Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Almost Wordless Wed


Mango Leaves against the fence
I remembered something to tell you. This past Saturday I picked up a pound of bacon and the price was 
I put it back, when I rung up my purchases, the strawberries that did not have a price on them, rang up
This added to the fact many of the shelves were totally empty, no vinegar, 
and other things on my list. 
I checked my reciept at home and 1/2 the items I bought have doubled in the past 6 months.

Fern and Air Plant on Fence

Mango Tree in a bucket which was grown from a seed. 

Cassava Leaf up close


CheerfulMonk said...

I love the pictures but am dismayed at the inflation It's bad here too. 😯

easyweimaraner said...

wow that's a lot.... and three times the number 6 is no good sign... sigh

Hootin Anni said...

Everything is sky high. And not just food! Great photos Sandra.

Ann said...

Awesome pictures. The prices in the stores are crazy. Lettuce came in at the store yesterday with a suggested price of over $7 a head.

eileeninmd said...

Love the pretty leaves and shadows. The prices are going up, it seems the bill is higher each time we make a trip to the food store. Take care, have a great day!

Cathy said...

Seems to be a worldwide problem - there’s that old saying ‘money makes the world go round’…do you think it’ll stop when we don’t have enough to pay.
My till roll is certainly getting higher and higher each time I shop - beforehand I’d just pick up anything and everything- oh that looks interesting, maybe we’ll try that this week- not anymore.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ditto all said here... Definitely falling back to shopping only essentials... YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

Love the photos - do you know how to process that cassava to eat? We might all be doing that soon! F is desperately trying to find a supplier of bulk dry goods (5-25kg at a time rather than packaged in tiny plastic half kilo bags), but even a local shop that opened with 'zero waste' bannered all over the front is simply a middle class affectation with unwrapped bars of super expensive homemade soap, and bins of exotic flour. Someone needs to be selling beans and rice out of sacks to people struggling with budgets, not opening more shops that rely on people with money showing off their green credentials (there that's F's rant for the day).

As for bacon - sometimes our local shop has bacon ends for cheap but they sell out really quickly.

xxx Mr T

Rose said...

Everything is through the roof! A pound of butter is a bit over $5 for a pound...and that the cheapest brand.

Mevely317 said...

If these prices keep skyrocketing, I may have to become a vegetarian and learn to garden. (Like that's ever going to happen, right?)
I don't care how attractive it is, seeing $6.66 on anything is grounds for me to back away. Far, far away.

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the mango photos
OMDs yes things have doubled. I'm trying to make more meals that we can have for 2 nights now. Easy in the cold weather we have lots of hearty soup
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

Do you get to eat fresh mangos? How long do they last on the tree? Air plants are expensive here! Lovely sharp shadows!

Chatty Crone said...

I tell you the price of every single thing in the world has gone up!

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, doubled is crazy. I don't know if you have an ALDI. Our Aldi has LOWERED prices on many things recently. Part of a promotion. I love that!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Talk about costs, Sandra, Grenville checked the price of the Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls he likes only to find out they were over $6 a can! I reminded him that I can make them at home and the cost would be much less since we already have all the ingredients needed. We like bacon as well, but not at that price. Thankfully blueberries have been less costly than strawberries here.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a beautiful collection of leaves Sandra...

As for shopping, I was out at Walmart today and continue to be amazed that they can have a whole 1/3 of the store crammed with Holiday decorations and so much of there food shelves are empty...

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I think everyone is noticing the rise in food costs and double or even triple is not unusual. The jar of salsa I always bought for 1.99 is not close to $4

photowannabe said...

Yes, for sure. We just got back from Walmart and found the same thing. I scream at paying $5.00 for a lb. of butter and over $5.00 for eggs.
Last week I couldn't find a red onion any where..
Every day items are in very short supply.
Love the shadow photos.

Linda said...

You have avocados and MANGOS too!!!
High grocery prices make shopping a challenge. I am finding it best if I do NOT send Louis Dean nor even take him with me!! We came home from Trader Joe's today with TWO cheesecakes! But it's his birthday so that's his gift!

DeniseinVA said...

Always enjoy your garden photos with all the sunlight and shadows. Prices have been going up here too. Paying attention to if I REALLY need this or that!

Betty Manousos said...

ferns make for great shadows. thanks for sharing these beautiful captures!

prices have been going up here too. electricity heat is also so expensive here.:(