Did MadSnapper go to the link you saw yesterday????
I did go 2 the link that I posted yesterday, and I did find that if I tap windows key plus and H, I can talk 2 my PC and it will type what I say. It is dictation and I am dictating this as we learn what I learned! I can tell you that talking to type on your PC makes me talk slow and funny, but it does work as you can see.
(Note that it did type the number 2 instead of the word TO above, but it did type it and it's easy to correct! but Each time I say! it types one and not the word exclamation point and to do that I had to stop talking and type it which was easy to do..
Then I tapped Windows + H and started talking in Blogger and it is typing this into my post as I speak. I AM TALKING TYPING IN BLOGGERS CREATE POST
Windows + I opens the System, but it beats me why I stands for systems, and then I tapped Windows/Shift + S and it printed this screen for you so you know what system LOOKS like
since some of you may be wondering what Windows I tap, this is the windows key to tap for short cuts.
then I accidentally tapped windows and some letter and it logged me out and I had to log back in so I stopped because I'm having to write down what letters to hit and it's making me crazy but I do love all this and I will be playing with it.
Most of all I love the talk to type in my PC function.
And then I found that if I said Next Line
Congratulations! I love that you are doing this. ❤️
You are a tech head. It sounds fun but i use an apple laptop. I think it can do that too but just haven't investigated it. I spent quite sometime trying to get my iphone to connect with bluetooth to my laptop as the connection failed today. When all else fails turn everything off and let them have some R&R then turn them back on and, "Voila!" It all worked again. I like it because it automatically loads up my photos from the phone to photos on my laptop. I wonder how the voice thingy works out different accents?
That sounds like a vast improvement on a speech go text computer I had years ago. It also did handwriting to text (one of the first ever touch screens) and you could train it to read your handwriting. F
Hi Sandra! :=) Sorry for the delay in visiting. I've been sick, and you are the first person I am visiting in two weeks. Talking to type is all new to me, but it seems like a lot of fun. Good job on working out how to do this. Play on Sandra, your technical knowledge is growing as you play, and I can sense your great enjoyment in passing on what you have learnt. I admire that you just bite the bullet, and go for it! Soon we will be adding Scholarly Sandra to your name.:=)
I love the idea of the line break command!
It is amazing at all the things you can do with your computer. It is good for the brain to learn all these new things and remember what each function is for each key. Take care, enjoy your day!
I'll have to check out the link. My problem is that I learn these shortcuts and then forget them. I think I'm going to have to write them down and if I use them enough I'll remember them.
OK so I decided to try the talking one. This is me speaking my comment. Pretty cool
You have so much fun with this....as much fun as I have with sewing.
That's so cool! Wouldn't this have been a gem when you were experiencing that awful shoulder pain?
I'm grinning, wondering what the Windows brain thinks of your Southern accent? Ever wonder how it/they differentiate between say, someone in Liverpool v. Toyko? I love Artifical Intelligence!
Talk typing, did you have to 'train' it to understand your voice. We have voice command in our Highlander. I tried to train it but it kept telling me to repeat. BOL MOL
Hugs Cecilia
PS thank you for you comment about my header....
Hari OM
I too can dictate on the Chromebook. will have to learn commands for punctuation though! YAM xx
It is on Windows 11?
Wow!! You missed your calling, you should have been a teacher! No, make that a professor. No, make that a dean! This is totally cool! I also love your little avatars!
Amazing...I don't have windows but I also don't seem to have the patience for that nor the time at this moment.
I will fill you in on an email later today after my"projects" are done.
I am one pooped puppy today!!
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