Friday, April 7, 2023

Shopping Wynn Dixie!

I pulled into the parking lot at Winn Dixie and the view above was so perfect i had to dig
out the iPhone camera. 
Below is a zoom same view.

I stepped out of the car and aimed the phone at the palm trees and thought, this will be perfect to show my blogger friends how beautiful Florida is even when simply checking out a newly remodeled grocery store.

Here is the scoop. The price on the ham said 48.00. A yellow sticker said, if you are Awards member, price of ham is 26.00.
Everything in the store has a HIGH price and a low price.
To get the low price I signed up as awards member, and each time I shop, I start by inputing my phone number and get the cheaper price. 
She said if I am a visiotor to the store and not a permanent resident, she would give me a wone time store card to get the discount
Why? Just put the cheaper price on it and stop the madness. Their low price is still MORE THAN Wal-Mart. Even the BOGO buy one get one is more.
Beautiful Store, HIGH prices! I spent 30 minutes wandering the aisles pricing the things I buy at Walmart. Prices do not compare!

I will buy meat and a few things there but am still focused on SAVING DOLLARS

I added the finishing touch with a photo of the
Darling Little Basket I used to carry a Ham and a yellow Bell Pepper.

Isn't this basket too cute for words? I want one to move things around in the yard.



CheerfulMonk said...

It's a beautiful store, I would love to go see it. Well, see it, not go. The weather has really messed up the airlines lately. 😊

Tigger's Mum said...

Tigger wants one of those baskets with a cushion in the top shelf 1 to add to his collection of 'donkeys'. Xxx Mr T

easyweimaraner said...

yes... that basket is very good!!! we want one too ;O))) fortunately you got the cheaper price this time... are not really fans of customer cards and vip-clients and so... the mama became a member once in a shoe store... sadly this shack closed one week later what the ...?

Ann said...

What a cute cart that is. That makes me crazy when they have the two different prices. There is a drug store near here that does that.

Hootin Anni said...

I am not one for memberships!!

eileeninmd said...

I love those trees, big and beautiful. We often buy meat at a different store, not Walmart. Usually the stores sale prices are only with a store card and they give your bonus points to use. I like the little carts, we have them in different stores here too. Enjoy the ham! Have a great day and happy Easter weekend.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
One of our supermarkets here does that membership thing - what nonsense. The cost of the membership is enough to make up that difference, so no saving at all! (I guess for families, that might be different.) But really, it's like those permanent sales that some stores have. Everything with a price but no real value... and yes, that trolley is the cutest! YAM xx

Rose said...

That is a beautiful view! We have some of those cute shopping carts at our little local grocery.

My Mind's Eye said...

YAY for WD. I don't think there are any more here in our County. Maybe in some smaller cities in NC though.
We have a honey baked ham
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Yes(!) to that little grocery cart. I've been buying the 40-count package of water bottles from WM -- no worries them putting it in my trunk, but I have to make several trips out to the car with a big basket, carrying a dozen at a time.
Your new grocery looks all prettied up, but I agree, their prices aren't anything to write home about. Plus, the Food Outlet next door has better quality meats at less $.

Chatty Crone said...

Things sure look prettier in Florida. I think the colors make you feel good. So I hate when you have to use the coupons on your phone - I agree just make
the darn price. It ticks me off. The ham is a big one! Yes I like the cart too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Many of the stores around here now have the regular shopping baskets as well as this smaller version. I like them.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Think I'll just keep shopping at my local markets.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

It's a beautiful store...but I'm with you now and get everything but meat and produce at Walmart. It's soooooo much cheaper!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lovely lighting in the second photo and nice shade reflections from the trees. I agree with what you said and if Walmart is less expensive then you should keep shopping there. That cart is so cute!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, I like the tall Palm Trees. and the store looks nice from outside, but what a load of nonsense having two prices. Your Walmart stores have better prices. Those shopping baskets are cute, we also have them in our stores, and the hand held ones Happy Easter to you both.

photowannabe said...

We have a WinCo that can rival WalMart but not in the meat department. I think the 2 price on everything is rediculous. Just call it what it is. Nice ham you bought.
We're doing ham I bought at WalMart for Easter.

DeniseinVA said...

I only ever use those small baskets, they are a lot easier to get around the store. I have been comparing prices at CostCo and Walmart. Most of the lowest prices for us are at Walmart but you certainly have to be observant on prices. I like your photos. It is a pretty store!

Linda said...

I love a good Win Dixie!! And you are right about that cart! We ALL need one of those!
We had an HEB open up in Plano and I still haven't been there yet. I buy most of my groceries at ALDI and my son Jesse sent me the directions on how to use digital coupons at Tom Thumb and Kroger. Trying to spend less money and not waste any food! Sometimes we have very creative meals using up what we have!