Friday, October 6, 2023

1980 Chevy C-10


The group of photos my brother's wife mailed to me, took most of my weekend. After going through the box of old photos, I spent all morning Saturday, taking out all my albums and organizing, moving them into the bookcase under our TV and organizing the cabinet they were in... I found many photos in the albums I had forgotten we had.

We are all of us Truck People, in 1988, The black and white blazer at the back belonged to my 21 years old son Dan. The El Camino truck belonged to my son David, 23-year-old. the step side above was Bobs, but I loved it so much we sold my 78 grand Prix to David, because his El Camino Died Dead on the interstate and I took the Silver Truck naming it the Silver Bullet, due to the fact it had a 401 chevy big block and 4 in the floor transmission.

 Bob bought yet another truck, 1978 GMC Jimmy named James. the tires had 36 inch lifters and I had to rappel up and down to get in it. But I was 43 then. Now there is no way to get me up in it. We sold the 64 Cadilac and bought a mattress, then bought the 78 Corvette in 1987 to lie in the garage he kept the old Cadillac in. None of us at that time had ever owned a new car...

I may or may not have gotten in a drag race with teens driving a 72 Chevy while shopping for groceries and may or may not have raced a man in a truck while driving the Corvette.  We all love speed.

Bob and I got our first ever new truck in 2004, for my 61st Birthday, that still sits in our garage
it still looks like New since it has lived its life inside a garage. And I let bob have it when I bought who knows what. the above truck, bob was driving over the sunshine skyway going to work, and a pelican dove into the windshield, and ended up in his lap, he drove on to work, his clothing and glass in his hair and beard, worked all day, had the insurance come out and put in a new windshield to drive home and I had to brush his hair to get the glass out. 
I think it was because the pelican thought it was blue sky, it was so high and reflected the sky in it.

2004 GMC Serria, 8 cylinder 354 engines. All of the above trucks were fast and gas guzzlers and now i realize we contributed to the climate change that is suffocating us with heat.
Now son Daniel and his wife have twin trucks, 2016 Dodge Ram Trucks. and i drive an Ugly 2007 Kia Sorento SUV. UGH..


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...I am guessing that was the Pelican's last flight... Quite the shock for Bob, too. I understand your love of these trucks. Sitting high like I now do in The Grey, makes such a difference for driving! YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

I have enjoyed reading about your history with trucks. That pelican collision sounded scary.

Cathy said...

lol Sandra…I just can’t see you as a petrol head. Have you always been that way?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your story reads like the classic tale of a southern redneck, and a I am sure you are not that. I am quite the opposite, I buy the cheapest, smallest vehicle that will serve my needs and drive it until it’s almost a disgrace to take out. For twenty years now my vehicles have been Volkswagens and I am pretty sure it will stay that way. We don’t drive nearly as much anyway in recent years, and our next vehicle will certainly be hybrid or electric.

DawnTreader said...

Impressive collection of cars. I've never driven anything that big myself...

Ann said...

You two sure owned some nice vehicles over the years. I would have challenged you to a race if I had seen you on the I've got a bit of a lead foot.
The most impressive car I've ever had was my very first one. It was a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am.

eileeninmd said...


I can imagine it is hard to climb into those trucks. It is nice to drive while sitting higher up. Hubby and I have stick to our Toyota Corollas, we have two now. My son loves the trucks, he has a Ram now. The pelican story does sound scary. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So you still have the new truck? Why don't you sell it? I have not been able to get up in a truck for at least ten years. The pelican story is amazing! I am guessing that nothing fazes Bob. The 1980 chevy is cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for thinking of me this morning! I have a super early doctor appointment, so we went to bed early. We will come home and crawl back into bed.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We love trucks too. My hubby was driving a Chevy truck when I met him. Love the old photos and glimpses of the past! You need a truck just for you! lol

photowannabe said...

Love your delve back into your Speed photos.
We never owned any interesting car. they were always just for getting around.
I did love my very first car, It was a little manual white Nash Rambler.
We literally drove that and our other cars until they absolutely died.
Thanking the Good Lord that our 1999 Honda Accord passed its Smog and we are good for another 2 years. After all the trouble we have had in the past year or so..all I can say is Thank You Lord.
It would be fun to see you "Dragging"

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I can close my eyes and imagine you revving the engine getting ready to race!

My Mind's Eye said...

I am so very very late. In yesterday's mail which arrived at 4:15. I had info from my Humana Medicare Supplemental stating my PCP would not longer be accepting their supplemental ins as of 10/31/23. I spent nearly 3 1/2 hours on the phone this morning changing setting myself up with a new doctor and getting all the paper work in order. It is all set and the new PCP is in a larger practice with all types of docs and 5 miles from home and not travel on interstate raceways requried
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Okay, Bob gets the "Cool Hand Luke" award for grace under pressure! Me? If that suicidal pelican had flown through my windshield I'd might have driven right off the side of the Skyway.

How I wish I'd thought to photograph my/our old cars (among other things). What a neat collection! Pretty sure I missed every bit when they were passing out need-for-speed genes. Yep, I'm that little old lady.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Of course I remember all of those fun vehicles and many of them were in our family too.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm with Myra, I'm a pokey old lady too. I just drive the couple of blocks to the grocery store.

Love your story about all your vehicles! 👍😊

Tigger's Mum said...

That is a serious collection of 'trucks'! I learned to drive in a 48 Ford V8 pick up truck when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My dad put a handle throttle on the steering colomn because I couldn't reach the accelerator. Changing gears involved sliding under the steering wheel and losing sight of the paddock while I wrestled the clutch and gear lever. Changing down was an exercise in co-ordination to rev the engine between gear selects. My brother (3 years younger) and I used to have to feed hay off that truck to sheep when we got home from school because Dad used to have to work off the farm when times were a bit lean. That truck was a torquey old stager. You could pull away in low gear at just idling revs.