Friday, August 25, 2023

Fear of Traffic

Photos of traffic at 2 of our bridges taken from the Bradenton Herald. 

Todays Post is a PS to the Prior Post , Road trip with Bonnie,  

I was afraid to try and find my cousins new home and would not drive it alone and missed our last Cousin Reunion. My cousin Bonnie volunteered to give me a trial run to show me how easy it is to find. some of you were shocked, since the trip to my cousins homes is ONLY 18 miles.

Jamie lives in Parrish, our entire county, both sides of the river have in the past 10 years Exploded in Growth, and they are building everywhere there is a patch of grass. the above ad is a housing subdivision and the two roads you see are not roads but the entrance to the houses.

When I moved here 40 years ago, to my mother's small hometown, there were 2 bridges and very little traffic except at Christmas when EVERYONE in the county came to the ONLY mall in the county to shop. Now the Mall is locked up and empty and the small town is gone leave us to this chaos which is 2 miles from my house on the roads that go North and South on the West Coast of Florida, Called the Suncoast because everyone wants to live here or visit here.

The road on the left is what Fort Hamer looked like 5 years ago, the bridge is part of the new road they built. 

All of the above has led me to where I am now....a new word I discovered for this post.

Fear of  driving in TRAFFIC is a real thing.. AMAXOPHOBIA.  Google tells me I need therapy to overcome it. HA HA HA HA HA

Amaxophobia (also called hamaxophobia) makes you feel anxious or fearful when you drive or ride in a vehicle, such as a car, bus or plane. With it, you have a fear of driving and may also get anxious being a passenger. This fear can interfere with work, socializing and travel.

Yamini made this comment on the prior post.

Hari OM

Oh my word... I think that all those animals are going to be the incentive for you to make that drive all by yourself in future!!! YAM xx

THANK YOU, BRIAN, for your comment.

Brian has left a new comment on your post "Roadtrip with Bonnie2":Well, I know you'd like to see the cousins but if you don't feel good about driving it I say don't go.

Finally, a man I can agree with. Does it matter if Brian is a cat???? Not to me it doesn't, and Yam, I will not be driving in that traffic.

click HERE to see what Yam wrote today.

you will find the Rules HERE 
Joining Yam in Final Friday Feature


CheerfulMonk said...

I think your fear is common sense. I drive the few blocks to the grocery store here in our town, but I don't drive to Santa Fe or anywhere where there is a lot of traffic and I don't know the roads by heart. My eyes don't work well together so my reaction time has always been slow. We're not doing anyone a favor by ignoring our limitations.

easyweimaraner said...

I always bow my head when I see mark in the traffic of paris or another town where idiots live... even as the co pilot I could scream like a banshee...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What a brilliant FEATURE post!!! Thank you, Sandra, for introducing a new word to us. I certainly do not enjoy driving in traffic, but - so far - have not been so bad as to suffer as you clearly do. Though I do understand it; I tend to endure enochlophobia - fear of crowds. The same thing without wheels. I hope that your family will agree to collect you again so that you can go visit! YAM xx

Ann said...

I COULD drive in traffic like that but I wouldn't like it one bit. I would call that white knuckle driving and I would have a death grip on the steering wheel the entire time.
Do you have the same fear when you're a passenger in the car or just when you're driving?

eileeninmd said...

I see more and more traffic everywhere I go now, it seems there is no way to avoid sitting in traffic. I do not like it but I can manage driving in the traffic more than my hubby. I usually do all the driving. I would not like to give up driving, I assume one day it will happen. Take care, have a great weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There is not a doubt in my mind that sitting in traffic is one of the biggest wastes of time we all must endure from time to time and it’s not going to get any better. But be of good cheer, however, with P01135807 and DeSantis to take care of you, Florida has nothing to worry about!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is awful, and nerve wracking. Me too!! And now I know the name for what I have. And I do not have your excuses; we live in a small town. I don't think you would ever want to see the animals badly enough to drive there. I certainly wouldn't! Stick with Wal-Mart and stay calm. I am in a blood pressure crisis. It went to 203/92 yesterday and kept rising fast. My feet and legs are all swollen. Got to the doctor and she told me to take my emergency med, plus gave me Lasix. That got it down nicely. Now I am up early to monitor it again and call her back when the office opens. Sim is also ill, he has progressed in his kidney failure and now we have to give him two different pills, plus monthly shots for his arthritis pain.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your fear is not uncommon, Sandra, as I too do not like driving on congested roadways with a lot of traffic. When we lived in VA is a small town, driving to get to the grocery store or a restaurant was a necessity, but then there was not much traffic or busy roadways. It’s much different where we now live, but living so close to downtown Nashua means that we can walk to everything…medical office, library, post office, retail pharmacy, hospital, new performing arts center, even a supermarket and so many choices in restaurants. Small town living was wonderful, but now so is convenience and walking is good too😀 Thanks for the new word as well, which was a good one today.

Mevely317 said...

This! 'Just realized, this would have been a more appropriate response to Wednesday's Hodgepodge -- "What's something about you today the old you would find surprising."

The other day I had to drive into Montgomery and the traffic was such, by the time we got to the doctor my stomach was in knots. Granted, it's better than being a passenger when Tom's at the wheel, but still.
Amaxophobiate ... yep, that's me.

On my way to see what Yam's written. C-ya!

My Mind's Eye said...

BRAVO on FFF MS. WOW I feel like I was sitting there with you.
Hugs Cecilia

Rose said...

Well, you know I would have a bit of fear driving in all that, too. And wonder how many are texting, etc. And one daughter was riding with her hubby and they set up higher...she looked over at the car next to them, and the driver was watching a video on his phone!

Linda P said...

I'm glad that my hubby does the driving these days. I still have a licence to drive in an emergency, but I'm glad that I haven't had to do so. We tend to stay local as I'm not keen on long journeys. Sometimes they're necessary if we want to see our family. I think it must be a daunting experience to drive in the US. Well done for attempting it to see your relative.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I totally get it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No doubt you would hate California traffic. I often drive in what you are showing. Since Mark fell it has gotten worse because we are out on the road several times a week. I have to say I'm getting better at it. Mark is the one who would drive to Adam and Gabby's. I have driven there a few times now but we now leave early going home so I don't have to drive in the dark. It's okay that you don't want to drive in that traffic.

Inger said...

Re. today's email conversations -- this is one reason I just love to live here, where I can't see of hear my neighbors, where there's no traffic on the road to town, some, but not much traffic on the highway, no traffic jams, and so on. I would not drive on the Los Angeles freeways any longer, but I would drive in the city.

photowannabe said...

I'm sorry you have that overwhelming fear but it makes me sad that you are missing out on some fun things.
I would rather not travel the freeways around here too but I will if I have to. There are alternatives so I'm good.
Well a turn of events for my friends Lynne and her daughter Karen. Karen got sick while staying with her Mom in the hospital this past week. Turns out she has Covid and Lynne tested positive for asymptomatic Covid.
So now they are both home with Karen trying to take care of her mom all while feeling terrible too.
I can't go over there to help so no pay and trying to stay healthy.
What a mess it's turned out to be.

Carol Henstra said...

They are building the highways and roads here. when my son comes to visit me. He is over an hour. More accidents and then it becomes bumper and bumper.

Everyone is in a hurry. I am glad I have not have to drive.

I agree with your readers.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We both have maps in our posts today! Great minds...and all of that! lol I have a problem riding in a car too but the bigger vehicles we drive now help some. Oh...and we don't go places with a lot of traffic, thankfully! I hate that panic feeling and read books and articles on overcoming it. Mostly, I think it helps to get out there on the roads often and not give in...or give up! Sweet hugs, Diane

Brian's Home Blog said...

Traffic here is a real mess too and the Mom and Dad both do whatever they can to avoid the rush mess. I stand by my comment, don't do it if it's scary, and Simon agrees!

Linda said...

I am so sorry about all that traffic!! I don't like traffic either but I am not afraid of it - yet. Now driving at night is a deal breaker and I am having to be careful of my time and make sure I can get home before dark!

Maybe Bonnie will come get you again!!