Monday, March 14, 2022

Home is where you plant it Part 3


Continued from Part 2 prior post. 

I left you in part 2, with the words Bob can't hear the Bams and Booms, so no Big Deal for him, except it will when they sell the home and who knows whom will move in. 

the good news is the noise stopped after day 3, it has now been 15 days and even though they have not missed a single day, 3 men working 8 to 5, it has been gloriously quiet.

The outside is complete, and we like the light gray with glossy white trim but could live without the orange door.

History of our 33 years next to this house in as few words as I can. this history is why we planted the wall of privacy.
1 year after we moved here the man next door died. we did not even know he was there
A Man and late teens son moved in. quiet but bob and the man had WORDS, so it was really quiet.
 The next day we started planting anything we could, and bob built a privacy fence 
we lived 12 years with two men glaring at each other.
2012 the man married, moved out of town.
He owed more than he could sell the house for and turned it into a rental.
The year of Covid, our Govt saw fit to tell people they did not have to pay rent, so even the ones who had the money just stopped and spent it on other things. 
 the renters stopped paying the rent
The house was foreclosed on
The new owner bought it on the courthouse steps 130,000
Let the fun begin. 
the house the owner lived in was ready to flip and flip it did, but he could not move out because of nowhere to go, he rents the house back from the new owners 
and it takes
One year to evict the no paying squatters and we think he lost so much money waiting that he decided to simply put

“Lipstick on a pig” 
and dump it..

Painted inside and out and new appliances and call it done. At risk of being arrested, early Saturday am, I went to the back of the house and PEERED through windows and OH MY.
Its all dressed up and lets see if there is anywhere for it to go.
the roof is 19 years old 
Not Good...  we shall see what we shall see. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

You should have taken pictures through the windows!! I do not like the orange door either. Orange is not a door color. But it matches those big orange flowers. What are they?

Linda said...

Goodness! That house has history! Not good though. We have had some of those in our neighborhood. I've live in the same house since 1967 and the neighborhood has changed several times. Once there were three house vacant and occupied by squatters and drug people. I'm glad those days are over and it is a nice respectable neighborhood again! Perhaps you will soon have really good neighbors!

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope the new neighbors turn out to be all right. I'm glad the noise hasn't been a problem. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

wow that is interesting... and what we saw during all da years... seems that could make a good book..

Hootin Anni said...

We have something identical across the street. For years it has been a dumpster

eileeninmd said...

The house has a lot of potential, I do not care for the orange door.
I do like the gray and white trim on the outside. You could go inside if they had an open house. Have a great day!

Ann said...

It's not a bad looking house except for that door. I don't like the orange color. Would love to see what it looks like on the inside.
I hope whoever moves in is a good neighbor.

Rose said...

I would love to see inside! I love the color orange but NOT for that door. It could make me hat the color if I had to look at it too much.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I have no objection to orange (it's my fave colour)... but the shade is a tad offensive to the eye! It needed something else popping with it to balance it. But forget the aesthetics, what a saga!!! I do hope you get good neighbours out of this. YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

Christchurch New Zealand has houses so of that style that it could have been transplanted. We hope you get some nice neighbours. xxx MrT

Tigger's Mum said...

PS we like the orange door - but it doesn't go well with the blue bins.

My Mind's Eye said...

100% agree you never know what is lurking behind the walls, under floor (plumbing) and OH no a 19 y.o roof in Florida with all the sun and wind. That should have been #1 on the list. Hopefully whomever buys it will have it inspected before the sign the deal
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I love everything about that house EXCEPT for that tangerine door. What on earth? Do you know how it's being marketed? I mean, are there pictures posted online?
Crossing my fingers you'll finally get some nice neighbors!

Chatty Crone said...

Good luck to getting good neighbors. I could understand red - a lot of houses have that - but orange???

photowannabe said...

I'm right there with may be tropical but not my choice for the curb appeal front door.
Here's hoping some nice quiet people will feel like it's their Forever home and be the type of neighbors you have always wanted.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Well I do hope you get good neighbors now.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you went and looked inside. The outside looks nice and let's hope the new neighbors are nice.

DeniseinVA said...

I hope you get nice neighbors. I agree with you on the Orange door. I have never been a fan of orange unless it is in nature.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

flipping houses here is common - some buyers/sellers don't even bother to do anything - but "dressing the house" often brings the "flipper" rather large profits - I'm talking a million bucks!