Saturday, October 14, 2023

Stop in the name of love

thanks for stopping by. Nothing much to report. This is a photo practice shot of taking a selfie by holding the handout and waving it. Hold left arm out as far as I can, wave hand.
Just remember to remove the hand before it counts down from Three.

Bob and I both went for 6-month body scan at the dermatologist. We had his finger prick, known as INR to test his coumadin in blood, at 8:30, and Bob at 9:25, Me at 9:50 and we were there a while.
I am fine, 3 frozen thingys
he had TWELVE frozen things, a biopsy on face that looks like carcinoma and the back might be another Melanoma. She removed two places about the size of a pencil eraser, if you can remember back that for when we used pencils.
Waiting for results. He has had 3 melanomas; this will be 4. 
Beaus lab work results came in an amazing PERFECT. Vet's words, not mine. Will post the text from vet on Beaus blog, to keep a record.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, it's so tiny. So it was sent off to a lab?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A price to pay for the Florida lifestyle, eh? Hope all gets cleared up in good haste.

I just updated my camera app (and up to Android 14)... some snazzy new bits in there, but still no hand gesture to click... YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I hope the results come back as OK. It is such a tiny spot, it is good you both go for the checkups. Take care, have a great day!

Ann said...

Good that you guys go for regular check ups and they can catch things like this when they are still small. Hope all goes well with lab work.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In recent years I have developed a few moles and skin blemishes so I went to have them checked. I was told that they are the “barnacles of life” and nothing to worry about, save that it mars my otherwise already less that perfect physiognomy!

My Mind's Eye said...

I had my annual dermatologist appointment last week.
Here's hoping everything is ok with Bob!!
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Not until 2015 did I ever consult a dermatologist ... for some reason I can't even recall. Growing up, I never remember hearing folks talking about skin cancers, much less hearing the word "dermatologist."
I'm glad they exist, but have to wonder if that industry is a result of the last 50 years solar exposure and/or (dare I say it?) climate change.

Prayers for Bob's lab results!

photowannabe said...

Good for you having the check ups. Getting rid of those spots is good for your lives. Not fun but worth it in the long run.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)

I hope the results are good, and it is not a carcinoma. I went to a dermatologist this week to get a second opinion on a sore I have on my forehead. The week before I had a phone call from another dermatologist whom I had seen the week before who took a photograph of the sore, and she told me that she and her colleges thought I should be operated because it is a carcinoma. Unfortunately or fortunately the diagnosis was the same from the second dermatologist, so I am going to have it surgically removed soon I hope.

DeniseinVA said...

A fancy trick with your phone. Thanks for sharing that. Good that you are all taking care of these things. You really are a great role model for us all out here, along with this information. Glad Beau is doing great also.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We go to derm together and it's becoming a "who is going to get burned today" saga every trip. I've only have one BCC, and Mark, none. But we both have the freezes done every trip. That hurts!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's great news about Beau. Sorry about the skin visits. Andy goes every six months for his preventative treatments. They are not fun.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Paws crossed for Bob - And I'm glad for the report for Beau was good.
And I have to grin about your reference being the size of a pencil eraser. I can't even remember when the last time was I used a pencil with an eraser.
🤗 --Take care, and be well my blogging friend!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I can relate, I have my derm appointment coming up on Wednesday. I've had both of those too. Hooray for Beau.

Rose said...

I know you are glad to have these appts over...I hope not more cancer on Bob.