Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Why of it all


A few of you seemed surprised at our color choice. Above the background is the new paint on the front door. I used the phone to take the paint sample photos and when I laid them on the table, I notice the chair cushions and thought, of course these are what we chose.
the floral background are the cushions on our kitchen chairs.
they have all the colors of the paint we pondered.
there is not a room in the house that does not have burgundy in it except the two bathrooms,
The old door was Blue and the only thing in or on the house in blue.

the background on the dishes we have also have the same colors.
We have 6 of each of these. We eat off the same 2 plates every day.
The daily pattern is the one on your left.
I said to a blog friend, I doubt Bob would even notice if I served his meal on different plate.
I put his food on the other pattern, and he said nothing.
while I was washing the dishes, I said did you notice you plate was different?
He said "we have other plates?"
He also said, I might have noticed if you used paper plates!
Seems we are stuck in a rut, but neither of us cares because we like our rut.
Maybe I will buy two solid plates. These were bought in 1990.
Bet two new plates would cost more than 2 sets of 6 each in the 90's


Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is the one on the right. So I guess I can safely say your favorite color is shades of burgundy! I am so glad you both decided on something you like! He did a beautiful job. Nothing wrong with a rut, we are not the kind of people who must have action and adventure.

Tigger's Mum said...

Dear Madsnapper Sandra, my humum likes the pattern on your kitchen cushions. It is very classy old-fashioned design and the colours are subtly blended. If I were around they would be a tad grey with my fur. (Did you know an ordinary dishwashing sponge - dry -will gather up my fur off textiles? Nothing gets the fur off the sponge though!) Our grandma used two plates like you do and wore the pattern off hers. The rest of the set was fine, so remember to rotate the plates in the set do none of them feel left out. xxx Mr T

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the color you picked even without the explanation. But I like it even more now. ❤️

Hootin Anni said...

Rut, or no rut. Being happy with the choices we make is what counts. Why change good?

DawnTreader said...

The house looks great! And I guess most of us do have favourite colour schemes whether we are conscious of it or not. I don't blame Bob for not noticing the difference between those plates, the colours are really similar even if the pattern is different! :)

eileeninmd said...


I love the colors you picked out for the house and door. The plate on the right is my favorite. My husband would not notice the plates, the food is the only thing he looks at on his plate. Take care, have a happy Easter weekend.

Ann said...

Your house looks fantastic. That was a good choice for color.
That's too funny about the plates. Wade is probably the only guy around who would have noticed he wasn't eating off his plain white plates.
I am definitely in a rut but it's actually pretty comfortable here.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ruts are only a problem if they stop you moving forward... that the house got painted says this is not the case! That it demonstrates you like familiar scenery is just fine!!! YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra your mind's eye made an excellent selection in paint colors.


The steps on my blog lead up a home about 3 blocks from here.
Raleigh's elevation is 315'. This house must have an elevation of 345' LOL
There is another section of stairs to the front door. The driveway is just to the left of the photo. It is curvy and hilly. It would be no fun to navigate in ice or snow.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS TEll Bob well done on the painting.
It is such a warm color.
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

I always liked those patterns...and I bet you are right on the price then and today.

A comfortable rut is long as you like it.

NanaDiana said...

hahaha. Those look like Corelle plates? As long as there is food on the plate-he probably doesn't care. I say pick the colors that make you happy no matter what is in vogue or what advice anyone gives you. lol. xo Diana

Mevely317 said...

First, Bob did an AMAZING job. I wonder if your Amazon deliveryman's going to say anything?

I'm drawn more to the plate on the left. It just occurred to me, both designs leave a blank slate in the center to ac-centuate your food. I don't have much room to store them, but like to buy different (inexpensive!) dinner plates b/c I can't stand those Tom brought into our marriage. Ha!

photowannabe said...

Love your explanation and the plates really are lovely.
We have been eating off the same plates for over 20 years. The plates never seem to break..We are in a rut too.
Happy Easter!!

photowannabe said...

P.S. Our plates are Corelle dishes too. they just never die!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love the new colors for you. I think everything matches and blends. I love my Corelle.
Happy Easter - God Bless.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've had a few people that think I'm teasing when I say I live in a lavender cottage. But we like our pretty colors here in FL, don't we? Enjoy your weekend!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love your choice of colors and I like both plate patterns.

DeniseinVA said...

Pretty plates! I know about ruts, and then all of a sudden we do something different and say, well, it's nice to get out of our rut for a change, but truthfully we enjoy our ruts :) Happy Easter!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the plates, nice patterns on them. I have some beautiful china that we got for our wedding that we never use. It has a very Easter tone to them and I still love them.