Monday, July 24, 2023

Jose, my new bloviator friend


Bob and I went for lunch at Golden Corral, I paid for the buffet and Bob went off to find a table.
After we filled our plates, Bob said,
what took you so long?

I was talking to Jose.

Who is Jose?

The shift manager/cashier

You were talking all that time to the cashier? How do you know his name?

It’s on his name tag, and besides when he talked to me, He said his name while telling me things.

I said I need dollars for a tip please, he puts it on the tab, and I said, I never carry cash these days, except a 20 for emergencies.

He replied, I do the same thing. He said my dad said a long time ago, Jose, you make a dollar, you save 20 cents of that dollar, you do that and you will always have money when you need it.

I said saving is the way to go, I told my son if he wanted the radio that cost more than we paid for his car, to stop drinking big Gulps at the convenience store and in a few months, he bought the radio.

Jose said, My dad, he says to my brother, you want that motorcycle? Stop smoking, save the cigarette money, 1 year later he buys the motorcycle for cash.

Jose said our favorite waiter, Aaron, is always late.

Bob says Who is Aaron?

 I say you know the one I like so much; he wears eye makeup and is so cute. How do you know his name? He writes it on the ticket when he comes to our table.

We continued the conversation on the way home and Bob says, how do you know all their names and what about the people in line behind you while you talked?

I replied, there was no one behind me, we talked about Aaron, because while Jose swiped my card, Aaron swiped his time card through the other cash register which zeroed out the one I had just signed for, and Jose had to ask for my card and do it again.

Aaron was trying to sneak by while Jose was talking to me, and he caught him, and said something in Spanish to him, I wish I knew what.

The thing is, Jose is a bloviator and we are kindred under the bloviator skin. 

. Did you know bloviator in Spanish and English are spelled the same way?

Click here if you want to know how to say it in Spanish!


Linda said...

That is so cool!!! I did not know it was the same in Spanish!
You are so much fun! I like to chat up people but you are the QUEEN of bloviating!

easyweimaraner said...

great that we could learn something... even in spanish ;o) ... like in the song by sir elton john ;O)

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy you found a kindred spirit! May you find many more. ❤️

eileeninmd said...


Jose sounds very nice, you have found a friend.
Take care, have a great week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Nothing, nor anyone, gets by you. I can see that!

Ann said...

I love how you strike up conversations and make friends everywhere you go. Nice that there wasn't a line behind you so that you and Jose could talk. I'm curious as to why Aaron wears eye makeup.

DawnTreader said...

All these years I've known you by now, and I did not know that bloviate was a "real word"...!!! (LOL)

My Mind's Eye said...

MS this was hilarious and actually quite a familiar event here too. I will (like you) talk to a line no matter where, I'll strike up a conversation.

Once years ago a grad student from Portugal and I walked into our building together. I had a large cup of Starbucks.
He asked if I bought that every day. I said yes 5 days a week. He asked how much (at the time it was 1.75). He was quiet for a moment. Then he said you know if you bought your own coffee pot for work you would save nearly 500.00 a year. That would be a lot of shoes (which I was known to have a lot of).
I bought a Mr. Coffee 4 cup pot and the rest was history.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I love this!
So impressed that Jose has good management skills, but that his customer service (you) is A+. That sort of thing probably ensures that folks like you keep coming back.

Now I'm thinking what we could eliminate, but we've already cut out almost all the non-essentials.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
😂 I'm laughing because today, where I am parked, a true traveller, complete with horse and wagon, has pulled up here too and we have had a grand ol' natter together, had a walk together (with his dog Roxy) and shared lunch together. To find someone kindred in spirit and to talk as if long-time friends is one of the joys of life!!! YAM xx

Ginny Hartzler said...

Funny, it is the same in both languages! You are a PEOPLE person, and that makes life so much more fun and interesting! I have people like this that I know who work in our grocery store.

photowannabe said...

I do start conversations with the people around me too but not as much as Dave does. He NEVER met a stranger. Have to admit I sometimes begin tapping my toes and walking towards the door when things go on..and on... and on.. (:0)
I do believe that's why Dave was so good in retail and being a mgr. His words were his business.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love that you had the conversation with Jose. Great advice on saving money.

Chatty Crone said...

I love how you don't know a stranger. I sure wish I had more of a gift for gab than I do.

DeniseinVA said...

All hail the bloviators of the world, they are fun people and you made this a fun read.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I agree with the masses...I do love how you have never met a stranger!

Rose said...

It is fun to meet new people..

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sounds like a pretty darn good chat to me!

The Happy Whisk said...

That's a good story and I'd be curious what he said in Spanish as well. How was the food?