Wednesday, October 18, 2023

New Products in the house

I hit Amazon a few days ago. My kitchen countertop has been covered in teeny tiny sugar ants for over a week. I am allergic to bug spray, as in ER visit, allergic and also don't want chemicals around Beau.

 One of my blogs friends lives in a desert, in CA and she had a MOUSE IN THE HOUSE... She did not want to kill the mouse; he was way too cute. I feel the same way!

See what I mean? AI and I created these.
Are they cute or what? Who could harm one of these cuties?

After much research she landed on PEPPERMINT. and purchased the above bottle of Mighty Mint.
She sprayed the base boards and has since then seen no mouse in the house or evidence thereof.
The stuff works, roaches, spiders, ants. I love it.

I sprayed the entire kitchen, and Bob while watching the news was heard to shout "WHAT ARE OUR DOING" WHAT IS THAT SMELL?"
Warning, it is strong, but I like peppermint. The smell leaves in 24 hours. Don't spray at bedtime.
Ingers blog is Desert Canyon Living, and some of you follow her. I can't post a link, because her comments section disappeared as did her side bar. She did nothing, it just happened.
I sent emails to help and No matter what she does and believe me, she did a lot, there is no commenting.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I may have to get this. I wonder if it works on spiders. I will go to Amazon and read the comments. Let us know if the ants go away.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, I used peppermint oil in Australia - been no requirement here in Scotland. I had been trying to work out what happened at Inger's blog, too... 'tis one of those etherwobble mysteries, I fear... YAM xx

Cathy said...

Peppermint oil has so many uses…someone recommended I spray it around door and window frames to keep spiders out. Don’t have an ant problem- or a spider one either

easyweimaraner said...

all the good luck may the mighty mint will be with you... it's great that we can help us even without chemical bombs...

Tigger's Mum said...

I didn't realize peppermint was that offensive. I know Pennyroyal would have that effect but it is toxic for cats and dogs.

Ann said...

I've heard of peppermint being a good pest repellent. There was another scent too but I can't remember what it was.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Glad you found a product that works.

eileeninmd said...

I have used the peppermint spray too, it is a scent that does not bother me.
I do not like the chemicals around the house or yard. Take care, have a great day!

Mevely317 said...

Good to know! I like that it won't affect our fur babies.
We've a spray bottle containing peppermint essential oil + tap water that I use to spray on the bushes out front to repel spiders. (Those suckers have already begun 'weaving', so thanks for this reminder!)

Plus, I read a few years ago that deeply inhaling peppermint helps alleviate constipation, so I keep a little vial of that oil in my bathroom vanity.

My Mind's Eye said...

All that unusually cold weather must have made the ants look for warmth. Glad they are gone. My B has a very sensitive nose to aromas too
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I'm so happy the spray works for you too! I do spray in the evening, but just the bottoms of front and back doors, where I suspect they can come in at night. I still haven't seen, heard or sensed a mouse in the house. And yes, I can sense if there's some critter in here that doesn't belong.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I use peppermint opil for spiders here...I spray all my patio furniture with an peppermint oil/water mixture on the Spring and Fall for all things buggy!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I follow Inger and hope she can get her comment box up soon. Thanks for helping her. Hugs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well now, that's a most useful find, hooray!

Rose said...

I need to try that for something at the old house...

DeniseinVA said...

I have heard about peppermint being good for pest control. I'll try this. Thanks for the info. Chemicals make me feel ill and I have been trying to stay on the 'green' path for a long time now. I am sorry to read about Inga's issues. I hope it sorts itself out soon.

photowannabe said...

Oh if only the mice were really that cute!!!
I must remember that spray for ant and spider control. Sounds really good and not an offensive oder.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you found something safe to use. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a great suggestion. Thanks for sharing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Question. It says peppermint oil but is the spray oily?