Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day 2023


Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. The three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor Day Weekend.

Greeting brought to you by the MadSnapper and Bing Creative Image...
the clue words were start spangled pool party... 

We Welcome you!


CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for Labor Day! Hurray for September! 👍😊

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is September, it is so pretty and fall-like!! Kisses back!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hope it is a peaceful day for all! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Happy Labor Day! Thankful for all those laborers!
I like the Aristotle quote!
Take care, have a happy day!

Rose said...

I love the 'September!'

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have been completely idle this Labour Day weekend!

Ann said...

Happy Labor Day. Not much of a holiday weekend for me since I had to work yesterday and today is my regular day off. With old boss I used to get another day off during the week if the holiday fell on a regular day off. New boss doesn't know how to schedule so it's just a regular week for me.

Mevely317 said...

AI done good!
I remember when the long Labor Day weekend was an excuse to get in the car and drive as far as we could to have fun before having to rewind. Now that just sounds dreadful (lol).

PS - Happy Day Before.... MUAH!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy birthday eve MS!!!
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...


photowannabe said...

Well AI did it again.."Kisses" to you too.
I'm really trying to get into the September Fall mood...not working, I guess I will have to try harder.
Think we will "LABOR" in the yard again today. We have got to get things weeded and cleaned before the weather goes into icky mode.
Daughter in Law gave us a pile of Gala apples they had picked in some orchard. Don't know if they will end up as pie or my Kuchen recipe from my MiL.
To be continued..

Susan Kane said...

Love the tree September art image! September is a great is on the cusp of autumn weather.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We all had a great time at an RV park on Route 66 yesterday and today!

I'm looking forward the cooler days of Autumn!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hubby had a four day weekend and I got two days. I'll take it though. Happy September.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Early Birthday and Happy Labor Day too!

DeniseinVA said...

Hope it was a great Labor Day for you! Always love your fun pics.