Sunday, October 15, 2023

Haircut Twelve WEEKS Sunday Selfie


Rememeber the Murder of my Hair by Salon Hairdresser. It was on August 12.
Finally on Oct. 8, 2023 the hair had grown 12 weeks and now Mama is happy. 

bottom right is the after 12 weeks haircut by hubby BOB

 JUST HOW I LIKE IT! Perfect in every way!

Except for one NOT SO SMALL THING.
I have a 1/34 inch cut on my left ear.
Can you see the blood stop Band-Aid? 
But the hair looks good. All I do is wash, let it dry by itself and Fluff with hands and gone.


Ginny Hartzler said...

That hairdresser really did a number on you. She must have been the hairdresser for the Three Stooges. How come Bob can cut hair so good? So glad your cut was not any worse!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)
It now looks like a modern hair cut, and looks very professional. Too bad about the scissor cut, but Bob did such a good job on your hair. The before photos made me smile:=)

Ann said...

Looks perfect. I have that kind of hairstyle where I just wash and go. I don't use a blow dryer or anything.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Maybe Bob has a suppressed desire to be a surgeon and he was making a practice cut. Watch out next time, your ear may disappear!

diane b said...

Well done Bob! It looks great now.keep him as your hairdresser.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Definitely better!!! (though I make that your right ear - unless you were using 'mirror' for the selfie? Either way, ouch...) YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Bob did a great job, you should stick to Bob as your hairdresser.
But, I hope he didn't cut your ear? Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

It does look good.. what is more important is you like it.

Mevely317 said...

Looking good! I'm so happy that smile's back on your face.
All my life, my hair's been a cross to bear. Finally, I quit spending $$$ and ridiculous chunks of time, and now most of the time I don't even pay attention.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOB well done!!! I'm sorry about the ear nick...MOL MOL
When rescued cats have a nick on their ear in a V shape, it means they have been neuter/spayed.
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I'm so glad you are safely back to Bob cutting your hair. I forget why you went to the hairdresser. So much has to do with luck in finding the right person who understands what you are saying and asking for in a cut. I have a good one fortunately.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love short hair and this style suits you. I always cut my boy's hair and if I nicked them...I had to give them $1! hehehehe!

photowannabe said...

You look Mahvelous darling...
You are happy and all is good. Sorry about the nick to your ear though. Ouchy.
Be thinking of me tomorrow Monday. I am substituting for Lynne's regular Monday person.. It will be a 10 hour day involving all 3 meals. Trying to not stress too much about it . Friday was a good day so I'm hoping this will be too.

Susan Kane said...

definitely better! Haircuts can go bad quickly.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good job Bob. How cool to have hair that grows!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your haircut, but maybe you can learn to do the part around your ears yourself?

Linda said...

I love your haircut and I wish I had YOUR hair! Mine is really thin and more so in some places so I am growing ot out so I can pull it up and do buns, French twists and such. I do cut my own bangs and then eventually have my hairdresser FIX them!! I'm due for one of those fixes soon!

DeniseinVA said...

Ouch on your cut but your hair looks real pretty.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your hair looks great and it sounds really easy to take care of. Sorry about your ear. What you need to do is that when you find a new person you show her that photo. Or is Bob going to do it?