Sunday, August 6, 2023

In Memory of Madeline


Madeline Cetti, August 1, 1944 - August 4, 2023

Catherine, Ann, Madeline, Sandra, Carole
I added Ann and me in a photo of the 3. Carole is Madeline's Sister in Law, Catherine and Ann her cousins. I was the only one not kin by blood, but by love.

My Dear friend of 64 years went home to be with the Lord, she was living in so much pain, Rest now In Peace, with no pain, Madeline.
In Memory of My Friend Madeline, and also in memory of Catherine, Ann, Carole, all of whom have left us to be pain free in heaven. 
Savannah Born, Georgia Girls to the core, the 5 of us keeping in touch through email for many years.
We called ourselves Savannah Sisters for our Group email.

We lived in other cities, all we had to do was type Sistas in email and let the replies to replies fly.
I am now last Sista Standing.

for the story of the Sista's follow this link to 2020 HERE 

She leaves behind her husband of 60 years, Pat, their three sons, their wives and eight grandchildren.
They met when Madeline was 15 and have loved each other ever since.
They belonged to each other for all but 15 of Madeline's 79 years on this earth.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I am so sorry for your loss. What a blessing to have been part of the sistas club!

eileeninmd said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
You made a lovely tribute for her.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so very sorry. This is a lovely tribute to your great friend. Rest in peace, dance in Heaven.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra I'm so sorry to read about your beautiful friend, Madeline's passing. I truly know the bond you had with Madeline. My friend Sally and I met at age 12 in 7th grade.
Sending prayers to you, her family and all her friends

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A heartfelt tribute. May her memory be a blessing.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
My heart goes out to you, Sandra, at the loss of such an important part of your life. May the Lord Bless and Keep you softly as you process the departure of your 'sistah'. Much Love, YAM xx

Rose said...

Oh, I hurt for you while still thinking how wonderful to have had each other all these years!

The Happy Whisk said...

Huggs to you on the loss of your loved one. Thanks for sharing picture. Wow, and the date of birth to passing. Always find that interesting when the dates are full circle. Higgs and well wishes to you.

DawnTreader said...

A lovely tribute to your friend(s) with whom you shared so much over the years. It is a very strange feeling when friends with whom you shared a lot of memories pass away.

DUTA said...

May God strenghten you in this time of grief over your friend's passing! May her soul rest in peace while your fine tribute reminds of her and cherishes the moments you had together!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry for your loss. ((Hugs)) Keeping you and her family in my prayers during this difficult time.

DeniseinVA said...

This is a beautiful tribute to your dear friend. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs xo

Ann said...

So very sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for you and her family.

Mevely317 said...

What an amazing blessing to have belonged to this sisterhood!

Sole sista, no obituary ever could best what you've written here. Memories are so bittersweet; I hope you'll take comfort in remembering the laughter.

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m so glad you had that sisterhood for so long. What a blessing that was. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I am so very sorry for your loss 😢

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs. I'm very sorry to hear about your dear friend. It's sure never easy.

Linda said...

What a beautiful post for your dear friend.......I have been praying for her and now I will be praying for all of you who love her. What a blessing to have a friendship that lasted so long. You were so blessed....
Love you, Sandra...

Tigger's Mum said...

Sandra we feel your loss and try understand the pain that goes with being one left. That must feel like the end of a beautiful era. What a gift to have had such a lifetime of connection though. Blessings on you. (F)

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry for your losS too Sandra - she was beautiful!

Ida said...

So very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.