Tuesday, April 19, 2022

My Part of Painting the House

 I have no part in the painting of the house. But to make it look better, I trimmed back the shrubs, bought a beautiful fern, and dug up ferns from the back yard, and planted them on either side of the bought fern. I have been putting water on all of this and the shrubs have new green growth from water.

Bob said why did you buy a fern when we have a yard full of little ones you can plant.


Not 6 months from now. I was only 20.00 and instantly made the house look better.

Bob said, I can't believe how different it looks with the fern there. I said for the price of a pizza we have a beauty and ready to admire fern.

The pot the fern came in, I put on the porch and dug up from the back yard, ferns to grow in it.

The pot by the bench will be huge in a few months. The ferns, NOT the pot. ha ha

In Florida these ferns will fill in quickly. and be beautiful year round.

you can see below top the big bought one and the 3rd insert the small ones I planted. by endo of summer all the small ones will fill in like the big one. 

the microwave is waiting to go to the curb ... the bench can't be painted until it is gone.

He has only one more wall to paint, then the trim and touch up. Another 10 days should do it


Ginny Hartzler said...

I went back, back, and back in your posts to find the photo of the newly painted house. I wanted to see it BEFORE you bought the fern, then compare! You should post a comparison. It does look much, much better!! did you get it at Wal-mart? You did a real good job on the front landscaping!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Boston fern?

Ginny Hartzler said...

PP.SS. Looking at your previous posts, I saw that you looked very worried even as a little child!

Tigger's Mum said...

Are there really 3509 houses on your street? It must stretch all the way into the next state! The ferns look great btw and F is very jealous. xxx Mr T

easyweimaraner said...

the bench would be my place... for a book and an ice tea in summer ;O)

Hootin Anni said...

Looks nice. I do love all kinds of ferns used in landscaping.

Ann said...

Looking good. You two have been hard at work.

eileeninmd said...

The new fern is beautiful. It looks great next to the house.
We have some wild ferns growing in different spots around our house.
Take care, enjoy your day.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
It all looks so fresh and loved and cared for and golly you must be so very, very pleased!!! YAM xx

Mevely317 said...

Isn't it amazing how one or two simple tweaks can brighten the look of one's place. (HGTV ain't just for professionals any more!)
I seriously need to book a power wash and consider what's available in the way of affordable greenery.

Rose said...

Slowly but surely, it is becoming a work of art. You guys are beautifying the whole place.

Chatty Crone said...

Isn't it funny how one little thing can change the whole look and spruce things up?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Beautiful curb appeal!!

photowannabe said...

Spick and span...
Lovely Sandra. The new growth against the walls looks perfect.
So glad Bob likes it too..
A Win/win situation.
Its trying so hard to rain again here...we just need a good dumping to brighten every thing up.
Have a great day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you trimming the bushes. I love the ferns...great idea! So are you painting the bench to match the door?

Susan Kane said...

Lovely ferns and shrubbery. Your house is getting some great attention.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh wow! The ferns do add a good look.

DeniseinVA said...

That looks like a lot of hard work but it looks great! Ferns are very pretty!

LC said...

I'm admiring the results of the do-it-yourself of both of you!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, You both did a great job. New paint, a little pruning, and a new fern spruces up the wall, and it looks lovely. I love ferns, they look so fresh, and yours it's conveniently near your new hose, which I must say, looks neat, and isn't at all intrusive,not like the large cumbersum thick ones. What colour are you going to eventually paint your fence?

Linda P said...

You've done good work there. I love ferns and greenery around the house adds to the attractiveness of a building. Bob has done well with the painting too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I am with you, Sandra, why wait for a plant to grow when you can plant an already matured one and forgo that pizza as well...on second thought, I would like both the plant and the pizza!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

How lovely.