home with your computer logged in. A thief can simply walk off with your device and go home and ruin your life. Think of all the info that comes in your email.
Do not save hundreds of emails. Read and put the info somewhere else , delete it and delete from trash.

  Sign up for alerts on new scams by going to
Read or listen to the news shows, be aware.. this is a good one to read here about the fakes on social media. Don't get Bit

Cyber Crime is Rampant! 


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is all scary! You are a genius for the way you fixed the chair arms!!

DeniseinVA said...

Very important information Sandra, thank you! Great idea for the noodle.

Hootin Anni said...

Or...do like me. Avoid emails completely. Stay off the grid.

Ann said...

Smart fix on those chairs. Those pool noodles are handy for way more than the pool.
It's scary about the scammers. It also infuriates me that people make a living off of scamming people.

eileeninmd said...

Great idea for the arms on the chairs, that metal can get very hot.
Thanks for sharing the Scams and Frauds link. I believe Russia and China can easily hack us, always good to stay alert and be careful.

Have a great day!

Rose said...

This is all scary...

Mevely317 said...

Seriously scary! Yes, the link worked just fine -- I'm printing it out to stick under Tom's nose. The double-authentications (from g-mail, Verizon and Blogger) are an annoyance -- but a small price to pay to protect ourselves. Because Tom either forgets or doesn't care about logging out, I've taken care of checking our bank accounts every morning. That's what they're counting on -- someone being complacent.

PS - Great idea about the pool noodles!

My Mind's Eye said...

Amazing how many uses for the noodles. When my mom was in assisted living she kept banging her legs on the frame of her bed. I bought noodles to cover the frame.

Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you so much - I will pass this on!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What great info S!! Hubby does IT Security and seconds ALL that you mention!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

We have to have our eyes wide open to all these scams.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I really hate the scams that are going around. They certainly give me anxiety. We have to be so careful.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you!