Monday, September 11, 2023

Panic Mode Me

Saturday, 30 Minutes to Wal-Mart Shopping Time, I decided to check my emails.
there were hundreds of emails, almost all from blogger Spam!
No Problem, been there, done that. 
Delete Emails, Do the Spammer Delete thing on Blogger and Done.

I went in to Panic Mode because as fast as I could delete the emails, even 20 at a time, my email was being flooded with emails, also the spammer in blogger was filling up faster than I could delete. I decided to shut MadSnapper blog down, I made it private which meant nothing else could come through. I raced out the door to Walmart and could hardly concentrate on what I was buying because in my head I was under Bot Attack! Research showed it was a gambling online in Hong Kong.  
What you Need to Know!

1. If your being flooded with comments, go to Dashboard/Settings/Permissions/Reader Access and remove Public and change to Private to Author. (you blog will have access only to you) and this will stop it while you follow these steps found HERE.  
What I did is easy. It did take about an hour to delete emails/blog spams, not hard, just time consuming
Two Option's, go to the POST the bot is slamming, and cut off Comments OR
Just Delete the Post. That is what I did. Deleted the post, and nothing since. The bot was hitting only one post.

Of course, there are 2 of thee because I made them in AI and could not decide which one to use. 
I asked Bing Image Creator for Internet Bot and got the four below. I used two of them to make the two above attack bots, all done in Bing.
Good News is it was an Easy fix, after I had the Panic Attack.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief! I hope this doesn't happen to me!

Terra said...

Yikes, a BOT attack, sounds like a scifi prediction come true. That's good you figured out a solution.

easyweimaraner said...

that sounds scary... like the final enemy or a computer game... our modern world is sometimes more scary than medieval...

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for the warning and information!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You may recall that happened to me a couple of years back... the bots look for a specific keyword in posts - and we will never know what that is. As you say, it is easy to sort, but heck, what a nuisance!!! YAM xx

DawnTreader said...

Wow. Shows you're able to keep a cool head in a crisis, rather than giving in to panic, I think!!
I've had spam comments on old posts sometimes, but never to that extent, usually just a few. I have a permanent setting to send all comments to moderation after a certain number of days, so at least spam on old posts does not get published. Thanks for your tips though, I hope I'll remember them if I ever need them!!!

Ann said...

I would have panicked too. You did good figuring out how to get it fixed.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'd have been beside myself. Hong Kong, huh? (*Expletive deleted*)

Thank you for doing this research on our behalf and 'splaining in a manner even I can understand!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have not been subject to a flood of comments, but I do get what is called, I think, fake traffic. Thousand of hits more than is normal are a daily occurrence. It doesn’t seem to affect anything but it is annoying. Do you know how to stop that? If you do, maybe you can email me the solution. I am on vacation in British Columbia right now and wouldn’t deal with it until the weekend when I’ll be home again.

Rose said...

I really hope this never happens to me...

eileeninmd said...

The spam and bots are not nice, I am glad you found an easy fix. Sorry you had to delete a post due to all that spam. I only get a little bit of spam blog comments that I just delete without publishing. I do get more spam emails, mostly trying to get me to click on them I just delete without opening. Take care, have a happy day!

My Mind's Eye said...

Whew that was a scary moment I'm sure. I wish These people with all the skills to hack/create havoc would use their skills to do good. I know I'm talking to the wind.
Hugs Cecilia

Tigger's Mum said...

I'm glad that you knew what to do and have taken notes. Comments on Tigger's blog don't come to my email for moderation - they all go to Blogger. I wonder if the blogger spam function would have been able to cope.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my! I hope I never have that issues but I will save this post in case I need it someday.

DeniseinVA said...

That's awful! Thanks for the tips just in case. I'll be bookmarking your post. Thanks Sandra :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

AI will remember you, they know all about you now.