Sunday, February 12, 2023

Eyeglasses are HERE

I tried and tried to get a good pic of the glasses, either the iPhone is broken, or I just look bad in them. this was the 5th try, 
I tried 4 shots of them in the container and since they are rimless, they just disappear.
you can see the shape in neon.
PS, does anyone use mascara that works for people with eye allergies? 
my lashes are gray and thin and if I touch them a little with Almay they itch like crazy.
a search shows dozens, but it is to expensive to TRY. 
anyone use any of these?


I even tried all the comic filters. Nada. See those funny eyebrows? that is the glasses.
I told you they disappeared.
Guess what else disappeared. MY MEMORY.
I had a 1:30 appt. to pick them up and at 2:05, got an eyelash in my eye, which caused me to stop reading in my kindle, go to the magnify mirror and when I took.
my old glasses off I saw them, and Screamed I FORGOT MY APPT!
I ran down the hall yelling, you said you would remember. He said Remember What?
Eye Glasses!!!! 
He said what about them! OV VEY! his is worse than mine. YES, I know I can set the phone, but not if I forget to...
They still gave them to me and Wow! 
now I need glasses for my MEMORY.
At least I could SEE to copy paste. hope hope

I also forgot sunday selfie, this will have to do


Ginny Hartzler said...

You look lovely in this last photo. And the green glasses shot is gorgeous. At least you remembered close enough to your appointment that it all still worked out.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I don't use makeup. when I was young and working, it took me about two hours to apply it. That was the season of Dolly Birds and Mary Quant. Now I am the exact opposite.

CheerfulMonk said...

I don't use makeup, haven't for years. I love that last picture of you, and I'm so glad they let you have the glasses. I hate having to remember appointments.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
No makeup for me, either... with one exception; Avon marker for the eyebrows as they 'just disappear' as you describe here!!! I did used to wear minimal makeup for work long years back and Avon was the one I found to be anti-allergenic... though I have no idea how I would go with mascara these days. YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

F doesn't wear make up - never learned how to and the only time she got make up done by a 'professional' she ended up looking (and feeling) like a clown. So she's no help. That green pic of your glasses is a mighty good one. Xxx Mr T

DeniseinVA said...

Glasses are pretty and so is the last shot of you. I like the ones in the case too. I am always forgetting to do things lately. I rarely ever use make up any more. Even super sensitive mascara used to make my eyes water so I gave that up first.

Hootin Anni said...

No make up for me! And I have very short lashes. Love your new glasses. Best of all, I really like your hair style.

eileeninmd said...

No makeup for me, I have way too much trouble with my eyes and allergies.
You look great in the new glasses. Cute photos. Have a great day!

Rose said...

I cant use mascara either...that was the one thing I used to wear

So glad you could get your glasses. Maybe mine will be in next week!

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the new specs MS
and I love how you tickle my funny bone every single day with ordinary things that I can totally understand
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Yay for the new glasses. they look great on you. I'm glad you remembered in enough time to get them.
This memory thing is a real bear, isn't it? Learning my new phone has really brought that to the forefront for me..Will I ever get it all straight??
Off to church in a few minutes. Hope the rest of your day goes well.

Mevely317 said...

Monk is right, that last picture of you is great! So glad you found a pair that feel comfortable ... and they still let you have them, hahaha!
Sorry, I've no tips on the mascara; I've not worn it in a decade or more. I have heard of people applying Vasoline to their eyelashes; suppose that would work?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you got your glasses. They look nice on you. Glad you can see better. I haven't tried those mascaras but I do use mascara, however I have been disappointed in all of the lately. I do not itch from any of them.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=.I like your new light weight glasses and the picture of you wearing them.I'm glad you remembered in time to get them. Have you tried dying your eyelashes? I dye my eyebrows once a month. I got fedup of using a pencil and found it hard to buy one the right shade of grey.One day a friend of mine suggested I use the dye she uses for both eyelashes and eyebrows. I did a skin test first on the inside of my wrist, didn't get a rash, so I gave it a try, and I find it easy to apply and have been using it for years. No more runny mascara, it's waterproof. I sometimes wear lipstick, but that's it!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the new glasses, they look great! I need to get some too, but have to be 'in the mood' to try on frames, and I don't always feel like it. But anyway, if you happen to find glasses for your memory, let us know - And vice versa! 🥰

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra I can't wear eyeliner or mascara either - I just gave up. Allergies.

Now - I just LOVE your new glasses - I may look for some like that.

Ann said...

The new glasses look great. I can see them in both pictures.
I don't do make up. Even when I did, I hated mascara.