Monday, November 7, 2022

New Desk? for the MadSnapper


Some of you might remember when we dragged the old desk out to the curb and I turned my small bedside table into a tiny desk. It works great but I have no where to lay STUFF when working.
With a gift certificate to Amazon from a blogger, I orderded
this rolling desk. It will tilt, both pieces of the top, can be used for a laptop, can be used by a chair, across a bed, OR
Make my tiny desk into and L-shaped desk. I am loving it..  And its moveable.

With the addition of the iPhone as a camera, I now have 

Samsung 5-inch screen, iPhone 6-inch screen, Chromebook 11-inch screen, an 
The Big Screen 65-inch Smart TV 
from 5 inches to 65 inches
they are all computers and my entertainment.
I LOVE TECHIE stuff and learning to use them.
 I do NOT love the Smart TV and wish we did not have it.

How many devices do you have? Do you love them?

PS the desk is new. Most of this is over 2 years old. I also forgot to include my 2 Kindle e-readers. all they do is allow me to read a couple hours a day.


CheerfulMonk said...

We have a potful of computers and devices too, but no smart TV. We do not want smart gadgets.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I dread whenever we need a new T.V. Because I think they are all going to be Smart. Leave it to you to find a super desk! I love how you always want to learn!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
no 'smart' anything here - although I do actually rather like tech - but specifically, computers. Currently, I work only with the 11" Chromebook. I do all my viewing through that on demand so I can watch when I want to ... and use earphones as the hearing is not so good these days! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

I like the idea a lot... and I think I will buy such a stand too...

Hootin Anni said...

You were well gifted by a blogger friend!!!

We have two smart tv sets, a DVD player, smart phones, 2 Desktop computers, and one laptop. I think the worst one is the OnStar in my car. But then, the hands off sync is good.

eileeninmd said...

First, the Amazon card was a nice gift. I like your desk. I use my desktop and my kindle reader everyday. We do have 2 smart TV's, hubby is addicted to the TV. I like reading. I need a new computer chair, everything you buy now always has to be put together. What would we do if we didn't have all this techie stuff. Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

We have two smart tvs.. I have two laptops that I use every day, and Roger has his own, I have a Samsung tablet I never use..and a note 8 phone. I sure enjoy having them. Love that I can look up anything, almost any time. Anywhere.

Ann said...

What a great desk. It's perfect for you.
You've got me beat in the device department. I do have 3 tv's in the house but none of them are smart tvs

Mevely317 said...

What a fab desk! I don't need it, but of course, now I want one.
I love the convenience of 'smart' devices; but not so much the how-to. Let's see -- we've two such televisions, my desktop, Tom's Chromebook, 2 Fire tablets, our cell phones and one smart-a** Alexa.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your new desk - I would never have thought of that. Perfect use of space. We have way too much technology here.

Linda P said...

Anything on wheels so an item of furniture can be moved around is perfect. Glad you're finding your new desk useful. Our large screen television and my large screen attached to my laptop are invaluable as is my large screen smart phone that allows me to sit comfortably and read your blog and comment when necessary.

My Mind's Eye said...

Excellent purchase in the new desk and OMDs you are quite neat!!
I have a desk top, a kindle, an iPad and an iPhone.
They all have a purpose and I do enjoy them.
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wowsers, what a great new desk...plenty of room for "stuff"!

I just have my phone, my iPad and my computer....Now my husband is a different story!

We do have a humungous TV in the living room and another in the guest bedroom/treadmill room.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps... praying TS Nicole doesn't hit you from the 'back'side.

DeniseinVA said...

That does look smart. It’s fun to play with the gadgets. I have a laptop, a smart phone and an iPad and a smart TV but not sure about the operators, lol!

Linda said...

You are techie!!! I have an iPhone, mini pad, laptop and our TV in the den. Louis Dean has his own laptop.

That's a great desk set up! Louis Dean has one like that (kind of) down at the ranch!

Breathtaking said...

What a great gift. My laptop sits on a long table that used to be in my son's bedroom where he used it to study when at Uni. It has two large drawers for computer related stuff, but I need a new chair. Currently I sit on a garden chair, but it doesn't look very nice. There is a great deal of high-tech things in the house which used to belong to my husband, but I don't use them.

photowannabe said...

Well, I'm a failure in the techie department..
We have 2 cell phones (old Androids), I have a Mac laptop and Dave has an old desktop, our printer and one NON smart TV. I guess we live in the dark ages but as long as I can do my blog and chat with people I'm happy.
My desk is the end of the dining room table!!
Dave has a computer bookshelf unit in his office..
Its crazy messy with all of our eBay stuff around.
Ugh, it will all have to disappear when Thanksgiving dinner happens.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The desk looks great. Glad you were able to get it. I have 4 devices.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I've few gadgets of this nature and defintely no TV - when we in NZ went digital years ago, I decided to see if I'd be happy with my computer to watch on Demand - yep!