Saturday, September 9, 2023

Sepsis Awareness Month


I was unaware of Sepsis until 3 years ago when my best friend Madeline had it and was hospitalized and almost died. She got really sick from it a year ago, and the doctor told her after she came back from 3 weeks in hospital that they counted her as dead, that he was very surprised she came back from it. She got better but never back to her normal health. Slowly over the year she got sicker and sicker and after 3 months in hospital/rehab and 3 weeks in ICU, was moved to Hospice and died August 4th, of this year from this dreaded disease. Years of torture from infection in a wound on her leg that was treated for 5 years.
If you would like to know about this disease, please follow this link to meet Sue and here her experience with this disease.
The Portuguese Water Blog,  will take you to her blog, scroll down and start with Hi, remember me? and go up, this is an incredible story. Each day she journals her recovery process and struggle. 

I am including Madeline in Sepsis Awareness, she suffered from it for years and it was the cause of her death.
I still miss you Catherine, Madeline and Carole, and Ann below, and always will and thinking of all of you many times a day, rest without pain to my four lifetime friends.

Ann, Pat, Madeline and Carole. So much fun. below is a copy from FB about those orange socks.

  • Sandra M. Hangey
    he wore those so he would not get lost... great shot of all of you.
  • Sandra M. Hangey
    bob has neon green and neon orange tank tops and i love them
  • Warren Patrick Cetti
    Pat was looking for shirts to match the socks in Kohl's, but he did not find one he wanted. He said to tell Bob to get some of the socks to match his shirts.. I told him I don't think Bob wears socks. He said then he can buy some flip flops to match… 
    See more


Ginny Hartzler said...

It's a horrible thing. My friend has had it twice, and nearly died from it one of those times.

DeniseinVA said...

Yes, it is a horrible thing this sepsis. Someone very dear to us past away from it several years ago.

Linda said...

What a deadly disease! I'm so sorry you have lost so many friends...

Rose said...

I want to follow the link later..

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh no what the heck was going on with all the fake comments.

I didn't know there was a Sepsis awareness day but I am familiar with it. Early in blogging one of my friends from Coastal NC told about her dad having a time with it. He had to have high powered antibiotics via IV for about 2 months.
Your comment section has a kinda funky format
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Sepsis is, indeed, a horrific disease. We though Tom's osteomyelitis was bad, but this sounds even more terrifying. I'm debating with myself about going over to read Sue's experience -- only b/c I'm REALLY suggestable and might start wondering if I have symptoms. Does than even make sense? Like in 6th grade I read "The Triumph of Janice Babson" then had myself believing I, too, had leukemia.

Love the commentary about matching shirts and socks!

PS - Nope, no mysterious comments. (So far, knock wood.)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is such a sad story. Thank you for sharing about Sepsis Awareness.

Mevely317 said...

I'm back from Sue's place. What a strong lady! Not so sure I wouldn't have given up. Thank you for making us aware.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sepsis is horrible and can get out of control so darn fast. Hope you got the AI spam problem fixed.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

From a nick to my intestine on Nov 15 during gall bladder op I became sic from sepsis. Induced coma 3 more surgeries andICU I finally am home from hospital by July 14 but very weak Andes lbs lighter. Buddy was glad to have me home in time for his 50th BD. Today sitting at the kitchen counter I spent time in the kitchen and with help made a plum cake. Hubby has been our cook, I still have daily PSW help for daily bath and wound is healing.
The doc was very sorry for what happened. He did my colon cancer op 16 years ago and we had a good relationship as I survive stage 3 tumor with no chemo follow up. He retired and one of his follers did the final op in June.
This Christmas andvEaster past we’re spent in my hospital room. My family had a lot to deal with as they watched how blood poisoning nearly took my life.
So sorry for your friend and her struggle.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm so glad that "Sue" is better each day. I lost a friend to sepsis a couple of years ago -- Up until that time, I had no idea how severe it could be.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have never had a personal connection with sepsis and I hope I never do. It is truly ghastly. I know of one blogger who went through a terrible time with it. He died from a massive stroke a year later and I have wondered whether there was any connection. I

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for letting us know. I hadn't realized it was so common, and and that so many people lived but suffered the aftermath. I had a parotid gland infection years ago, red streaks going down my neck, feeling very sick, but I was waiting to see if it would get better. When I started shivering even though it was a hot July night I realized I needed to drive down to the emergency room. They gave me an IV of antibiotics and caught it in time. I was relaxed when they said I could die if the antibiotics didn't work, but I was too ignorant to realize I might have to struggle with multiple organ damage. Again, thank you for letting us know. ❤️

Ann said...

I have heard of it and know a little bit about it but not much. I'll have to follow your link.