Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Score for the Big Red Oops


My old Samsung is almost 4 years old. It had been "acting up" or maybe "acting down" is more like it.
Doing strange things. I went to my online carrier to look at phones. The Deal they were offering to me was this phone above. The price was 119.00, BUT it only came with a USB cord. Not even a charger. I would have to buy a charger, and a case which made me OVERTHINK as I always do. I have looked at it about 10 times in the past 6 weeks. I really wanted a new phone but always OVERTHINK.
VENT Here (I have 8 chargers, they will not work, they changed the USB and could not use old charger)

I received an email from a blogger friend, (no name friend, she might want it to be a secret) she said she got a new phone and told me she got Galaxy A14. We traded emails and I thought now is the time. Just Buy It. THAT NIGHT, I turned QVC on to make fun of what they are selling and how many people are buying it, and on the screen was the above DEAL.
Phone, Case, Stand, car charger and House charger, all for the same price as just the PHONE.
I hesitated to take time to OVER THINK. I sat poised to poke the Buy Now Button
 Suddenly I noticed Coupon for 30 dollars off if I were a first-time buyer.  
I clipped, I ordered, and a BIG RED OOPS came up and said Sorry, you don't qualify for 1st time, you ordered 6 years ago.
I had forgotten the Mineral Powder I ordered.
I have no idea what happened but for some reason I got all of the above to my door in 3 days for
One Hundred and Six Dollars.
Score for the Big Red Oops
the Phone appeared 4 days before it said it would and I conquered activating with TracFone but had to call and while talking to the very kind, helpful young man with a heavy Asian accent, he said "I am sorry, Miss, but could you talk a little slower? I am having trouble understanding you.
Bra ha ha, I was having more than a little problem understanding Him.  It took about 30 minutes but even though we repeated everything we said, once again or twice again, the phone now sends, receives text, call/answers and with the same number I had on the old phone. the reason I called, was for help turning the old phone into a backup phone using prepaid minutes.
He said he would call me back at 5:30 he never called. I don't care. He helped me and was nice.
I will make another call AFTER I have poked the new one a thousand times.
Everything transferred from one phone to the other except a couple of apps I have to download
Now I need to get the talk to text person to stop typing shoots when I say sheets and 4 when I say FOR.. I watched YouTube videos for half a day on Sunday, and finally found a few things they chose to HIDE..


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy for you!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I watch Q.V.C. often and order once in awhile. They can have some really good deals. And I am sure you have tried the new phone camera??? Does it have any editing or such?

DeniseinVA said...

That’s great and what an impressive deal! I know you are going to have so much fun with this.

Ann said...

Yeah!!! That was a great deal. I had to go back to the Cricket store when I realized there was no charger with mine and the USB cord wouldn't work with any of the chargers I had.
I found I don't like talking when I'm texting because this phone seems horrible at getting what I'm saying.
You'll have to let me know what they chose to hide.

eileeninmd said...

Nice phone and it is a great deal.
I do not know why they have to change the charger cords so much.
You did good transferring your old phone to the new phone, I am not sure if I could do that. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Bravo! YAM xx

crafty cat corner said...

there's nothing more annoying that when the text prints the wrong word. Matt knows how to overcome this, I must get him to show me.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We’ll done! Somehow it seems symbolic of modern society that a phone that is four years old is considered old and in need of replacement. Hard to believe but we once lived perfectly happy lives without these things altogether.

Rose said...

At least it types shoots instead of another word I won't name...

My Mind's Eye said...

A friend of mine recently had to get a new phone. I think hers was a Galaxy. It has some of the most amazing emojis...such fun to receive an email from her.
Glad you are all set up I'm giggling about OUR ACCENTS
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This post gave me anxiety. I need a new phone and I don't want to go through it. I need a new Chromebook too and don't want to go through it. I have a Galaxy 7 if you can believe that. I'm glad you worked it all out. I don't have the patience to do that. You go girl!

Mevely317 said...

Lucky duck! That's a smokin' deal!
I'm giggling over the voice-to-text feature. I can't decide if that person 'behind the curtain' is ignorant or just enjoys messing with us.

Please let us know how you like it, okay?

photowannabe said...

Wow, good for you..fantastic deal too.
I'm glad (we're glad) to have sons that rescue us from our ignorance. Mark got us new iphone mini's on his plan for free and we pay the same monthly charges as we did with cricket android. The guy at ATT helped us transfer everything and we are good to go. It was stressful learning the new stuff but now we are pretty happy with it and I think the camera is great too.
Your comment about the accents cracked me up..too funny...

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray! I'm glad you're all phonofied and happy too!

Inger said...

I didn't understand all of this, as you know, I'm not tech smart any longer, but I'm happy you got your new phone going and that you think you will love it. My talk to type person thinks Faith's name is FACE! How annoyed Faith would be if she knew.