The MadSuperShopperSnapper has received yet another purchase delivered to the front door! YAY!
This post is not about the hose, but if you want to see it, click HERE for the AD. or watch video at the end
Every time I used the really old back yard hose, it sprayed me in the face.
It was brittle and old, and coiled in our stepping space.
The hose got shorter by the year,
cut off at both ends, by Hubby Dear.
I clicked buy now and the hose did arrive,
I was truly shocked when after the opening of it, I was still alive.
I fought the plastic, I said some words,
I fought the old hose off the faucet, and the new screwed on, some of the words might have meant turds.
Ok, forget the rhymes, its hurting my head
Now to the point of this post,
the thing you will need to remember the most.
The info on the site, said it is
lightweight, expands when you turn on the water,
shrinks back to pocket size when the water is off, easy to store.
All the things I wanted because for years I have tripped over that green hose.
Easy to Store was the reason I bought it.
1st time it grew, and shrank.
Did Not do either on the second time.
Is is easy to pull and easy to coil and fits in a small space under one of the chairs.
I will keep it, but because I gave it 2 Stars I
went to the REVEIWS after the fact of clicking Buy NOW
Shoulda gone their first.. OH WELL
I decided to READ the instructions to make sure I did not miss something that might
make it do its Promised Things.
NOPE! not a word that could help
But Always follow the instructions which said
INSTRUCTIONS! Read Before Use!
So I read them AFTER and it is a good thing.
It's ok to drink from this hose, but it might become contaminated and make you ill.
Never place hose in hot water or use hot water in it, or use with pressure washer.
Never stretch hose when empty of water, it might snap back and cause injury.
WAIT FOR IT....this one gets Five Stars
"Strangulation Hazard. Hose wrapped around neck may cause serious injury or death!"
If I had know this I might not have bought it. Brahahaha.
The hose does work and I like it but there was one final warning that I don't like
It says will last longer if Stored Inside!
OH MY Word!
It said even a car can drive over it and it will not hurt it, saw that on TV.
Noooooooooo I will not, I guess this means my hose will not have a long life.
My life may be shorter because I have to stand and wait while it s l o w ly shrinks,
causing me to bend and stoop and coil and put under chair OUTSIDE, not indoors
MAYBE they mean Snow Country Not Florida
We bought one of these, and Phil hates it!!
to read the instructions after, is a good idea... the surprise is much bigger that way that's for sure ;O))))
Wow it looks impressive on the ad.
I've had 2 of those kinds of hoses. Not that brand but the same style that shrinks back down. It has it's good points and it's bad points. Both of them ended up with holes and neither lasted more than 2 years.
After reading your review I would not buy one of these hoses.
The warnings sound awful. Take care, enjoy your day!
After breakfast and my walk,I gotta come back and watch the video. Shrinking hose?!! Awesome. Fantabulous!!
Hari OM
...err... I think the clue was in the 'shrinking hose' still spouting water. That looked computer-animated to me. I've seen lots of different things on video on the Big A and have trusted none of them! Still, as long as the hose does remain tucked away and not a trip hazard, the main objective has been achieved! YAM xx
How do we ever survive without proper instructions. It is a miracle you did not strangle yourself since you did not read them first.
What false advertisement!
Try storing it in a suitable sized bucket pushed under the chair - that would count as 'indoors'. F had something similar on her boat; they are never quite as clever once they have some water in them, but it is still better than the old semi-hard plastic alternatives. And, yeah, don't wrap it around your neck before attaching each end to a tow truck. Can people that stupid read? xxx Mr T
I guess we'll want a full review after you've used it for awhile! Sounds like a lot of extra warnings! lol
Oh my word you store it indoors...what an inconvenience and the warnings. Just crazy...I read somewhere all the warnings one sees on products have to be there 'because someone' there had been at least one person hurt etc.
Like the warning on a coffee cup: this beverage is hot...
Hugs Cecilia
I HATE instructions ... reviews, only a little less. Which is probably why I've been 'stung' so often. Tom's all the time reminding me, "If it sounds too good to be true ..." That's why I leave the hosing around to him. Loathsome green things with minds of their own.
Love your rhyming; that part about words meaning turds. (Nearly spit out my coffee!)
An OUTSIDE hose that you must store INSIDE...never heard of such a thing. What's the ease of that if you have to bring it out and hook up every time you want to water?
Now be careful you don't strangle yourself!! I guess we are all simpletons in the manufactures eyes. Its probably their way of getting around being sued for an accident.
We need a new hose too but guess we will get something different after your choice.
I take after my Daddy and never read the instructions...unless it's medicine LOL. Thank goodness my husband is a big believer in reading instructions.
Hello Sandra,:=) I hope you get your satisfaction from this type of hose, but I don't think I would buy one, although like everything else it has it's good points and it's bad, but why can't it be in it's place on the tap outside, if it's made of such strong material!! This would be a strong minus for me.Smiling at the instructions:=))
Interesting and your post as always makes me chuckle, BUT at first I said we need one of those. Now I'm thinking no. I guess the old adage applies, if it sounds too good to be true....yep!
It usually seems that some or many of those promises in an ad are too good to be true. I have been taken in by a few in my time.
It was worth a try, and it made great blog fodder. 😊
That's crazy! Mark loves those hoses. He has a newer one that he really likes but Amazon is currently out of them. We never store them inside. They are stored in a container in the shade outside.
Just today, my hose did "duty" not to water a plant but for the workman to get a drink - but no easy feat to even access it, as some weeds have grown in that dank corner and it's partially hidden - but one of the workmen accessed it...It's as old as the hills, and I rarely use it...
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