Sunday, October 8, 2023

Gary and Pat, 1957

There were 6  of these small books, each with 12 photos in it. Two were the photos you saw yesterday of myself and my brother as children. The others were of  

this beautiful lady, my mother's sister, Pat. She was 9 years old when I was born in 1944 and was more like a sister to me than my aunt.

Gary was a few weeks old in these photos. The Odd thing is, most of the books they were in, were developed here in Bradenton, just a few blocks from the house we live in now. 
The odd thing is, the photos of us were taken in Kentucky. Here were taken here. The 1954 photos of us were developed here, the 1957 developed in Somerset, Kentucky.
No idea how that happened. We were never here in those 5 years we lived up there.
I will never know. 

On the 29th of September, I texted my cousin Gary, see below with his daughter, Stephanie. He replied quickly and said these photos are 70 years old today. It turned to be his Birthday and he was out with family for his birthday.
Gary was happy to be 70. All of us cousins, always celebrate when we reach age 64 and each year past that, because my grandmother, my mother and my aunt all died at age 63.
We are all well past 63 except for Gary's youngest sister, who is about to turn 60 on Dec 4th, 2023.
you met Shari and Bonnie in all my Cousins Posts. They are Gary's sisters.

Below Bonnie, Shari, and Sandra, ME the MadSnapper...  there were 6 of us, and Gary's brother died in 2020. My brother is the 6th, the one who mailed these photots to me. He does NOT allow photos of him on line.  This is the end of the photos that were mailed to me.... but wait there are more stories


eileeninmd said...

Happy birthday to Gary! It is great to see all these old family photos.
Happy Sunday, have a wonderful week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can only imagine the pleasure you have derived from going through all these old photographs and reliving precious memories.

Rose said...

I cant wait to hear more stories.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)

How lovely to have such an extended family and the pictures of some of them with their babies.
what wonderful memories. Which one is sitting on the sofa with the Panda. I never had a bear when i was a child, but I loved Panda, a gift from my father. All my family, and my deceased husband's family, brothers and sisters have all passed away, so the Gonçalves line has ended as my son and daughter in -law could not have any children.

NanaDiana said...

What wonderful, wonderful old pictures and Happy Birthday to Gary. That is so odd about the printing of them, though. I wonder how they were printed there. I hope you have a wonderful week. xo Diana

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Golly though, you all got the 'purty' gene! YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra you 100% found your pot of Gold when you discovered all these photos.
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

It's so much fun to look at the old photos, thanks for sharing them with us. I go back through my folks' albums every once in a while. It's always a bit nostalgic to see them when they were young.
Tomorrow would have been their 90th wedding anniversary. So long ago...

DeniseinVA said...

I loved these photos of you all, such treasures! Love the stories too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

HERE you finally are! Pat looks just like your Mom!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Those pictures are so precious. Happy birthday to Gary!

Mevely317 said...

I remember those little photo 'books'! Come to think of it, there may be one or two in mother's hope chest.
Your aunt was such a pretty new mother, and Gary's a handsome man. Happy birthday, Gary!

PS - I often think of my dad passing at only 68; I've beat him by 4 years but still have 16 to catch up with my mother.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are terrific photos and I sure remember those little photo books.

diane b said...

Great photos and great memories. You had a lucky find there.

Ann said...

What a great treasure those photos are. You're aunt was a very pretty lady. Look forward to hearing more stories.

Juno said...

Lovely post! So nice to see you and your cousins celebrate to honour this incredibly beautiful lady.

Juno and mom