Saturday, April 22, 2023

Earth Day 2023


I created the photo above, using my photo you see below, and adding to it using PicMonkey free Stock photos. The trees are part of the park, we walk Beau in on weekends. A green space full of trees, a part of our earth that is as close the walking in the woods on our planet earth, while living in a city. 

Humans simply cannot learn to leave our forests alone. Greed by humans is quickly destroying the green environment we need to survive. 

Today is Earth Day and this is a reminder to us to remember to do what WE CAN DO to preserve this earth. Our Earth will never rejuvenate without our help. 

Saturday AM, I rolled into Wal-Mart parking lot and as I pulled to a stop, outside my window was a large blue box, left behind after someone emptied the beer and left it sitting in the parking lot.

The worse part of seeing that was as I walked inside, I counted NINE BLUE BOXES all in different parking spots.

When I left, the young man who cleans the parking lot, was picking up the boxes. I said, there must have been a sale of that type of beer and he replied. No, the college students do this, they come in several cars, buy what they want, transfer into coolers and leave the trash behind. 

He also said, you will not believe the things I find that people sit out of their cars. He went into a rant about picking up full plastic bags of garbage from homes, Walmart bags filled with trash from the car and left sitting in the parking spot, bottles and boxes and anything they buy and open, they toss the containers on the pavement and leave. 

I found this poem, Save Our Planet by Clive Blake on All Poetry

Ban the bomb!

Save the whale!

Please don't step on

That poor snail.

Help the ozone;

Retain your wind,

Don't use aerosols;

They should be binned.

Pesticides are bad,

Composting's good,

And only use soft

Sustainable wood.

Leave forests alone,

Stop 'slash and burn',

From our past mistakes ...

Can’t we all learn?

Save endangered species,

Give them some space,

Help them compete

In an unequal race.

Recycle your waste,

Throw nothing away,

It'll come in useful

One fine rainy day.

Single-use plastic

Is clogging the seas,

We must all change our ways

For our planet’s sake – please.

© Jul 2017, Clive Blake   eco • ecology • 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Great poem, and what a great image you created of cuddling the earth! Man is just destroying it all.

CheerfulMonk said...

Sigh. There are way too many of us, even if we were all considerate. Your description of the Walmart parking lot is sad. I feel sorry for the workers who have to clean up the mess. ��

DeniseinVA said...

This is a great message for Earth Day. Love you first image and the original is lovely too. Felt sorry for the man who has to clear up all that trash. I think he must have been happy to have someone listen to him, so that he could vent a little. Great poem!

DawnTreader said...

Important reminders!

eileeninmd said...

Love the image and the poem. Great message for Earth Day!
If only people would take care of their trash properly.
It would be a good start. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great image you created. Well done. As for people and their trash, there seems to be no solution to it. Humankind seems to have abdicated all responsibility for the planet and merrily goes along sewing the seeds of his own demise. We will not stop until we have trashed and ruined it all.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There us no denying that humans are careless and take for granted that someone else will clean up the trash they leave everywhere. Sadly, this is even more true in public spaces.

Ann said...

How sad is it that so many people do that in the Walmart parking lot. That shows a lack of character in my opinion.

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo Bravo SANDRA what a wonderful post.
I will never ever understand why people leave trash behind.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Some people are just plain disgusting!
Love that poem, but more so your first image. It makes me want to sing, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands."
Happy Earth Day!

Rose said...

I so hate the way people throw trash anywhere...

photowannabe said...

I never for the life of me can ever figure out why people just leave..dump..their trash where ever they are.
Are their homes like that? It seems kids aren't taught to pick up their things any more and they come to expect someone else to do it for them.
My rant for the day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a shame about the college students doing that. What goes around will come around to them someday. I love the poem you shared. It is so important to take care of our environment. Sadly, there is a lot of recycling that they are not doing anymore.

The Happy Whisk said...

Your Wally World sells beers? What a mess those kids leave. Too bad the store can't do anything about it. Loved the poem. Happy Earth Day Weekend.