Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bee in my bonnet 2


I left you in a prior post by saying I told Bob I wanted this desk and the dog crate 
out by the curb. 
The desk was too much for us to carry and he said we will just have to take it apart.
That was Weeks Ago!
AHA! I can take it apart and take it piece by piece to the curb.
First the top lifted easily, the drawer I had to womanhandle with ugly words but got it out.
Two Weeks Later
 I decide to try my trick that always worked in the past and start taking it apart and he will get aggravated and come do it for me.
Armed with a Phillips screwdriver, I removed 12 long screws.
Nothing came off.
I may have said a few loud not so nice words, and The Man came to see why.
He said there are Hex Screws in it, I remember using the Allen Wrench.
I got the flashlight, and found 22 Caps, I pried them off and
there they were. He handed me an Allen wrench

I removed all 22 Hex Head and with my little hammer, tried to knock the parts loose.
BANG! BANG! nothing came apart. 
I hear the words float down the hall, What the Hell are you doing now?
Really? Thirty minutes ago, you handed me an Allen wrench
the screws are out but it will not come apart.

You need a hammer he yells down the hall.
I have a hammer, I yell back.
He walks in and says, Thats not a hammer
And comes back with a mini sledgehammer
Use this! he says
I lift it and it is so heavy I can hardly swing it, and nothing comes loose

Finally, He takes the hammer and bashes it all to pieces.
He seemed Angry, but then I knew he would.
We start to carry pieces, even broken up we can each only carry two pieces.
He is ranting about having to pay 10 dollars to get it picked up
I say IF YOU HAD DONE IT WHEN I ASKED IT would be picked up free.
(July 3rd is when it went from free to 10 collars)
There is more but Nuff Said!
On the way back to the house I say
Can we try to get the dog crate to the curb?
NO! he yells and neighbors cringe inside their homes.
I leave him outside and start to clean up 20 years of grime that was under/behind it.
He storms in and starts yanking on the crate.
I say, you said no, he says, I changed my mind!

The crate is 30 plus years old. The latches are frozen in place.
Nuff Said about that. 
we finally got it to the curb, it was folded up like a suitcase, a 100-pound suitcase.
He leaned it against the power pole by the curb and
 I went in the bedroom to DEAL with the MESS, 
You will never see a photo of the MESS. 
Bob yelled down the hall,
A man in a truck just picked up the dog crate, Its Gone.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I love how there is always someone who spots kerb rubbish and sees the treasure in it. I may have done that myself from time to time...

Meanwhile, congrats on the workout (yes think of it that way!) YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


LOL, this all sounds familiar. It is nice, your dog crate will be recycled.

Have a great day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief! Your neighborhood seems like ours. People will see things on the side of the road, load them ap and take them. We put out a really old broken vacumn the other day, and it was gone in no time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Al the stuff on your left sidebar is gone, including Beau's blog link. Don't know if it is you or me, but just thought I would let you know.

Hootin Anni said...

One man's trash is another man's treasure! This tearing apart of the desk sounds exactly like our household!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It took quite a lot of frustration and some good old yelling and screaming, not to mention all the work, Sandra, but gone everything is…nuff said, for now.

Inger said...

You could write a book about the trials and tribulations of married life. I just love reading about it, so it would be a best seller for sure. Great that all that stuff is gone now. And that people stop and pick up things to be used again.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that's even worse than what I imagined! I've a like-kind POS in the corner of our dining room: It started life back in 2005 as a computer desk, but when we moved here there was no room for it anywhere else.

I've been using it as storage and decor, but I'd love it if Bob would come up here with his sledgehammer. They should make REAL stuff as soundly as these, ya know?

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh we have been there and done that too.
Except it was my old craft table. It was made totally of particle board that was as heavy as concrete. We took it apart in sections. Each week we put a section in the trash.
My friend calls folks who pick up things from the curb
Urban Miners
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Wow, what a Saga...so glad you got rid of the things and someone else got the crate.
Free is good.
Feeling shaky but much better today...same with Dave.
Maybe we are finally over this crud!
Our house looks like a disaster hit it.
Have to start cleaning the 2 weeks worth of not doing anything...

Tigger's Mum said...

Urban miners! We like that. As for the cleaning up F is cringing with the thought that she will be cleaning under and behind soon (4 years of dust and cat fur). Good to know someone found a use for the crate.

DeniseinVA said...

Great job! Not an easy task but your perseverance won out. I am once again impressed.