Monday, March 28, 2022

Blame It On The Weather and Yam

Above is screen shot of My Radar App. Red dot is ME. 

A few posts ago, Yamini showed us how to video the laptop screen and she made a Video of  
herself cooking.
She also made a video of her mouse moving around on her screen.

Below is a video of the radar showing Lightning Strikes,

I use My Radar app to find a clear spot to walk the dog. 
I check for drizzle, which is ok to walk, but even one lightning strike means NO Walk
Yes, he did get two walks.

Below is my copycat video of Me cooking, actually a video of me fake cooking

I spent hours doing all this because once I had 3 tests I had to figure out where they disappeared to in the Chromebook and once found, I had to figure out how to get them to Google Photos and into Blogger, which involved saving them to my desktop computer.

Test 1 above and Coming soon Video Test 2 and 3.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You look and talk so GOOD!!! You have such a beautiful voice. And I love your dress. You would make such a good anchor woman or weather woman on the news! You would put everyone at ease.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, :=( The video didn't work for me!!

Hootin Anni said...

Your stamina to get some material for vlogging blows me away!! You go girl!

Hootin Anni said...


eileeninmd said...

You are learning all the neat tricks, I enjoyed your video. It is nice to hear your voice, well done. Take care, have a happy new week!

Rose said...

You done good! You will be a YouTube star!

Ann said...

Oh I loved the video. It was like you were sitting right here in front of me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for Chromebook play!!! YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

MS you crack me up!! I love your house dress too
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Squealing .... hiiiii, girlfriend! This is so fun; the next best thing to being there! I can't wait for your sequels.
Are Bob and Beau in hiding?

Chatty Crone said...

You sure do have lots of lightning going on - I hate that.
Love your video - where are Bob and Beau?
Stay dry.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You would be a great Video Blogger, S!!

Be careful of that lightning!

Inger said...

I just love seeing you and hearing you talk in your soft and lovely voice. And I do so admire you and Yamini for your talents, your excitement for learning new things, and so much more. You will stay young forever, my friend. And I will begin to follow Yamini now.

Linda P said...

I love your video clip and the change when you move your chair into the light, your lovely soft voice, your accent and smile.

photowannabe said...

You have such amazing patience and technical skills.
I JUST can't seem to get into that and want someone else's brain to do all the work.
I sure wouldn't want to be in the lightening zone. Happy Beau got in 2 walks.
We actually got a spritz of rain over night. The lawn looks happy this morning. Not enough though. Glad Dave got the lawn cut Saturday and I got a ton of weeds pulled. Not finished but a good start. With the ground damp maybe I'll get to the other batch in the next few days. Achy hands and backside from all the pulling, so today is a catch up on life day.

DawnTreader said...

For some reason the video won't play on my laptop, but it did on my tablet. Nice to hear your voice! - and to me, also a little bit confusing, because you sound so much like a Swedish friend of mine, who has worked with Americans for many years, so has picked up an American accent. She does video-talks on FB in English sometimes and then she uses the same tone of voice as you did here... Had I only heard the soundtrack and not seen who was talking, I would have thought it was her!

Tigger's Mum said...

Aaahhh so you have a sound! Do you get surprised when you see the face of someone you only know as a voice (say a client you have spoken to many time by phone)? We are not sure what we thought you might sound like, but it surprised us so we guess it wasn't that. We should have done some research on accents in the places you were born/went to school. You are brave doing voice video. F won't do it. I struggle to get her in a photo! Xxx Mr T

CheerfulMonk said...


DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful to see you. You are a natural at this :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No shocker!! Fun watching you on video.