Thursday, October 26, 2023

Life is Hard

While looking for band aids, a fellow shopper and I discussed how hard it was to find merchandise because the store is remodeling. 

She pulled out her phone and said if you open your Wal-Mart APP it will show you which aisle the item is on. I said I don't have the app. She offered to show me how it worked, and I was impressed. 

I rushed home downloaded the app and did what she did and there was no info showing. I found the item but no aisle. I wasted an hour and a lot of frustration trying to make it work. I could not find the screens she showed me.

two days later.......

I stood at the Customer Service desk in Walmart, returning a purchase. I pulled out my cell and said could you show me where I find the aisle items are in? She answered sure, I poked it several times and it opened, and it was a screen I had not seen, I said I did not have this at home, this is easy, it had all the information needed on front screen, so easy a 3-year-old could do it and with 3 pokes I knew where the calendars were. I said, this is easy, but I got none of this at home.

She Smiled and said, it knows when you are in the store, it talks to the store, you have it set on this store, but if you went in another store, it would say, please pick the correct store and give you the ones in your location. It can't give the aisle in your home.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I had no idea about ANY of this!! I would have been the same as you. How does it know when you are in the store?

Ginny Hartzler said...

We're not stupid, we're just cerebrally challenged.

easyweimaraner said...

what? that is really possible? that is like an episode of futurama for me... I will look if we have such a thing too... or maybe I pass it, bevor it ends like the adventures with the photo shack...

Cathy said...

Big Brother is definitely watching you!
I’m not an app person so I’d just go to customer service - or any ‘sales staff’ on the floor (if you can find one) and ask them.

Ann said...

I've used the app in the store to find out what the price of an item is but I didn't know it would tell me what aisle something was in. Now I'm going to have to check it out the next time I go to Walmart.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Both helpful...and spooky! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

That is a helpful app, definitely worth having while you are shopping.
They do move things around to make room the all the Christmas decorations.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I see a new app in my future!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure this is all very useful, but, Luddite that I am, I am quite sure that I will never use it.

Sandi said...

Don't be embarrassed. Sometimes I feel like we've just beamed aboard the Enterprise. All this new stuff to figure out!

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL LOL LOL so it cannot help you find your glasses, keys or coffee cup. LOL
I really dislike it when a store 'reorganizes aka improves'
it means a mess for the customers
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I wish I knew about that last year when they totally rearranged our store! I shouldn't let things like that bother me -- b/c Tom's the same way and we were spitting nails by the time we walked out, fussing at one another.

You know, before even getting out of bed, I had to check that on my phone. When I just Google WM, you're right. It doesn't show the products' locations. But if I go in my shopping cart in the app, it does. I'm getting too old for this!

photowannabe said...

Not stupid at all, it all made perfect sense to me the way you did it.
I guess for now I shall continue to roam the aisles until I find what I'm looking for...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love that you took the time to learn, and asked questions to start using it correctly!!

My husband uses this app for Walmart....and Home Depot also has an app that does the same thing that he uses! I'm too lazy, this morning I looked for baby powder for 20 minutes LOL

carol l mckenna said...

Technology was suppose to make our life easier and now it is just more complex ~ sigh ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

CheerfulMonk said...

Now you know! No reason to feel embarrassed... I'm glad you asked. At our local Smith's I can go online to our store and see if they have an item I'm looking for. If they do they tell me the aisle number.

DeniseinVA said...

Don't be embarrassed, it's easy for someone who works there and probably explains to many of the customers who have the same problem as you. I think it's easy to be discombobulated by all these things, and what might work in one store, doesn't work in another because they have different programs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Those are very helpful apps to have. Target and Home Depot also show the aisle and bin location on their sites. It is so hard these days to find anyone who works in the store - so this makes it a lot easier. We sure hope they keep the dog food and treats and toys aisles updated:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

I never go to WalMart and I probably never will again. They only have self check outs here and I'm fine with tech but those things hate me.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Although not a Way-Mart shopper, I believe other large stores also have this same feature, which I have never used myself. And, Sandra, you are far from stupid, as we all know.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The is interesting about the app. I have to buy my bandages from Amazon because I can never find the ones that are easy on the skin.