Monday, November 14, 2022

iPhone Playtime 1


Yet another post found in drafts, created when I got this phone on Oct 18th.

This is the recycled iPhone A blog friend sent me to use as a camera and is
the reason you are being bombarded with nonsense photos.
Practice Makes Perfect.
the phone is dainty and slipped from my hand to the carpet and now has a military grade protection case, made for dumb bunnies who drop the phone.
The First Thing I did after putting it on was lay it on the ottoman and if slid off and the corner of the new protector hit my ankle, made a cut and a big bruise.
I need a case for my legs.

Bokeh Background Practice

The background did blur and were sharp and clear.

I even managed to use the cell with the water dripping. 
The first two are not as good as the last two. 
I tweaked it by tapping the screen and scrolling up and down to make it better.

Can you see the difference? 
the edits are done whilst Taking the Photo, not after.



Ginny Hartzler said...

The last two are fabulous! I have no idea how you would do an edit while snapping, but there must be some kind of setting. You have a new header, what a surprise! And your cute little snapping avatar is in it too. I LOVE her, she is totally adorable and makes me happy. Anyway, what is the header? My guess is some kind of park pavillion maybe.

easyweimaraner said...

that is super great! I love the water drop photos... they have something so special... well done!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Just like a kid with a new toy!! Hope you saved the cardboard box for later playing when the "toy" gets boring!! Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing. Seriously, I LIKE the faucet dripping.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, technically, you are not editing; you are setting. Just like a photographer with a big fancy camera has to set; ISO, F-stops, apply filters and such like. Editing comes AFTER the image has been removed from the camera if it is thought the settings did not bring forth the desired result. I love those tap shots! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


You are having fun with the phone camera, there seems to be lots to learn and fun settings. I like the last two water drop photos. Take care, have a great week ahead!

Ann said...

There is a definite difference in those last two from the two above. You get an A for excelling in your studies.

Mevely317 said...

Never in a million years would I have thought to photograph a dripping faucet --but these last two images look like modern art! And you're having fun at the same time. Well done!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A phone case is always a good protection and always had one as well. You are doing more fun things with your camera phone than most folks, who stop at selfies.

Chatty Crone said...

The camera bruised your leg and cut it - the case - well you will have it forever. lol. I liked the water drop pictures. Interesting.

Rose said...

I have never tried to capture water dripping! love those...

My Mind's Eye said...

First of all I love your header...very original
You sure do know a lot about your iPhone camera. I need to study my some
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like you are having a fun time learning the phone features...and we get to benefit from your learning!!

photowannabe said...

Love the way you experiment and find all the tricks of the phone.
Love the bokeh too, especially the mother and child.
No more injuries..Ya hear!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the water drops and the header even more. Well done! 👍❤️

DeniseinVA said...

They look great! Glad you are having fun with your phone. I have dropped my phone a few times. I said ouch when I read you had dropped it on your foot. Hope it’s not sore still.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I always need a protective case. Phone by themselves just slip out of my hands. The photo looks so crystal clear to me. Love the photos that phone is taking.