Monday, March 21, 2022

We Need to Talk!

On March 15th I put out this prior post Alert!

Go Ahead and admit it, most of you did not read it. Or make a Plan. 
I did Make a Plan for what to do if  I wake up and the

Our daily lives depend on the internet.
Without online access 
We need a physical list of bills owed, phone numbers, addresses.

Look at your Online Life and prepare with printed or hand written lists.

we can not view our contacts unless we are online, not available offline.

I printed my contacts from GMAIL, now I have names, addresses and phone numbers of e-friends in case 

THEY said to keep some cash because cards will not work Any where at all.
My question is, say I have cash, will the store, gas station, drug store had cash to make change?
How will they know what to charge me for food/gas?
How will the drug store know what RX I need. Save Your bottles to show them what you need.
Now the govt has forced all health care to be ON THE INTERNET, so how will they know what is what? 
 Hackers can take down the internet and are working on it as you read this.
what ever your thoughts, this MadSnapper is READY!



Linda said...

I have a list but I need to keep adding to it! It's scary but we need to be prepared! While I'm at it - I have a book for when I die or am incapacitated for my children to know what is what about bills and wishes and things like that. Lots of important documents are already in our safe but someone needs to know the combination. So many things to document and I need to do this with Louis Dean's stuff. It's the responsible thing to do.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a lot of work, but necessary. It is possible now more than ever, with Putin getting madder at us. He could easily take down our internet.

diane b said...

You are scaring me. Just attended a talk at the village about "How to avoid scammers" That was scary too.

Tigger's Mum said...

Perfect example of how complex life had been made by all these things that claim to make it easier. Could we even drive across town these days without GPS....? Did you add book of maps to your list? xxx Mr T

easyweimaraner said...

we are totally with you... we have still this portable sh*t thing and it must be a time machine... you feel like 1995 where you ould use the bathroom and where you could empty the dish washer while waiting till a site is open.... and we hear you for da comlete blackout... the idea of digitalism is nice, when all things run like a clockwork, if not you are in the bucket... like last saturday as the gaz station and the super market were closed because no car terminal nor the gaz pumps worked... seems stephen kings stories are not only fiction...

Hootin Anni said...

I get a kick out of cashiers when computers are down, and they can't figure out change.

I stay off the grid. I wouldn't even dream of divulging info like you did just now with saying you do all online. Too many online are waiting for people to slip up and steal identities & account numbers/passwords,etc.

Ann said...

I did read that post and I have some but not all of that information already. I'm not really as prepared as you are.

eileeninmd said...

No I am not prepared. I do need to write down all my contact numbers off my phone. I do not keep a list on google, that would be easy to print out. All I can say is God helps us if the internet goes down. Take care, have a happy day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Ah well, this ol' fashioned gal has a habit of having everything in analog before it goes digital... because for all my love of tech I have never fully trusted it. Legacy of having had a career as a programmer and knowing how it can all go so very wrong!!! YAM xx

Rose said...

I have thought a lot of the same thoughts as this...about will the stores have money, will anything at all work. I am not even sure mail will work...nor phones.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

These are all great suggestions, Sandra, and we are already following most. Thankfully, only Grenville has to take prescription meds and only a couple which he keeps track of. He's a preparedness trainer, and has made sure we have preparations like a "go" bag in which you put some extra clothes and necessities, stashing some ready cash in cash its needed. I maintain a handwritten address book just as I always have done and update it regularly. It doesn't have everyone's email address, but if the Internet goes down, those will be useless anyway 😟

Mevely317 said...

Key public service announcement, for sure. My first thought was, "I don't want to live in a world without internet!" ... before realizing I did just that for decades. This is eerily reminiscent of the Y2K scare. We could stand to stockpile more non-perishable foodstuffs and yes, I need to document addresses, etc. The only thing that scares me worse is writing down personally identifiable information. I could always get a safe, but then someone might walk off with that. Oh vey!

Hootin Anni said...

Yay!!!! I'm glad to read your comment you left for me. You can never be too careful.

Chatty Crone said...

I have spent hours making a website list and there passwords and all phone numbers and credit cards and things like that - A-Z and it was work. But I don't know if that would help if we didn't have internet.

My Mind's Eye said...

Very timely post MS
Today it is taking me at least 4 or 5 times to get my comments to post. I keep getting the message connection interrupted
I'm about ready to throw up my hands to whomever/whatever is messin' with me
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

Such a good point here. I have a physical phonebook with most, but not all, addresses and phone numbers. Missing from it are recently added medical offices, I should add them. My cell phone has been acting up recently, which made me think about adding a landline. I don't want to spend the money, but now you've pointed this out, stressed that it can and probably will happen... Not sure what I will do.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Alert has been noted.

photowannabe said...

I need to get busy and update my documents etc. We do live in the scary times now. I must be wise and careful..the internet is awful and good all at the same time.
I just tried to pay my electric bill over the phone(as I always do) Couldn't do it as their lines were down, so I went to the internet link and that was experiencing technical I will try to physically go to our local payment center located in a grocery store.. the bill is due today..oh HAPPY DAY !!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I sooooo agree!!!!! Better to be as prepared as you can be, but day to day life depends on so many others(stores, pharmacies, etc). We have emergency buckets and supplies "just in case"

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you are so well prepared for that. Right now I'm just happy to get through my day. My anxiety it way too high! I know that we still have most of the bills coming to the house because Mark pays them online and I would never know what to pay if something happened to him.