Tuesday, October 3, 2023

1953-1954 Kentucky Family Firsts


David and Sandra, 1953, first climb up a mountain

In 1952, when I was 8 years old, my dad, went to a revival, along the lines of Billy Graham's revivals, at Bull Street Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia. His life and ours changed forever when he walked down the aisle and gave himself to Jesus Christ as his Savior. A few months after that he was asked to be the speaker at a small church and accepted the call to become a minister. 

1954 Rock City North Georgia

We were very poor, living in a converted chicken coop in his sisters back yard. His mother had raised 7 children by herself, running a general store and caring for his dad who had a massive stroke when Daddy was in the 8th grade. His dad was in a wheelchair and had to be cared for, and Daddy being the eldest, quit school to help with the store and his dad. This meant he had to get a GED high school diploma and go through the seminary to become a licensed minister. There were not many seminaries that would accept students without a high school diploma. someone told Daddy about Clear Creek Baptist Preachers School in Pineville, Kentucky. They would let him get his high school diploma while in Seminary training. My grandfather you saw in yesterday's photos died in a car accident at the beginning of 1953 and the insurance check to my mother was 10,000 dollars. A lot of money in 1952. The money she received lasted the entire five years we were in Kentucky with enough to move us back to Savannah, when he was called to pastor a church there. Daddy was pastor of Dewitt Baptist Church, Pineville Kentucky and Sloans Valley Baptist Church, Somerset, Kentucky.
some this story is under the label Appalachian Mountain Preacher.

These Photos are all that is left of our five years living in Kentucky. 

First frozen waterfall 1953

1st Mountain 1953

1953 Balonga and Mayo and white bread sandwiches Picnic on side of a mountain 

1954 Sandra, David, Daddy

Sandra, 1953, roadside Motel cabin. Daddy called them Mirror Courts, because we stayed in one that was named that. we traveled from KY to GA off and on from 1953 to Dec 1959 

SNOW! never seen before 1953.

1954 Rock City NC Sandra and David

Daddy Sandra, David 1954 rock City

First creek with rocks 1953 Daddy, David and Sandra. Daddy made a whirly gig boat and we watched it float away in the small waterfall.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, what a STORY!! Now I want to know just what that chicken coop looked like. I loved looking at these pics, of Madsnapper history. Phil is a preacher's son too.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you so much for the pictures and the memories. Bologna and mayo sandwiches reminds me of when I was a kid too.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
this is delightful to see and read, Sandra - thank you for sharing this intimate history. YAM xx

Ann said...

What a wonderful story. I'm guessing your mom was the family photographer since she isn't in any of the pictures :)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful story and memories. I love the old family photos.
Take care, have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

This is a very interesting part of your family’s history with great photos!

DawnTreader said...

How wonderful that these "lost" photos were found and you got to see them again!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I wonder what your Dad would have thought of Donald Trump? Would he have been part of the MAGA-espousing Christian right?
An interesting childhood you had, Sandra.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra what amazing pictures and stories to go with them.
Your sons will love having all this information on family.
I love a good bolonga sammich. I still like my sammiches with mayo on one side of the bread and yellow mustard on the other side.

Inger said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures. And stories. Chicken coop?You really went through some hard times, but still, so many good memories of your dad and growing up with David at your side. I too had a younger brother. And didn't I just ask if you had ever seen snow? Now I know.

photowannabe said...

Thank you so much for sharing your history with us. I knew your growing up years wee difficult but they were harder than I imagined.
I admire your Dad getting his GED and Seminary at the same time and then being called into the ministry.
Memories...I'm glad you have gotten the photos and are sharing them with us.

Mevely317 said...

How this story and your photographs warm my heart!
Your father sounds like a right, stand-up-get-r-done sort of person. Even without the $10k, I'll he would have found a way to get that degree.

I've always heard of Rock City but never visited. Mostly what I remember are those concrete picnic tables and accommodations. I think my parents called them motor courts.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful memories!! So glad your brother found these pictures, and SO happy you are sharing the memories that go with them!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was an interesting story and the photos were so cool to see. Hey, I had those same sandwiches growing up.

Rose said...

I.am loving these old pics and hearing stories of your life.