Sunday, March 27, 2022

P.S. to Prior Post on Alva.


Today's Post is a P.S. to Prior Post on Alva. 

Ginny made a comment, Why Alva? she is named after my Florida Grandmother. Ginny said, it needs to be pinched back, and to root the pieces I cut off.. that sent me into research mode

 After much research, which I shared with Bob,  thehubbywhoknowseverything, said I should have done said research before the purchase of Alva.

1. she is toxic to cats and dogs

2.  Agressive climber, can reach those long streamers can grow up to 15 feet long .

3.  If you put it outdoors in Florida, it can cover your entire house in a year

4. Creeping fig is vulnerable to a variety of pests common to the indoors, including aphids, mealybug, scale, and whitefly

5. It propagates easily, but then who cares? not me.... 

I found that Alva, the Creeping Fig, is a Creep! She can turn into a monster.  I also found the reason she love that wall on the shelf and thrives. They love humidity and heat and 6 to 8 hours a day of bright light but no direct sun.... That is a description of my Florida Kitchen.

Below are 3 links that I spent time with.  I thought about planting her in a bird cage, out on the front porch but she would be dead of lack of water in a couple of weeks because Senior Memory only waters what is Right In My FACE

Creeping Fig: Indoor Plant Care & Growing Guide (

How to Trim Creeping Fig - Miss Smarty Plants

Here is a Video on YouTube tellin How to Move from Aquarium to a Bird Cage..

today is Sunday Selfie so here you go... now I am wondering if Amazon has one of these seflie stands.

HANG ON WHILE I CHECK........ IT DOES, just search seflie stand with ring light. Shall I????


Ann said...

I've seen those ring lights. Will that be the next Amazon purchase?
You at least water plants that are right in your face. I tend to ignore them until they are limp and lifeless.

eileeninmd said...

Oh no, poor Alva is a creep. Hopefully Beau will not want to start nibbling on Alva. I like the avatar. Have a happy day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I've pondered a ring light myself, but have so many adjustable lamps and a regular tripod that I think that would be one gadget too many for me! Anyway, when was the last time you saw a self from me? LOL... YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmm, those facts of the plant are a bit concerning with pets!!
Is the Amazon Queen gonna purchase a new lamp? Stay tuned.

NanaDiana said...

That is interesting about the creeping creepy fig. Guess I won't be growing that plant anytime soon. I have had a ring light forever but haven't even set it up yet....sigh....xo Diana

Rose said...

After hearing about Alva, not sure I would even want her. And I loved her so.much.

DeniseinVA said...

Alva is a very pretty plant. I was really surprised how many plants can be toxic. Those ring lights look interesting.

Mevely317 said...

They had one of those ring lights (aka magnifying mirror) in our hotel bathroom! I loved it so much, there's already one on its way from Amazon.

Yikes on Alva's evil ways. Covering your whole house sounds like something out of a horror movie -- not unlike kudzu. Still, she makes for a pretty picture. Are you going to keep her? Or burn her at the stake?

My Mind's Eye said...

This kinda goes with YAM's post today about good and evil..
Seems the invasive plants are always the easiest to thrive.
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, you SHALL! Then post and show all about it! I can give you some good recommendations for a plant, I always research before I buy. Also, Google "houseplants that are hard to kill". There are many beautiful ones that like a lot of light. Any succulent, Chinese Evergreen, Wandering Jew, Arrowhead.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your selfie today is ADORABLE!!

photowannabe said...

Hey, go for it!!!
You are great at selfies so why not?
Fascinating on ALVA too.I like the plant but you will just have to keep an eye on it and keep pinching.

DawnTreader said...

Well, good thing that you decided to tuck the leaves away out of reach for Beau, anyway...

Chatty Crone said...

It sounds like our Kudzu - brought over from China as a ground cover. Well it covers everything and kills it. 12 inches a day it grows. Now we are trying to kill it all!

Linda said...

I don't have live things in the house other than Louis Dean, myself, our cats and visitors.....I just do not have anough band width to take care of anything else.....