Friday, April 8, 2022

THE tree!


I titled this THE Tree! because it is magnificent. It is so old the limbs almost touch the ground/
Lewis Park is about 10 or 12 acres of live oaks. HERE is a link to Florida Live Oaks.
Live Oaks got there name because they are always LIVE. They only lose their leaves in the spring when the new leaves push the old off and this means it is never without leaves.


The one below is in our front yard. A different type than the one at the park.
For the past month we have had a zillion tiny oak leaves in our pool.
They fly in the March winds and our neighbors have them also.
The Trees Keep Bob The Pool Guy Healthy.
  If you have a minute look at this about Live Oaks In Florida 
Joining Rosey for Nature Friday from Lewis Park


Ginny Hartzler said...

The article was interesting. I had never heard of them, just the regular Oaks. And I am guessing they are not used for ship building anymore. The tree in the park, there is one like it around here, in a church yard. It is famous and old. But probably it is a different kind of tree.

easyweimaraner said...

we love THIS trees... as a kidlet they became our princess castle or our tipi or den...

Ann said...

No time to read this morning but I'll go back to it later. Those are beautiful trees. I would love a tree that had leaves all year long. I hate the winter months and seeing dead looking trees.

Hootin Anni said...

Texas has live oaks too. We supposedly have the oldest in the state on Goose Island...over 1000 yrs. old & still lives.

Back in the late 1700's ships' hulls were built with live oak wood.

Beautiful photos today Sandra

eileeninmd said...


Beautiful trees! I love the big old trees, especially when they have the moss hanging down. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, . The trees are impressive. I love trees like this. We have the regular Oak trees on the farm, but of course they lose their leaves, and are bare at the moment. I would love to have a Live Oak growing here. Your photos of THE TREE are great.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What graceful trees and excellent info! Thanks Sandra - perfect post to share on nature Friday! YAM xx

Linda P said...

The oak tree info and photos fascinate me. It must be wonderful to have oak trees that continually produce leaves. All trees are interesting. I love woodland and even trees in Winter are beautiful as you can see the shape and form so clearly.

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know that about the Live Oak. It is majestic - and it sweeps down like it is bowing. I think it is so beautiful. Reminds me of the old south and mansions and Gone With The Wind.

My Mind's Eye said...

Live oaks are absolutely amazing. I enjoyed the link you provided
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I'd no idea about the name's origin!
I'm not sure (if) those next door aren't Live Oaks, but the tiny pods collecting in our yard (and on our home's floors) are becoming annoying.
I can only imagine the chore Bob faces to skim that 'stuff' off the top of your pool.

Tigger's Mum said...

The trees are magnificent. You will always win F's attention with trees. (nothing wrong with HER leg - the bike was limping a bit with its wonky wheel). I like trees too - I climb them but that annoys F who has to wait at the bottom for me to come down. Sometimes that takes ages because I like sitting in trees - and those ones would be really good sitting trees. xxx Mr T

photowannabe said... the title of Bob the Pool Guy. Keep him healthy for sure.
I love the bowing bough....

DeniseinVA said...

This is fascinating! I have never heard of a tree that sheds its leaves only in the spring. Beautiful old trees! Thanks for the link!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I miss the Texas Live Oaks...the ones in Florida are even more beautiful!!
Thanks for joining us for Nature Friday!

Inger said...

You have so many gorgeous trees in Florida. We have live oaks here too, the California version, I think mainly along the coast. Maybe the valley too.

Linda said...

I love trees!!! We saw an old pecan tree several years ago in South Texas.....supposed to be the oldest living pecan tree in Texas. Magnificent. I am loving watching the neighborhood trees green out! I watch the progress day by day.....amazing!

Rose said...

I forgot I had not commented...opened up the computer and here this sits...I so love those oaks. They are amazing.

LC said...

Live oaks are common to our Mississippi Gulf Coast environment, too. In fact, some that I'm acquainted with have limbs almost touching the ground, too. We have several on our property that are old and huge but have not reached the age of those massive limbs almost touching the ground. Loved your live oak portraits!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those majestic old trees have a wonderful beauty about them.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! I love trees, and these are gems.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That tree is awesome. I love when they have moss hanging off of them. Mark is like Bob with the leaves only he has a bucket and is picking them off the ground each morning in the back yard. He is obsessed! When the winds are really strong they blow the bougainvillea leaves from the front of the house to the backyard.