Thursday, October 5, 2023

Breaking News!


Breaking news!  A stabbing occurred at the MadSnapper home, at approximately 11 AM, Wednesday morning. My apologies for the interruption of the Photos Received in My Mail.
It was not a case of suicide, even though the stabbing was done by the atm of the injured person.

In an effort to assist my husband by filling the ice trays and returning to the freezer, I sat them on the shelf and as I was withdrawing my arm, the Bag of Frozen Strawberries, sliced a tiny hole, FELT like a big hole, and proceeded to bleed under the skin.

this causes me to sit the phone on the counter and set on selfie trying to get a shot of it and the phone said, if you show the phone, you PALM, it will take and auto selfie in 3 seconds. 
Brahahahaha.. it worked and I decided to lean on the counter and try again.
That's all folks. 
PS Next time I try it, I will come my hair, put on makeup, and not get so CLOSE to the camera.
Who knew Bags Can be Lethal?
What is the craziest thing you have been stabbed by?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Plenty of things, just like you. I was just attacked a day ago by an ice-cube tray. I had to go to the E.R. because I tore my nail off putting on my underpants. We both have that old thin skin. It is really thin and sensitive. I am also famous for dropping soap bottles on my foot, and breaking it. I now have a big burn on the top of my hand, where it hit the top coil of the toaster oven. That's funny. Even though you are injured, you are so happy because you were able to snap it. I would have been, too.

DeniseinVA said...

Good grief! That’s quite a bruise! Sorry that happened. I hope it isn’t too painful. Great selfies!

Ann said...

I have a deadly kitchen knife that doesn't stab me but it likes to slice open my fingers.
I've never been attacked by frozen food. This morning however, my night stand did attempt to break my wrist.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ye gods... just proving the home is one of the most dangerous environments on the planet! I did stick myself with a stitch marker last week - it went up inside my thumb nail. Yeeechh.. YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t even have to rely on external devices. My teeth decided to attack my tongue the other days while I was chewing on a sandwich. I have bitten my tongue before, the odd time, but not with the gusto of this chomp. It hurt then and it’s still tender now.

eileeninmd said...

There are too many dangerous items in our homes. I am clumsy so I am always ending up with bruises and cuts. The auto selfies are neat, well done.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I am ls yuh ing in bed almost shaking th rd bed because I am laughing so hard at zdabids answers.

Mevely317 said...

Ouchie! Someone needs to put warning labels on those things.
Aside from a carving knife lurking under the soapsuds (my fault!), the only thing I remember stabbing me was that darn cast-iron assembly that holds up the bed's box springs. (Can't think of the name, but it's evil.)

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL I've always heard the most accidents happen within a 2 mi distance from home. However, it appears yours were smack in the middle of your kitchen

I love the words you made out of Brian's name...
Did you leave them on his blog too?
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry about that. Glad you are okay. My arms look like that everyday. Being on a blood thinner I have bruises and cuts everywhere.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)

Oh I'm so sorry this happened I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I'm always getting bruises from sticks, twigs, thorns, and other things in the garden. I also bite my lip which can be quite painful. Your selfies are great.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

It doesn't seem to matter anymore what I get stabbed or scraped by- my skin is going to make a ridiculous deal out of it and either bleed like a stuck pig or bruise like someone hit me. My skin is too thin from years of sun damage. That durned strawberry bag!

photowannabe said...

Wow, yours looks like the one I posted 3 weeks ago! It took exactly 3 weeks to go away completely.
Old skin is such a pain. It seems even the corner of the wall can jump out and clobber me. bang and I say to myself..oh no, here we go again.
I wish I could send my neighbor to you too. this yard work just never ends but I am thankful for the progress being made. Its going to get done. We are having another heatwave this weekend. Really don't want to work outside when it gets to 98+F. I'll use any excuse haha

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

LOL....thanks for always keeping us up to date on current events!

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, Lethal Weapon South! I'm sure glad it wasn't worse. Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, you have plenty of company. Good for you for the selfies and turning it into a blog post. 😊👍❤️

DawnTreader said...

The morning after I got back home from our two-day holiday trip in August I noticed a sore bump surrounded by a big bruise on my inne upper arm (right) - and no memory whatsoever of any incident that might have caused it. Took weeks to go away and I still haven't got a clue...