Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day April 22, 2022


When we honor the earth, we honor ourselves. The earth is something we all have in common. 

The Dangers of Birthday Balloons.

Asphyxiation danger

A dwindling resource is Helium

An abundance of litter

Fatal to wildlife

What happens to balloons and bits of balloons that get into our waterways and landfills? 

They wreak havoc on birds, turtles, mammals, and more. In fact, as a peer-reviewed paper in Scientific Reports found last year, “balloons or balloon fragments were the marine debris most likely to cause mortality [in seabirds], and they killed almost one in five of the seabirds that ingested them.” 

Balloons were also found to cause compactions and fatal obstructions in sea turtles, while other research indicates that pretty much any animal in the wild is prone to mistaking balloons—which don’t just turn up in marine ecosystems but often also get snagged on trees and wires—for food, “[leading] to loss of nutrition, internal injury, starvation, and death,” according to NOAA.

this in for from

This link tells of the Bald Eagles killed by balloons

Stop Making Balloons, Stop Buying Balloons, Balloons are killing our wildlife here in Florida. Killing our Dolphins, and Giant Sea Turtles and our Seabirds .

Releasing Balloons at weddings and events and parties is deadly to our wildlife and ruining our environment.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I suspected as much. Along with all kinds of other plastic. But at least other kinds don't float away. This is a great post for Earth Day, because it educates us, and hopefully saves some animals along the way.

easyweimaraner said...

if we all do our part, we can make our slice earth to a healthy place ;O)

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you.

Ann said...

Excellent earth day post.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Ever since my fourth birthday, I have hated balloons. I am all for banning the blighters! Great post. YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Great Post for Earth Day. Some states have laws about the releasing of balloons. Take care, enjoy your day!

Hootin Anni said...

Balloons and so much more!! Around here it is fishing line & lures that litter our beaches. Human invasion & stupidity is detrimental.

Rose said...

I might have known...if I had thought.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a good post. We see balloons trapped in the tree branches here. Not a pretty sight! Enjoy your day and this beautiful weather!

Tigger's Mum said...

Hear hear. We see people walking by here with great rafts of those balloons to sell on any sunny day in summer. We dislike those balloons so much and can't understand why anyone buys them - can't eat or drink it, can't wear it, doesn't warm you up,or cool you down, isn't a great toy, or tool, ... what is the point of those things? xxx Mr T

Mevely317 said...

Yes, thank you! This is so sad; it hurts my heart to hear of birds and wildlife suffering horrible deaths because of human's selfish desire for silly gratification.

My Mind's Eye said...

On my morning walk today, I saw a helium balloon (that was on a mail box last week) but now up in a tree.
Happy earth day.
Hugs Cecilia

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

This is very powerful but it needs far more voices before change comes. I am all for no more balloons. What about all those blue gloves now used. Can they be recycled? They look just as hARMFUL.

DeniseinVA said...

Great message here Sandra. I stopped buying balloons a long time ago, and plastic straws. I have also been getting rid of a lot of other plastic in our day to day lives. Trying to do my small part and hoping the world catches on.

Chatty Crone said...

I did not know that about balloons - now that I think about it - it does make sense - no more balloons.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Unfortunately we do so many things without thinking of the consequences .

Inger said...

Thanks for this post and the warning about balloons. So many animals die from encounters with plastic. I occasionally find birthday balloons on my land. It's upsetting. One problem is that people just don't think about the consequenses of their good times, sending off balloons to celebrate something. They never wonder where the ballons may land. And who may eat one.

Forsythia said...

Balloons, ribbons, wrapping paper, plastic, plastic, plastic. I wrote about having to go on oxygen. I feel like a one-woman ecological disaster.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is excellent advice. If people would only dispose of them properly. I hate when innocent animals get hurt. We need to stop selling them!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wonderfully said!!

Cathy said...

Those ‘other events’ now includes funerals/life celebrations!
My heart sinks if I see that happening….on the tv or in real life…..seeing all that stuff just floating off into the air to do harm to who knows what.