Monday, May 1, 2023

Seagate External Drive


In 2006 I purchased this 268 Gig hard drive because I had hundreds of CD's jammed with photographs taken between 2002 - 2006. 
All taken with Easy Share Kodak cameras. Small point and shoot.

I put everything from the CD on this drive and in 2011 it crashed.
 I bought two externals, 500 gig each and started loading all photo from 2006 until current date on each of them, same thing on both for just in case.

I stood staring at the drawer that contains the CD's. 

I am never going to use them, the cd photos are on the above Seagate.

The best of them are on these 3 other drives.

THOUGH just popped in my head.
The Seagate at the top is only 1/4 of the storage of one of the black Seagate boxes and the tiny pink flash drive is 2 T of space. Oy Vey! what next for me to fill with nonsense

I asked myself WHY I can't toss them in the trash?
The best are on my three blogs.
CD's are deadly slow.
10 minutes to move the Pelican folder to my desktop and then delete because bad photos.

Desktop/laptop has no CD drawer, the external player is even slower than the CD

SOOOO WHY can't I toss the CD's?
Bob, Mr. sensible, stated "you don't want them, don't need them, no one else will ever look at, or want them, so throw them out.

What would you do?
To be continued ...................


Ginny Hartzler said...

I guess I would throw them out, unless there are some really sentimental ones.

Ginny Hartzler said...

New header, a rare thing for you!

DeniseinVA said...

I have a hard time throwing my photos out but then I am very OCD about them. I like your new header.

diane b said...

That sure is a tricky question. I have scanned all the photos in my albums and then I'll print them into photo/diary books. Photos since digital are all on hard drives. Two copies of each photo and the newer ones are on my laptop too. But I put the best ones on my blog and then print the blog posts in books every year. I also make photo books of trips we have made. No one will look at digitally stored photos but maybe they will if they are in a book. When I pop my clogs all the drives will be ditched but maybe my girls will enjoy the books. In your case with no children it probably isn't worth keeping them but then again. I enjoy looking back in time and remembering the good times.Keep your memories.

eileeninmd said...


I have the same problem, I stored a lot of CD's and I have 5 external hard drives with most of the same photos copied. One hard drive crashed, which is why I have 4 extra now. They can't be trusted. When I kick the bucket, they will all end up in the trash. For now they are my memories. Take care, have a great day!

Ann said...

This is easy to answer because I am doing the same as you are. I have CDs with some pictures then I have the old external hard drive that has TONS of stuff on it. It crashed and everything is held hostage in it. I save it because I think some day I'll take it somewhere to see if they can retrieve the old files.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I have the external drives... and then there is THE CLOUD. I have full backups everywhere. I never stored files on CDs (though did use to on floppy disks 🤣) What I DO have, though, are lots of movies on DVD (same but different) that I cannot play on the Chromebook and have been considering purchasing a USB external player. Though most will have to go once I move into the van full-time.

For your own dilemma, though, you can scratch the playing side and then make a fancy garden mobile to hang and hopefully frighten off ducks and other unwelcome swimmers! Lots of gardeners in Australia used to do this - the glint in the sun and are quite good at that job as well as being surprisingly decorative! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Throw them out I say. When you consider the same dilemma facing so many people it's little wonder that we are buried in junk!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

If you are sure you will never need them, then ditch them, Sandra. I had so many CD backups years ago, then started converting them to external drives and never finished that project. There are still at least 20 more to complete.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, vey! I've only a few flash drives, but take a small measure of comfort knowing The Cloud's got my back. I'm so Old School, I've more than a dozen thick scrapbooks under lock and key chronicling my life BT (before Tom). Why I can't bring myself to throw them away, I've no idea ... but that's like asking myself to voluntarily cut off a limb.

Pretty sure I know the answer, but have to ask if any of these backups contain PII (personally identifiable information) -- in which case, I'd run over them, then set on fire in the driveway. Sorry I can't be of better help. Oh, and I LOVE your new header!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ummm now that I'm digital I don't discard photos; however, about 3 months ago I went thru all the 35 mm photos of ours and our parents. Got rid of all that were of mystery scenery etc.

As fro PicCollage. Kit sends me her photos already to use. I just add the names to the anipals. She takes all her photos and edits on her phone like you do.
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

I would keep them because they are full of memories, and what if the new external HDs bite the dust?

DawnTreader said...

I don't think i have all that many photo CDs but I know I have multiple copies of most of my photos, probably a lot more than I'll ever need... I've saved my camera cards + made extra copies on hard drives + extra extra copies of holiday photos... I also still have like five shelves of physical photo with photos glued into them... Plus some inheritied boxes of photos which are probably mostly copies of photos in various old albums, but I've not even found time to check that (and not sure I ever will)... So I kind of get your dilemma! ;-)

Chatty Crone said...

From all the recent moving experiences - THROW THEM OUT.

photowannabe said...

I think its like tossing out part of your memories and part of your life from years past. Its truly a hard thing to do. I have got to transfer my photos to someplace else for safe keeping but just am too lazy and know the day is coming that I will loose my precious photos..

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really don't know what I'd do...lately I've been on a "Spring cleaning" mode and getting rid of things I don't need, so I'd probably get rid of the CD's once I confirmed all the pictures were on the external hard drive.

Susan Kane said...

We have our own boxes of CDs, uncertain what to do with them. When you figure that out? Let me know!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's not easy to toss something like that, we understand totally!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have all my photos backed up at multiple site online, because I know from experience that external hard drives can and do crash, Some places I pay for backup but Google Photos is free but it stores a smaller version of the photo. It is still very usable.

Cheerful Monk said...

I have way too many photos on old storage devices. I stick them in a box just in case. They will all get tossed eventually, maybe even by me before I shuffle off. 😊❤️

Cheerful Monk said...

Sigh, so now I'm "unknown". Cheerful Monk