Hi, I wanted to show you the regrowth of last year's Moss Rose. Better known as Portulaca
Above is a closeup of the flowers in the crack in the white pot.
The pot above, is also Porulaca but a different type. During one of my 4 trips to Home Depot buying painting supplies, I asked the garden shop lady if they had Moss Rose.
She said Moose Rose?
I said sometimes called Rose MOSS... she was puzzled.
Suddenly she said do you mean Portulaca?
YES, it just came in today.
She took me to these and I bought 4 of them and started a new pot.
In the last photo I wanted to show you the trash can. 😋😋
Do you to see the tiny black pots between the front pots?
Those are the little black pots the new plants came in. I broke off pieces of old plants and started them.
Can't wait until it all takes off growing goes Florida Jungle.
Coming soon to you photos of when it does.
Oh, it is so gorgeous and cheerful! I can't wait to see the new ones in full bloom. I love your teal stripe planter.
it looks beautiful... i use the small pots too for growing... but... my thumbs are as balck as the pots LOL
delicately beautiful flowers! can’t wait to see the new Portulaca in full bloom. happy Thursday! xoxo
They are really pretty. If I tried to break off pieces of the old plant to grow new I would end up with dead plants.
Hari OM
Oh no, not shocked at all, just excited to see how it all flourishes!!! YAM xx
I can see that your plants give you much pleasure as do mine. I grow my plants in pots and tubs as I can move them around and arrange them more easily. I like your arrangement of pots too.
Your Moss Rose is looking beautiful, I like the pots.
You have a green thumb. Have a great day!
Si shocked I almost had a heart attack...lol
Love the new colours. An edible version of it grows wild here so now we are wondering whether we might be able to grow portulacas here. Research needed. xxx Mr T and F
Research completed: Heat and drought-tolerant, this virtually carefree plant thrives in high heat and low humidity conditions.... so we are going for it.
Okay, I'm convinced. You're an artist, instinctively knowing what to do and how best to feature those Portulaca. (Shoot, plants can just look at me and lose their will to live.)
My favorites are the yellow and tangerine. 'Looking forward to seeing them grow up!
I've always loved moss rose...so many little delicate flowers! Enjoy your day and the sunshine!
Portulaca is certainly a survivor and we had something similar at our former VA home.
I like these a lot. And I like how your pots are on the tree stump. It is a very nice area for these pretty moss roses.
I just love plants and flowers that keep on being beautiful even as they age. Hugs Cecilia
It all looks so pretty with the blooms and bright sunshine!!
Have you always been interested in gardening - you are really beginning to get a green thumb. Beautiful!
Looks lovely!
I love Portulaca! Doesn't take much water to thrive! Louis Dean was up early this morning putting more seeds in the garden!! We should have a lot of fresh produce this year! So you still have an avocado tree???
Colorful AND beautiful!!!
I love the Moss Rose. It looks so delicate but is SO hearty. The white pot with the crack is perfect for that moss rose. Glad it likes it there.
Your new shoots will be big in no time...love it
I really don't want to start any new plants since our drought is in "full bloom". Those making decisions are going to be sending a good percentage of our water down to Southern California and putting us on restrictions big time... (slight bitterness for not being able to keep our own water here in No. CA.) end of rant..of course the price of water will be going up big time too. Again , end of rant!
Hardy and beautiful is a winning combination! Thanks. 😊
Those Portulaca a re so pretty.
I'm so happy to see that it is doing well. I really liked seeing to last year. I had no idea they were called that.
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