Thursday, August 24, 2023

Mourning Dove


Bob called to me from the backyard saying from the door, there is a baby Dove in the front yard that can't fly. It was fluttering and went through the gate. Get your camera.
I grabbed the iPhone and found this oh so precious Juvenile Mourning Dove sitting on the tree stump by the fence. I took this photo on her on the stump and then zoomed in for the close up.

When I tried to step closer, she flew up onto the neighbor's roof and I sighed with relief knowing she could fly and was fine. We love our doves .

Unfortunately, like humans, the good die young. The hawks and other predators decimate the doves because they are so sweet and tame and easy to catch.
 Just like humans, predators' prey on the easiest mark which is the kind and gentle of both species.


Ginny Hartzler said...

He is pretty. We have many of them here. It is so easy to distinguish their calls, as they are not birdlike chirps or songs at all. They are gentle coos.

Tigger's Mum said...

Why are they called 'mourning' doves? We get ring-necked do es here on rare occasions. I'm really pleased it could fly and that you get the photo before it did fly.

DeniseinVA said...

I hope your little dove remains safe. Sweet photos! We get mourning doves every day and I love their cooing. In the morning I wake up to them. I call them my early morning alarm clock.

easyweimaraner said...

I grinned... once many moons ago we were invited at a castle... they said wear a morning dress. I, the kid with the most misheard lyrics in my mind, got is as MOURNING dress... appeared like the black widow amongst bright dresses, fortunately I could throw the small flower thingy with "our condoloence" ribbbon under my car, it was even without funeral flowers embarrassing enough....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What a pretty bird in all its shades of grey... (and what a giggle at Katty's misheard invite!) YAM xx

Ann said...

I used to get a lot of these in the back yard when Wade was filling the feeder. Now I don't see them very often. They are always a welcome guest. Glad to hear this one was able to fly

eileeninmd said...

Cute photo, the doves are sweet. Here they spook very easily, they are camera shy. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

They are gorgeous birds and as you say frequently fall prey to others. We were at a friend’s house a few years ago as part of an organized backyard bird count and as we watched through their window, having gone in for lunch, there were half a dozen Mourning Doves drinking water at the small part of the pond that was still unfrozen, when a Cooper’s Hawk came in and nailed one of them. Several sighed in dismay as they continued to gnaw on their chicken drumsticks and enjoy the tasty tuna casserole! And they didn’t even need one iota of skill, stamina or stealth to secure their protein. Natural predation is key to a healthy ecosystem. I know a fellow whose specialty is worms (he is a soil scientist) and he refers to robins as predators!

Rose said...

I am glad it coukd got great photos.

My Mind's Eye said...

They are quite gentle and their call so soothing.
Hugs and many hopes she stays safe.
Hugs cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I hope he gets strong enough to fly or his mama comes back to get him!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, he's so pretty!
My heart started beating real fast until you witnessed him taking flight.

Oh, I loathe that 'circle of life' business. Nature is cruel, and there's nothing I or anyone can do about it. Hurts my heart!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I am so glad the Dove could fly...and hope he is able t live a long and healthy life.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The mourning dove is truly a gentle bird and we see them often here at the mill apartments. What you said about them falling prey to hawks is so true as we have seen hawks circling and later seen feathers as evidence of their catch, hopefully not a mourning dove.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely bird. Wish her a long and happy life :)

photowannabe said...

We are on our 8th or 9th generation of mourning doves in our side yard.
They have chosen the top of our ladder resting against the house eves.
They build a nest have their babies and then they fly away. About 2 weeks later a new nest and the process starts over again.
I do love their cooing calls too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are sweet photos. I hope it stays safe.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom loves doves too. She says there is something about them that exudes sweetness and gentleness just by how they look. Not like the starlings:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

Doves are very pretty. We have several around here and our ferals never bother them at all.

Carol Henstra said...

Beautiful picture you took.

CheerfulMonk said...

I do hope it stays safe! We need more love and gentleness in this poor old world.

Anonymous said...

I love the doves. They come late in the afternoon and clean up the mess the other birds have left on the porch.
Sue from the Portie Blog