Thursday, June 15, 2023

Something New, Something Old

Has anyone tried the new All pacs? I have been using All for years because of my allergies to scents.
I bought this after seeing it on TV. It is one pac, place in bottom of washer, place clothes on top and as it washes the package dissolves and the detergent is left. I am all about using less bottle that need to be thrown away.

We love this sausage and for years I have fought to open it. Not sure when they added the 
EASY OPEN, but I noticed it about a year ago.
They failed to put in fine print under the words EASY OPEN, may not be easy for Seniors 78 and older.
My fingers will not pinch anything that small or pull it open if I manage to pinch it.
Anyone else with this problem?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, I struggle with this kind of pull-apart opening tab. I had no idea about this detergent, never heard of it!! How cool!

DeniseinVA said...

I haven’t heard of this either. I have a hard time opening these things.

CheerfulMonk said...

We also have trouble opening things sometimes. The All pacs are like the Tide Free and Gentle pods. They are easy to use.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I have been using laundry pods for quite some time now. Love 'em. And those easy peel corners have been around for a long time... but I agree, the easy part is deceptive!!! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I detest those allegedly easy-peel corners and try to avoid products that have them.

easyweimaraner said...

we always ALWAYS!!! have a problem to open cans... we pull with the ring and have the ring around our finger like a bride in front of the altar and the can is still sealed. but hey married to a can of sardines isn't that bad LOL

Ann said...

Yeah, that easy open isn't so easy. My biggest challenge is to get the two layers apart to peel.
That looks like a really big package of laundry detergent for just one load. So that whole bag just dissolves in the water?

eileeninmd said...

We should try the pods, I see various ones advertised.
I have trouble opening similar packages, they are not easy!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

I have not tried those yet. Like you, I have used All for ages because of Roger's allergies.

Everything is harder for me to open now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes to both questions, Sandra. I have used the detergent packs, but mainly on road trips when we have done our laundry at laundromats. As for those “easy open” packs, they are on so many packaged goods and never as easy as stated. My solution is to use a pair of scissors…works every time😀

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Everything is such a challenge to open and then most have to be put inside a ziplock! Shish! lol

Mevely317 said...

I've been reluctant to try those detergent pods b/c our water is so hard; maybe I should look to see if they make a brand specific to that. Hmmmm.
I don't even try those 'easy open' packages anymore and just go at it with the kitchen scissors.

My Mind's Eye said...

I don't use pods for clothes but I do use them in my dishwasher.
I love Hillshire Frame too. Every now and again I'll buy one that has a curly end that is easy to open. Other wise I reach for the scissors cause it is a real PITT other wise
Hugs cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I use All pacs - - but make sure they are at the bottom if not that plastic goes on the clothes.
Haha I never even saw the easy open. I will have to look.

Tigger's Mum said...

Re the easy open - F is right with you on that and her fingers are younger (and tough from gardening). Re the laundry detergent - ours is like sheets of paper that dissolves in the wash, and get posted to us in a cardboard envelope. No waste and (we hope) not producing a lot of nasties in the waste water. xxx Mr T

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We have never used any pacs in our washing machine. I haven't had that problem with easy open but I often just take our scissors and cut something like that.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I automatically grab the scissors when anything says
"easy open" LOL

The washer we got about 5 years ago is very good on measuring out detergent, so I have never used All pacs.

photowannabe said...

I am constantly wrestling with packages trying to open them. Either the plastic is so stiff and hard that I cut myself or the whole thing pops open and everything goes all over the counter. Scissors to the rescue. I don't even bother with "easy open..pull here" any more!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Our Dad is always fussing at those Easy Open things!