Friday, October 13, 2023

Bigger than a coffee pot


Avocado as big as a coffee pot, fell in our yard,
Our neighbor Willie, said if it fell on your head, that would be Hard.

I bit the dust,
Said I will use my own shopping bags if I must!
The problem is, my memory cells are dead,
I keep walking in the store, without a thought in my head,
Any Solutions you can, see? 
NOTE! the blue and white canvas bag is 20 years old. It was yellow from age. I cleaned it with a
wet Mr Clean Magic Eraser and it worked like MAGIC!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would never have thought to use the eraser on canvas, what an awesome idea!!! I will try and remember this, and do it!

easyweimaraner said...

we use a ginormous felt bag ... and if we go shopping, we throw da handbag inside of the big felt bag.. and if we see something we need (or want like shitnooneneedsandwhatgetsonlydustyonashelf) the handbag goes to the shoulder and the felt bag becomes the shopping bag... your neihghbor is right... if that big avocado lands on the head of someone that could hurt.. its an Awe!-ocado then...

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)
My daughter and I always use large shopping bags which are kept in the car, but if you shop on foot why not leave your clean canvas bag near the door where you will see it as you leave the house. That enormous avocado could cause serious damage if it fell on someones head.n flowers

You are quite right Sandra, if they get the chance, many wild animals feed off our garden flowers, so perhaps I'm making too bigger fuss than needed about my geraniums. We will see!

Ann said...

The tote looks brand new. I didn't know magic erasers would work on canvas.
I try to use the reusable bags but I always forget. I even keep them in my car but I walk in the store without them.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We have been using our own bags and totes for years now and I always keep several in the trunk. Grocery stores no longer offer plastic bags and even if you use their paper bags there is a charge.

Rose said...

When I worked at the orchard, there was a Granny Smith whose limbs were loaded with huge apples. I was trying to.ease through on my machine...picture limbs drooping loaded down with apples. One fell and hit me on the head..I saw stars. I think that was the first time I ever knew you really could see stars from a hit on the head.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Again I have avo-envy... I, too, have been using 'life bags' for many years. It was encouraged in Australia as much as 20 years back (Coles used to offer a dollar off your bill for using your own bags). I have little fold-away bags that I keep in my pockets or purse, as well as the larger solid ones like your canvas (which looks fab, BTW). So it is rare for me to be caught out with no bag to carry anything. Here in the UK, Scotland and then England later now charge 5p per carrier bag if you take from them. YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

We keep the re-usable shopping bags in the car. But, we have gone inside the store and forgot and had to run back to the car. That is one huge avocado!
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We always take ice packs for the ice chest when we shop so I guess it would be the time to include shopping bags. It will become a habit...eventually!

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, that looks brand new!
But what happens if what you buy won't all fit?

'Scuze me while I go pull out the insulated and canvas bags gathering wool in the office closet. Great minds!

Inger said...

Someone may have said this already, but what I do is bury my purse under all the shopping bags I need to bring into the store. It works for the most part.

DawnTreader said...

I've never seen an avocado that big!
When I walk to the supermarket I take a backpack, and inside that I always keep a some extra bags (plastic or fabric). When I walk I can't shop more than I can carry in the backpack + one hand-held bag. Every other week I order online with home delivery, then I get everything delivered in paper bags (and those go to recycling or I'd be drowning in them by now). There is no alternative so that's just how it is.

My Mind's Eye said...

Whoa if that avocado fell on you head it might give you a serious headache.
I have 4 re-useable bags for groceries. Harris Teeter doesn't require them YET but thus far I have managed to always have them.
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...That is a humungous avocado!!!

I always try and keep my grocery bags in the passenger front seat of the car...that way I USUALLY don't forget them LOL

photowannabe said...

Guilty of forgetting my canvas bags often. My remedy is to just load the groceries back into the cart and then when I get to the car I put all the things into the bags so I can carry them in the house. Works great for me.
Man, that's one huge avocado...sure wish we had them. Store ones are tiny and very expensive.
Magic Eraser is terrific for so many things. Use them all the time.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I've sure never seen an avocado that big, WOW!

Millie and Walter said...

I too have what I call a "bag of bags" that I bring into the store when I go shopping (they outlawed plastic bags a while ago here). My trick for remembering to bring my shopping bags in the store with me is to loop the strap of my purse through the straps of the "bag of bags". That way when I go to pick up my purse, I can't help but grab the "bag of bags" too.

Linda said...

I love redeeming things!!! Like your bag! It looks great!
Oh how I would love to get my hands on some of your avocadoes!

DeniseinVA said...

It certainly would, it’s huge! We’re always forgetting to take the bag back into the car after bringing the groceries in the house. Mr. Clean’s magic eraser, I’ll have to try that. I usually have a Clorox wipe but always like to change this around.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm impressed by that avocado! And by how clean the tote bag looks. Nice job!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Wow that avocado is huge.
Are there more to come?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a big avocado for sure! I always put the bags on the other seat in the car when I'm heading to the grocery store.

Debby@Just Breathe said...
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