Sunday, May 1, 2022

Door is a Done Deal


the sliding glass door repair at the end of the tunnel is COMPLETE!

I can slide it back and forth with my one finger, in fact we have to be careful we don't sling it back. For years we have yanked it to move it, now if we YANK IT... it will break it. 

The Door Repair is a Done Deal!
Parts and Labor $200.00 and Worth Every Penny.
Plus, we now have Humberto Lopez, A to Z Handy Man.
Licensed/Insured Contractor who will do any and everything.
We saw photos online of his work.
He called, he came, he ordered parts, he came a second time and each time he did it when he said he would and sent me text when he was on the way.
PLUS He loved Our Beau and Beau loved HIM...

 We gotta trust Beau you know.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the done deal at the end of the long tunnel! A good and experienced handyman is worth more than gold!! They are few and far between and hard to find. The second photo is WAY cool!! Mad Art.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

that's great news and Beau is the man to think he's okay on this dude...

Ann said...

Sounds like a handyman you want to keep on speed dial (if that's even a thing any more) Beau is a good judge of character. I'm glad the job is done.

Hootin Anni said...

We need to have our back entry door replaced! That reminds me to do some calling around. I'm thinking $200 for labor alone is a good deal!! (Here it'd be twice that).

eileeninmd said...

That is great news, I am sure you love being able to open your slider easily.
And now you have a handyman that is reliable and does good work. The price sounds good to me. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMG - I need me an Humberto!!! Such blokes are like mining for diamonds, panning for gold, flying to the moon... YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

You lucky beggars! Why can't we have a fixit man (or woman) like that? We get our UK house back this week. Mr B has 5 months to do or find 'fixits' to do, lots or maintenace and replacements that are due. Would your man like a trip to UK?

Rose said...

Beau is a good judge if humans...I think. Has he ever disliked anyone?

Mevely317 said...

What an awesome image (#1) to illustrate the darn door's final chapter. Take a victory lap, girl; and pat yourself on the back for finding Humberto. Not only his expertise, but affordability and communications sounds almost too good to be true!

My Mind's Eye said...

YAY a good dependable and knowledgeable Handy Man is as important as good medical peeps. Your graphics are amazing.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

How valuable is having someone you can trust and call - I need one!

photowannabe said...

Awesome to find a committed handy man who does what he says he will do...and fair pricing too.
Isn't it a relief to have some of those things finally done?
Our old car is giving us fits.
It doesn't want to start all the time. Have called AAA 3 times. They say the battery is 100% and the alternater is also 100%. It could be the sensors...of course these things happen when we have appointments or are stuck in a hard spot for AAA guy to get to. Hope we can get to Dave's eye appointment tomorrow and then have someone really check the car out. We've waited so long for this appointment that I hope we don't have to cancel it.
Watching church on line cause we don't want to call AAA again!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Finding a good, reliable handyman is not always easy. Glad you found such a one,

CheerfulMonk said...

That’s such a relief. 😊❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you got that done and yes, worth every penny. These handymen are like gold when you find one, and that’s a big plus if Beau likes Mr. Lopez. Dogs always know!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so glad your door is fixed and how awesome to have someone you can now call on.

Ida said...

Always great when a plan comes together and you find the right person for the job.