Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Plants Between the Shutters


 Japanese Barberry and is a type of bamboo or so the Google Lens tells me. 

Now that I have decided to prune and water, these plants already look better. 
The one in front of the porch I cut way back and will trim more, which will make it fill in with leaves. 

Below the tall one is Chinese Yew Tree that can be trimmed Bonsai. 

 When we moved in it was 3 round balls. we don't like trimmed balls, 
so did not trim it and let it grow like it is.

We prefer natural plants not shaped. Like living in Jungle Environment

Thes shorter plant is Nandina, AKA Sacred Bamboo. 

Chinese Yew and Nandina and Ferns

Ginny asked to see the before fern, after fern.
Here you go Ginny.
Some of you asked what type ferns these are. Sword Ferns, also known as Nephrolepis cordifilia
See them on Wiki HERE


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, it looks EVER so much better!!! You have vision!

Jo said...

Hello Sandra, I know Nandina but the other plants are all new to me. I LOVED seeing you in your house window. Thank you for always visiting my blog. I am off to Parkrun where I am a volunteer and then 25km up the Valley to clean The Bunker. I have guests checking out and UK guests checking in at 2pm. Then home to rest. Have a great day. Jo

Cathy said...

Japanese Barberry (known as Berberis down here) makes a good screening plant. The more you cut it back the thicker it grows…in fact you could trim it short like a hedge
Just watch for suckers…it can spread underground
Take care

Hootin Anni said...

I like trimmed/shaped bushes. To see...not to trim continually. Too much work.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ooh, I had nandina in my Aussie garden. Very pretty. Neighbours had Berberis but I avoided it. ... like you, I prefer a looser look for plants... YAM xx

Ann said...

What a difference a few ferns came make. It looks really nice.

eileeninmd said...

We let our plants grow naturally too. A little trimming when they get in the way. I like the after photos with the fern. Take care, have a great weekend!

Rose said...

I think I would prefer the natural look of trees, too. I have never had the option to trim one. I do like the ferns there. Can't wait to see them grow...

My Mind's Eye said...

MS everything out front looks so crisp and fresh great curb appeal
Hugs Cecilia
PS are you enjoying the color more?

Mevely317 said...

I spy with my little eye ... there's my friend reflected in the picture window!
The greenery against the pink (coral?) looks really good. Oh, and I love using the lens look-up feature. Thank you for telling me about it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the way it looks. You did a really nice job.

photowannabe said...

Everything looks so nice and fresh and neat.
Great job cutting things back.
We have to get out in our yard and weed the jungle that has grown. Some of this stuff is still so hard for Dave to do that it is taking us "forever" to get things back to looking nice again.
We asked the lawn guy that does our neighbors yard what he would charge just to weed the edges around the lawn in the back. He said $200.00 we said you have got to be kidding!! no thank you!!
so, slowly we will get it done..ugh..

Ruth Hiebert said...

Before long you will have those plants looking wonderful.

DeniseinVA said...

You have a good eye for decorating and I like how you let your plants and trees grow out naturally. Love the color on those panels, so tropical looking, which is a look that I really love and one of the many things I enjoyed about Florida.

CheerfulMonk said...

Your house looks beautiful!