Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Storage Units on Steroids


Photo from  Bob;s Birthday Bash Post, in 2013. If you look at his post, you will see even back then the mall was empty.
The Desoto Square Mall is empty, and the doors are locked with chains. One store is a Furniture store, open only to the outside.
Bob and I met in Sears Automotive in this mall back in May of 1984, he worked there for 17 years
We liked to eat in the food court and spent many of our Birthdays there for lunch.

We had lunch a few days ago in Hungry Howie's Pizza, which is at the outer edge of the property surrounding the mall. We came out and I noticed our old Sears Store had a new sign on it.

Entrance to old sears store now

The Old Sears store is now Go Store It HERE  It has now become a giant storage unit. Not the whole mall, the Sears Store. The link will show you the sizes and current prices.

Prices run from 99 to 602 DOLLARS a month.
Walk in closet 5x5 is 99.00 (1200 a year)
Garage size 10x30 602.00 (7,220 a year)

Our area has become a snarl of Storage Units on every corner, any where there is an empty building. We now have 22 Storage Facilities within 5 miles of us. they even put 120 residents out of their affordable housing, which was 120 small trailers, tore them all down and built a storage unit.  They paid the man who owned the trailer park, 1.5 Million for the space to build the units.

My question is How Much Storage do Americans need?

How much stuff do people have?

Have you noticed a lot of storage units where you live? 


easyweimaraner said...

we see it more and more around big towns... maybe it is because you can no longer drive to the dumpster ground to get rid of ole stuff? here we have only one day per week to bring our stuff and they take no longer all things, it is complicated now....

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHAT?! Maybe it is because more people are retiring and moving to Florida, it is an enormous amount. We do have an awful lot of storage units, and more are being built. But likely not as many as Florida!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I know there are storage places in the UK, but not like this. Australia definitely has this style, and there was a whole new set built not far from my place before I left. I had the same questions you did... YAM xx

Ann said...

The mall here is still doing quite well. One of these days I should go and get some pictures.
There are a few storage places around here. Seems to me, unless you are moving someplace that is only going to be temporary why store things? Why not just get rid of all the stuff you don't have room for.

Tigger's Mum said...

At the end you asked the very questions that were going through our minds. What is the point of storage? It's stuff you aren't using (obviously) so why pay to keep it? xxx Mr T

eileeninmd said...

Pizza sounds yummy. We have some storage places around but not too many.
It is sad the people lost their affordable homes, just to have another storage business. Take care, enjoy your day!

DeniseinVA said...

There are many storage places in our area. I don’t know how much they are but I know they are very expensive and way more than I would want to pay. That and the fact that we are in the process of downsizing, trying to pass things on that others might find useful.

Cathy said...

Yes, Yam is right….we have loads of storage companies here but I’ve never heard of them taking over a store building and doing a conversion. I think it would be small locker types of units.
My daughter - the one who’s on the road - uses one. The smallest most economical one they could find for the purpose they neede it for. They sold their house plus most of their belongings, they did keep some of the newer/sentimental items to have on hand for the time they buy a new house figuring it was maybe a better bet than having to buy new again.

Rose said...

Our town has a population of around 5,000..not sure about the one that merges with it..whether it is part of the 5,000 or not. But there are 3 different storage unit areas within town, and one just out of town. That is my end ofvtown... I don't think.there is any on the south end but since I am never down there, one could have popped up. I am always commenting to Roger about people paying to store stuff..

Chatty Crone said...

First of all our mall is dying here.
Second of all I didn't realize how much stuff we had until it came to us moving - we have soooooooooooooooooooo much it's a sin!

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, I'm REELING over the rents they're charging. Unbelievable! There's something seriously wrong when 120 people are displaced to accommodate others' stuff.

That's actually a genious idea to make use of the vacant store; I'm guesing it's climate-controlled as well? I don't know that there's a lot of storage places around here, but two (about to be 3) vacant malls. I remember the first shopping mall I ever saw was 1966-67(?) in Albuquerque ... greatest thing we'd ever seen.

My Mind's Eye said...

Indeed how much do they need and why once they have it do the abandon it. I have a friend whose family owns several storage facilities. You would not believe how often folks quit paying the fee. Eventually my friend and her husband are responsible for cutting off the locks to empty out the units. Most times it is disgusting what they find.
Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

I know there are such places here too but I'm not sure where. They're likely to be on the outskirts of the city, where I rarely go as I have no car. Our shopping malls have had problems caused by the corona virus though, some stores have had to close or move, and I think they've been struggling to find new businesses to take over empty premises both in the city center and at the big shopping mall area across town. But I don't think they've turned them into storage units yet!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We also have a storage unit on every corner..I think 2023 is going to be the year I downsize everything! If it doesn't get used in the next 6 months, it foes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

My thoughts about the number of storage units was similar to another commenter in that possibly due to so many snowbirds spending time in FL? To answer your question about whether or not we've noticed a lot of storage units around us, there are storage units within the mill apts and we have a couple which contain the many containers for Grenville's Christmas village, bicycles, luggage and other assorted items.

Betty Manousos said...

I’ve been decluttering my home/clots lately. how much do we need after all.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yep storage units all over the place. But we think peeps need to think about how much they really need that stuff in storage if they aren't using it - paying to keep something you don't use doesn't make a lot of sense:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that would be a really big storage place. Sears store were always really big. At least it is being used for something. Storage units can work when you're moving and need some time to get settled but not long term. It's crazy to pay for storage. Adam's first job was at a Hungry Howie's Pizza.

CheerfulMonk said...


Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

There are a few in neighbourhood but probably dozens more in other parts of the city. I've never thought about them "mushrooming" but I guess they do.