Saturday, August 26, 2023

News Flash! and a rabbit hole

 I clicked log out after paying bills online, and Edge Browser came up with Guess what, we have added more to your browser. Want to Learn?

one hour later....

I got to the last page of what is NEW, and it said, would you like to try Read this page Aloud ?

Duh! options were Push down on screen, choose to read aloud, or use CTRL shift U and 

I looked at the choice on Push down and then chose the 2nd option and a loud woman voice was reading loudly while I listened to all the instructions on how to use read aloud.

They forgot to tell me how to MAKE HER STOP! I chose to hit Ctrl W, which closes the browser and she stopped.

My mind went to Wow! this is great for people who have sight problems, I ran down that rabbit hole in my head and thought, I can type without looking but how would I find the ctrl shift keys, which led to racing in the living room to grab the iPhone and take a photo of the keyboard. I tried closing my eyes and typing blind. I was right, no idea where the ctrl shift was.

I turned on the little desk lamp, and through the camera lens I saw DUST, grabbed the can of air, blasted off the dust, and forgot to hold the plastic straw, it blasted papers all over the floor from the desk and led to the hunt for the little red straw and picking up papers.

Meanwhile, time had fled, I took more photos and typed this nonsense and found I had spent 75 minutes doing nothing that mattered.

Total time spent on paying bills and nonsense play time, 3 hours. I did learn how to use 3D on 

insta toon app, I found new things on Edge Browser, I bent and stooped to clean up the mess I made with the can of air, and that counts as exercise, right?

Which reminds me, I paid 7.95 cents for a CAN of AIR... that was 3 months ago. I could keep going but half of you are not still reading anyway. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wal-Mart keeps their cans of air LOCKED UP!! Teenagers are misusing it. You did not do NOTHING. You did something you enjoy and that relaxes and makes you happy. And this is worth a lot to our mental health.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a big rabbit hole but one I enjoyed from start to finish. It is amazing how time flies when we are having fun.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for rabbit holes! Good for you. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

You saved the rest of us hours of time by summarizing the useful bits of what you discovered. That's valuable to all of the rest of us.😊

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...what all the others said - and hooray for rabbit holes I say! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think that doing nothing with you might be very entertaining!

eileeninmd said...

Times flies even when you are doing nothing.
I have learned new things just from reading your post, thanks.
Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Ann said...

I call that 3 hours of free entertainment. Well, except for the bill paying part. That's just a necessary evil.

Mevely317 said...

Funny lady! (Okay, I really shouldn't giggle. Sorry. Not!)

That talking lady would never do, here -- the girls would might start growling and Tom would be hollering from the other room, "Who are you talking to?"

Hey, at least this made for entertaining fodder!

My Mind's Eye said...

I went down to the very end of the rabbit hole and had fun
Hugs cecilia

Rose said...

I am still reading...I am not saying what I paid for hamburger to make a meatloaf with...more than I used to pay for rib-eye steak. And will leave it at that. I read till the end...that did count as exercise.

Carol Henstra said...

Oh my you do have things happen don't you. You you call it sort of fun.
My luck my computer would crash if I pressed all that.

Jo said...

Eish Sandra. How I relate to "going down a rabbit hole" AND messing things with other things and scrabbling to tidy up the mess (yes, I call it exercise. LOL!) and then I come down to earth and have to actually do what I started out to do.Thanks for a great post and a good laugh. xxx Jo

Linda said...

I wish you HAD kept going!!! I could 'listen' to you all day long!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You never cease to amaze me with the things you try on your computer.

photowannabe said...

Sandra, you are delightful
I will go down the rabbit hole with you any time...

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with Ginny - you kept yourself learning and not hurting anyone and enjoying your time - what is wrong with that?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Not quite the same thing, but Mom loves audio books. She can get a good book in while she walks us:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

I madee it all the way too but I didn't see one silly rabbit!