Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Ranting Post, More Green Space Gone


We live walking distance to Westminster Presbyterian Church. 

In 2021 they sold it for 1.3 million dollars. 9 acres of land. 9 acres of green grass and over 100 trees, mature beautiful trees.

Now We Know The Plans For it.

Top left collage, the Church,  right is the aerial view, 
bottom of collage of what it looks like now.

Bob said what are they doing? I said they are going to build 33 houses where the church was. My research is below! 

Current Ariel View, See all the trees, there were over 100 trees on the 9 acres.
GONE by bulldozers

MY RANT TODAY IS ABOUT THE GREEN SPACE, grass and trees Gone forever.

They are filling the 9 acres with 33 houses, tiny trees, concrete driveways and streets plus they built up the land by bring dirt from some other place. New homes must be built up becaue of furture flooding caused by humans doing what they are doing. 
Renditon below that was filed in public records, how they will fit 33 houses there.

A petition was signed by 206 homeowners in the neighborhood asking them to sell it to the other bidder for the property which was another church that wanted it. A church that would leave the green space, 9 acres of grass and mature trees.

Ignoring the homeowners, Shocker! The City approved the homes, 33 not 44 as they wanted to do, with the understanding they would leave 52 mature trees, and replace the ones they take down with 122 trees. 


Of course, the city planners said NO to having 9 acres of grass and trees and a church, and yes to 33 homeowners who will pay taxes to the city.  MONEY ALWAYS WINS!

In a five-mile stretch the other side of the interstate, 3 cattle farms, 2 dairy farms, are now gone forever and full of 10s of thousands of homes, the people who buy them work in Tampa Area and commute down the interstate. per the last census, in 2021, there are 135,000 homes in our small space. 

Our local news had a special about our disappearing green space, the kind that allows our earth to soak in water and breathe and gives green space for bugs and bees and critters to do what they were intended to do that they can't do on concrete and pavement. 
Build more homes, build more roads, make the parks more people friendly by paving places to play games and adding fences and shelter. 

This is a LINK to the new area, Jordan Creek at West Bradenton. THERE IS NO CREEK. if you go to the link, you can see a larger pic of what will replace the trees and grass, just click on the small photo to the right. 

plans recorded in public records shows what they were supposed to do with the trees!


Ginny Hartzler said...

How awful is all I can say. Plus, people should be able to vote. We do still have a democracy.

diane b said...

It is awful that the local community wasn't consulted. As you say money talks louder.Developers have too much power over councils.

Ann said...

What is the point in voting if they aren't going to give the people what they want. That's just terrible that they took out all those trees. That rendition looks like it will be 9 acres of identical houses.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This is the kind of story that can make me weep - literally. The rampant disregard for nature is our undoing, we see the signs all around us, yet still we don’t learn.

eileeninmd said...

That is just sad! Greeen space and more trees are needed to help our climate.
People need to check out who they are voting for, money talks and buys politicians. Take care, have a great day!

Mevely317 said...

That's so sad.
The bureaucrats paying no attention to citizens is just disrespectful.
Your illustrations remind me of where we lived in Arizona -- cookie cutter everything. I think our realtor (here) was a little offended when she wanted to show us similar places and I'd be singing that old song, "...and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boxes)

Now I'm wondering whatever happened to that original church's congregation.....

Chatty Crone said...

It is terrible what is happening to our land and life - and no thoughts of the future!

My Mind's Eye said...

DOn't even get me started on my rampage about all this going on in Raleigh. The developers can do anything they want to do. A few years ago JCPenney's was leveled. Across the street from that area is one of Raleigh's pretties neighbors with trees and hills and well built and designed homes that were built in 1970's. It was leveled to make room for more commercial buildings.Now on the lot where 2 story Penney's was located is a 7+ story multi-use building. All the homes across the street have lost every beam of sun they got in the morning. They sit in the shadows of an ugly building.
Hug Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry to be reading this. This is so sad. We need our trees. We should be planting trees, not taking them down.

DawnTreader said...

That's a shame that they could not keep that church and park with old trees, especially since there was another church that wanted to take it over! One might think everyone would see the value of keeping a green area.

photowannabe said...

There is nothing I can add to everybody's rants and opinions.
Voting is just a word nowadays... It truly means NOTHING when money and greed takes over everything.
"They" can't keep promises and it really is domes day with no mature trees to give us pure oxygen and the whole cycle of Life..
Ugh to the cookie cutter, close together, no yards and concrete!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I have no words other than I totally agree with you on all counts!

Jo said...

OH MY WORD, Sandra, this is so sad What use was it voting and the city fathers ignored the current homeowners, Imagine decimating all those mature trees. So very heartbreaking. On another note, thank you for chivvying me up to start blogging again. xxxJO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, that is totally horrible and boy do we understand that. The City of Greenville has good zoning to preserve green space, the Greenville County has NO ZONING hardly at all. There are housing developments going in everywhere. They are bound and determined to take the GREEN out of Greenville.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh that is a terrible shame. It happens up here all the time, trees get chopped down and we get more houses built. The countryside is getting their fair share of developments too. Green spaces are disappearing.

CheerfulMonk said...

It breaks my heart too. Too many people and a housing crisis. 🙁