Thursday, September 7, 2023

Browsing my Browser


I found the above photo in PicMonkey stock photos and it was instant love. Pushing down on the photo with my finger, I chose google search and there it was, FISHERMANS WHARF in California. the link took me to all the house boats, and I dove down the link for about an hour and also found there is a Fishermans Wharf in Canada, and in several states of USA.

Fishermans Wharf Victoria

If you want to visit Victoria, here is the Link for Fishermans Wharf Victoria photos and a lot more. 

Since no way will I be traveling to California or Victoria, 

I next searched for Colorful Houseboats in Florida and found these. No wharf but wow on the boats.


 This one is a 6 hour drive from us and is $225 per night, they are rentals. Click on the link and scroll to The General Lee the one I want to stay in. It's Aqua. It has a screen porch and only a neighbor on one side. The link also shows 2 that are 1 hour from us and another that is only 30 minutes away, in St Petersburg.. 

I found a rental, only 2.5 miles from me in the Marina just down the street from my Grandmothers house.

I want to go there. What Roads do you travel by Browsing  in your Browser. 


easyweimaraner said...

yes yes yes.. it has to be aqua I agree!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
We have similar places around the UK, but more like barges and such... and yeah, travelling via the intermutts is so easy. Wish it were the same IRL (in real life). YAM xx

Ann said...

Now I want to travel to Fisherman's Wharf. I'll go to both California and Canada. I won't even need a passport because I'll be traveling the same way you do.
I recently went on a google map trip down memory lane and visited all the places I've lived.

DeniseinVA said...

I always thought it would be great to live on a houseboat. At this age not so sure now. They are very pretty though. I can see I will have to do more exploring on the internet. I do mainly wildlife and flowers right now.

eileeninmd said...

I love the colorful houseboats, I have seen some in Washington State and in California. I am not sure if I could live on a boat full time, maybe for a short stay. The last aqua colored houseboat is pretty. Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I travel actual roads...all over creation by using Google maps.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Now isn’t that an amazing coincidence, we will shortly be leaving for the airport for a quick visit to Victoria, BC to do some birding with friends and visit Miriam’s sister, Jan who lives there. Vancouver Island is one of my favourite places in the world. Will we visit Fisherman’s Wharf? I seriously doubt it. We like to get away from the crowds, not mingle with them.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MS what a wonderful find. You know how I feel about vivid colors and reflections. YAY
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

And on your first link, did you see the tiny aqua aqua one with the mural on the side? That one is awesome!!! I love all of these, they are like a fairytale on water. I have never looked at any roads or houses on the net unless I was searching for something in particular. I wonder if they are somehow secured or stabilized underneath. Otherwise, you could get seasick or vertigo from rocking all the time.

Mevely317 said...

Now, I've no desire to go back to San Francisco, and wonder if being right at Fisherman's Wharf wouldn't smell to high heaven.
I had no idea these in Florida existed, and you know now I'm going to check out the rental in St. Pete. (Keep telling myself, 'You only live once.')

What roads do I travel? Back when I was Pininteresting, I was more interested in grandiose kitchens, bedrooms with fireplaces and reading nooks. Unfortunately, I'd often come away dissatisfied with my own life, so quit taking those fantastical journeys.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow, such beautiful beach houses! The internet is a wonderful thing!

photowannabe said...

Fascinating trip via the internet.
Those houseboats are across the Bridge from SF or perhaps they are further down south in the Monterey area.
Love the colors and if you had one...just think, no lawn to cut!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love those house boats, we could like in one, no problem, as long as it wasn't in California.

Linda said...

I love Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco! It would be SO fun to spend the night in one of these! Remember the movie Sleepless in Seattle?? The house boat Tom Hanks 'lived in?'
Amber and I went on a cruise there after a swim meet and saw it! SO cool!!!

I would even take a house boat on a lake somewhere!! Tahoe, maybe??? In my dreams!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love to travel by internet too. Thank you for sharing your adventure. ❤️

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

How fun! I think that would be a cool vacation! I travel on Google all the time- recently trying to set up a vacation to see the aspens in Colorado.

Carol Henstra said...

One of my sister in-laws daughters is a head nurse in California hospital.
She left home like 19 and she loved it so much. She decided to live there. Loves it there. The house boats are awesome.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know I have been there but I don't remember seeing those houses. The colors are so pretty and that first photo is awesome.